Hey everyone Welcome to the group. I am the owner of this group. My name is Rachel I am 22 years old. Happily married and a stay at home wife. I am started my own business making crafts in my free time. I have been losing weight for the last few months because I wanted to prepare for my next pregnancy. Ive lost 35lbs so far.. Im pretty excited. My last pregnancy I was 35lbs heavier. Hopefully I can lose some more before I get pregnant. What is everyones motivation? Tell me a little about yourselves.


  • natureofthings1965
    natureofthings1965 Posts: 6 Member
    Let's do this thing!! My name is Emma I am a single Mum of two.... I want to lose over 20lbs and am on day 25 of Jillian Michaels Body Revolution.... look forward to squat challenge!!
  • scronen
    scronen Posts: 98 Member
    Hey everyone. ..I'm Stephanie, 32, married with 5yr old twin boys and 2 dogs. I'm a stay at home mom but my boys start kindergarten this fall so I will be going back to work. Right now we live in Hawaii and loving it!
  • FruitSalad76
    FruitSalad76 Posts: 82 Member
    Hello, I am Laura 36 SAHM to 2 kids Matthew and Alexandria. I started to lose weight in 2012 when I weighed 220 I went down to 182 then went back up to 192 and know I'm down to 189. MY GW is 120.
  • Alatariel2002
    Alatariel2002 Posts: 65 Member
    Howdy, my name is Alethia, 40 yr old mom to 19 year old and 15 year old twins. I'm re-inventing my life..going to college to get my B.S in Psychology. Part of my reinventing my life..includes taking control of my weight after many, many years of being overweight. I ultimate goal is to get down to around 150lbs(I'm 5'7) and maybe run a 5k one day. I just started on this adventure, so this challenge is going to be difficult for me, but I will try my best!
  • Linda_Kaye
    Linda_Kaye Posts: 81
    Hey everyone i'm Linda. I'm a 45 yr old stay at home, wife, mother and Nana. I've been overweight most of my life. I've put on alot of weight through out the past 20 years. And finally said enough is enough when I seen a pic of myself taken on Mothers Day 2012. I've lost 34 lbs since then..and i've still got a long way to go. But I will get there! I am ready for this challenge.. BRING IT ON!! :happy:

    Good luck to everyone!
    We CAN do this!!
  • BunnyW22
    BunnyW22 Posts: 33
    Hi! My name is Miranda and I'm 28. I've been married to my best friend, Tyler for 5 years. This year something snapped within me and I decided that I needed to make some changes in my life. I quit my miserable, thankless job of 6 years in Feb to go in search of something that made me happy and proud to do everyday. I also decided to get a better handle over our finances. So that we can try to get out of debt by our early 30's, buy a home, and start a family. Lastly, myself. Always being a big girl I got used to the weight and thought I was happy with it. After a while I realized that I was in fact very unhappy and have just been accepting my weight as an inevitably. SW: 321.5 GW: 175 CW: 303 I have a long way to go but everything starts with one step.
  • jcjanes
    jcjanes Posts: 31 Member
    Hello, everyone! My name is Jacqui. I am a nineteen year old, full-time college student and waitress, currently working towards a biology degree. I have a cat, who is my life. In my spare time I like to read, paint, cook, bake, watch the Chicago Bears, swim, and camp. I'm really excited to do this challenge because my thighs are the main thing that I want to work on. I've tried to complete challenges like this on my own before, but have failed. I think that being part of a group will keep me at it and keep me dedicated. My goal at this end of this challenge is to be able to fit into a pair of my old shorts :)

