
I'm Julie. I'm 44, 5'7" tall and, at 302 lbs, fat enough for two people. At present, I'm only trying to lose weight until I'm 250 lbs, but I plan to downgrade that regularly until I reach my ideal weight of 145-155 lbs. In any case, I'm going to be here a while and I need plenty of support doing it.

My fat comes as a result of depressive eating. I eat to smother the pain with food. It worked when I was a teenager, but I'm a middle-aged woman now and I have two kids under the age of 12, both very active. To be blunt, I'm tired of being fat. I want to be done.


  • walterm852
    walterm852 Posts: 409 Member
    I with you, new at this as well. Lets do it!
  • tnjrichter
    tnjrichter Posts: 23
    Awesome job in taking the first step of becoming healthy! I am one of the biggest emotional/depressive eaters you will find. BUT I have and still am learning to turn those behaviors towards healthier choices. It is great that you have broke your weightloss goals to smaller amounts than the overall goal. This is one area in which I really struggled but have now broke it down to 10 pound goals. I have found it amazing in how much can change with just 10 pounds. From my heaviest to today's weight I have lost 66 pounds....If I can do it YOU CAN TOO!!! :flowerforyou:

    I grew up with little positive motivation and it was not until just a few short months ago that I learned that I AM IMPORTANT and I DESERVE so much more!!! I have turned my life around as far as my health goes. A few short months ago I could hardly walk through my house without being winded and a few weeks ago I completed a 5K walk/run....yes I ran almost a mile!!!

    I am here for emotional support if you need.

    Please feel free to add me as a friend. :happy:
  • tnjrichter
    tnjrichter Posts: 23
    Welcome to MFP... this has been the best site as far a support goes! I have met many great people and have learned from so many people on making wiser choices and sticking to my lifestyle.

    Please feel free to add me as a friend :smile:
  • Fancyface1972
    Fancyface1972 Posts: 19 Member
    Hello everyone. I'm Francesca. I joined a local gym in April weighing in at 188lbs. I joined MFP 6 days ago weighing in at 176.4lbs. I workout for an hour sometimes two doing about 30 minutes of cardio then finishing with strength to tone. My biggest target concerns are my inner thighs, upper arms, and belly. I hate the fat in these areas and it seems to be so hard to get rid of no matter how hard I try to work on it. My recent weigh in was 174.4lb, but randomly I get on the scale at the gym and it may read as if I'm 2-3 heavier. I don't know if I'm losing and gaining or if the scales are off. Either way, I have fat that is troublesome and I need to get rid of it.
  • MamaCatO
    MamaCatO Posts: 100
    Hello. I'm Tasha. I'm 40. 2 years ago, I was at my heaviest at 351 lbs. I got sick and started losing. I lost 50lbs. I went into the hospital last summer, at age 39 and was diagnosed with congestive heart failure. Once I got on meds and changed my diet, I started losing more weight. I lost another 20. Then the holidays came around and I was feeling better than I've felt in years, so I started doing my favorite thing...BAKING! I gained 40 lbs back. A little over a month ago, I got inspired and started trying to be healthy again. A couple of my girlfriends got me on here and keeping track of my diet and exercise. I'm down 23 lbs. Just from changing the way I eat and getting up off my butt. I started a new hobby to support my new lifestyle, gardening! No more baking! lol. And I keep my laptop logged in to MFP almost at all times so I can log everything and get inspiration. I'm down to 297. I'm only 2 years into my marriage and my kids are almost grown, I need to get healthy so I can enjoy my marriage for years to come and spend some fun quality time with my kids before they're gone and out on their own.
  • kittyhawk99
    kittyhawk99 Posts: 7 Member
    HI, I'm Kitty, I live in New Zealand and have gradually put on weight since having children (2 girls, 15 & 10 y.o) and giving up playing sport. I used to train and play sport 6.5 days a week ! THUS................
    I will be having a total hip replacement on the 8th July and it will be 6 -8 weeks recovery.
    I am very keen to lose the kilo's (pounds) so that I can do the most to look after my new hip joint.
    I am hoping that I will be playing social tennis in the new year (our summer).

    It is lovely to read all your intro's and best wishes to everyone - the 40+ fabulous lot :wink:
  • bishop003
    bishop003 Posts: 8 Member
    Hello Everyone.... I am starting my healthy weight loss journey in my 40's too. Looking for friends that can help me learn new habits, recipes and motivation during my journey.
  • Hello my name is colleen i will be 43 in november i have 5 children and 1 steps on who i love all dearly most of the children have left home and have families of their own. my 17 year old boy is with us and we are currently trying to get my stepson to live with us he is almost 10. i live in Australia since i have joined mfp i have lost 4kgs =9lbs and that has been since june so only recently my goal weight is about 55-60kgs i am currently 70kgs so i still have a bit to go but i am slowly getting there.

    feel free to add me we can all support each other
  • MelSm5014
    MelSm5014 Posts: 1
    I just wanted to drop by to say Hello. I am 41 years old started at 265 at 5ft 9- two months ago and I am down to 240 now. My goal is 145. I use an Elliptical, do Pilates, Yoga, and some weights. The first couple weeks were very hard with cutting back the calories to about 1300 a day. After a couple of weeks, your body gets used to it. I highly recommend using the phone app.
    I hope to find some kindred souls on here to help with motivation and new ideas for weight loss.

    I have bad ankles (with three ankle surgeries) and I am limited on high impact workouts. Hope to hear from you soon!
  • Crikpaw
    Crikpaw Posts: 7 Member
    You can do this!
  • QueenWino
    QueenWino Posts: 106
    I'm new here also w/a lot of weight to remove and a sliding motivation scale. I am here to support everyone and receive support/inspiration as well! You can do it, we all can do it, some of us might just need more help and accountability than others.