    Good luck, everyone! :smile:
  • Hi everyone. I'm Carla, a 37 year old wife, mother to an amazing 16 month old boy, and a full time pediatric intensive care nurse. My work days are quite long and it will be tough for me to complete this (I leave for work at 0615 and get home after 8:00 pm ). But there's always an excuse, right? I would absolutely love to be able to say August first I finished this challenge!
  • carlaunderconstruction
    carlaunderconstruction Posts: 158 Member
    Hello my name is Carla and I am a 30 year old teacher. This spring I gained back about 10lbs that I had recently lost, and I am currently down 18 lbs from my all time high. I want to shrink my hips/ butt area, and hopefully this challenge will help.
  • mollyingrid92
    mollyingrid92 Posts: 41 Member
    Hello, I'm Molly. 20 years old. Lookin to kick start this weight loss and this July Squat challenge seems like the perfect way to do that. And also tone up my hips and butt. (:
  • kreationsforhome
    kreationsforhome Posts: 102 Member
    Looks like this group is growing pretty fast. Thats awesome. We have women from all walks of life on here. I am getting pumped to start this on monday.
  • melyndavaz
    melyndavaz Posts: 67 Member
    Hello, I'm Melynda. I am a wife and mother of 3 girls. I am 39 yrs old, 5'1 and 184.8 lbs. I look forward to this challenge because I think doing it with all of you will help me be accountable.
  • mamajean9352
    mamajean9352 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm not even sure what a squat is, but I'm going to try:) Got a knee that may not like it, but it will probably be good for it in the long run. So this will be good for accountability. My name is Jeanne and I am 61 with 11 grandchildren and have been married for 42 years.:heart:
  • anne2605
    anne2605 Posts: 482 Member
    Hi my name is Anne and I live in Munich Germany. I turned 49 in May and when I joined mfp in Jan this year, I gave myself 18 months to lose the extra 37.5lb I was carrying before my 50th birthday in May 2014. Well I've exceed all my targets/goals so much quicker than I first anticipated. I reached my target weight of 143lb by the beginning of May, so 1 whole year before my original target date of May next year. I can move in to the next century of my life, feeling happier, fitter and healthier than ever before.

    I joined this group as I want to tone my butt. Hope this works.

    Wishing everybody success.

  • sayeamae
    sayeamae Posts: 7 Member
    Hi. My name is Sayea (sigh-uh, like Maya but with an S!). I'm 43 and I live in Arizona with my 2 sweet cats. I have about 70 pounds to lose and I'm so excited for the friendship and support on mfp. Let's start this!
  • MrsMck22
    MrsMck22 Posts: 44 Member

    I'm Belinda, I'm 29yo and married with an 8yo daughter. I work full time in finance and have been looking at posters of the squat challenge in our bathrooms at work thinking "I'm totally going to do that" knowing I probly wouldn't without someone else doing it too. So I'm super glad I came across this group! I'm excited to start tomorrow and cant wait to see the end result.

    Good luck everyone!
  • abbyDLR
    abbyDLR Posts: 1
    My name is Abby and I have an 8 year old daughter. I have fought pre-eclampsia twice and won! Unfortunately, for my recent daughter, she did not win. I am doing this for her and for any future children I may have. I have been on this weight loss roller coaster for years!! It's finally time for me to start and what better way to start than with a challenge.
  • kreationsforhome
    kreationsforhome Posts: 102 Member
    My name is Abby and I have an 8 year old daughter. I have fought pre-eclampsia twice and won! Unfortunately, for my recent daughter, she did not win. I am doing this for her and for any future children I may have. I have been on this weight loss roller coaster for years!! It's finally time for me to start and what better way to start than with a challenge.

    Im sorry for your loss. My last daughter was also taken into heaven. I am also motivated to get healthier because of her.
  • lischali
    lischali Posts: 7
    Hi everyone,
    i'm 19, turning 20 in 1 1/2 month, and i want to get my weight (or less) from 2 years ago back. As i started studying i stopped doing sports, lost track of my eating cause i was focused on university more than on my body. Currently i'm doing a internship which will end at the end of august. So when i come home in mid of september i want at least lost the extra kg i gained during my internship. My aim is to loose those 10kg i gained during 2 years till the end of this year. And i think this challenge is a good way to start.
  • JodieHut
    JodieHut Posts: 701 Member
    Hi all.....

    I'm Jodie... 50 years old with a lot of weight to lose. I need every challenge out there to keep me on track. I finally stated using my gym membership this past week and I feel better already. Cant wait to get started!!!!