Today's WOD



  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    For Canada Day, a Canadian Hero wod.
    For time:
    10 Handstand push-ups
    250 pound Deadlift, 15 reps
    25 Box jumps, 30 inch box
    50 Pull-ups
    100 Wallball shots, 20 pounds, 10′
    200 Double-unders
    Run 400 meters with a 45lb plate
    *Scale accordingly, if you don’t know, ask a coach.
    Lieutenant Andrew Richard Nuttall, 30, from the 1st Battalion Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light Infantry (1 PPCLI), based in Edmonton, Alberta, serving as a member of the 1 PPCLI Battle Group was killed by an improvised explosive device that detonated during a joint foot patrol near the village of Nakhonay in Panjwaii District, about 25 km southwest of Kandahar City on December 23, 2009. He is survived by his parents, Richard and Ethel Jane Nuttall.

    I will not be Rx'ing.
  • alysa521
    alysa521 Posts: 137 Member
    Today was
    split jerk 5 x 3,
    I did 73, 83, 93, 103, and 108#. Working on form instead of heavy weight today, both my split and power jerk form leaves something to be desired.

    The metcon was AMRAP 12 MIN
    10 Burpees
    25 Double unders
    I finished 9 rounds + 4 burpees RX
  • ahemming1
    ahemming1 Posts: 93 Member
    We did the same WOD today....burpees/du. I am on day 7 of ultra-low carbs (Carb Nite), and had about 3 hours of sleep, so I am not even going to admit my score! TERRIBLE!

    Strength was 5sets/3reps Back Squats - 155/160/165/185/185

    Extra Credit - 10X10 Thrusters 75#. Oh man, this was hard. I only got through 2 rounds of 10 and quickly went down to 5! Again, just not feeling the energy today!
  • bostonwolf
    bostonwolf Posts: 3,038 Member
    My first WOD ever. Went a bit lighter than I thought and was thankful for it.

    400m run
    5 goblet squats, hold the bottom of the last one five seconds.
    20 push ups (8 regular then I went to knees)
    5 goblet squats, hold the bottom of the last one five seconds.
    20 lunges
    5 goblet squats, hold the bottom of the last one five seconds.
    20 pull ups (I used the rings, cannot do a full pull up.)
    400 m run (did 400m on the rowing machine)

    L1 4x10 box squats. 135, 155, 155, 155, 155. I was pretty gassed by the last set so it was a good weight for me.

    Then 10 minutes working on a weakness. Did hanging knee raises. Worked grip and abs.

    Looking forward to Wednesday's WOD!
  • happyheathen927
    happyheathen927 Posts: 167 Member
    5 pullups (jumping)
    10 pushups (knee)
    20 wbs (14#)
    400m run (200m walk)

    For Time
    150 burpees :noway:
    Since burpees are verboten until my knees are better, here's what I did:
    50 wbs (14#)
    50 abmat situps
    50 pushups
  • Mummyadams
    Mummyadams Posts: 1,125 Member
    5 pullups (jumping)
    10 pushups (knee)
    20 wbs (14#)
    400m run (200m walk)

    For Time
    150 burpees :noway:
    Since burpees are verboten until my knees are better, here's what I did:
    50 wbs (14#)
    50 abmat situps
    50 pushups

    150 burpees???!!! Killer
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    After yesterday's longish 18 min AMRAP of...

    200 meter run
    9 Deadlifts (rx: 275/185, I used 205#)
    6 Burpee Pull-ups/3 burpee bar muscle-ups

    ...(for which I managed a relatively unimpressive 4+11 (made it to 2 pu)...

    ...they hit us with this today:

    Partner AMRAPs (36mins) Full round then switch
    AMRAP in 10 minutes of:
    10 Burpees
    100 Meter Sprint
    Rest 3 minutes, and then . . .
    AMRAP in 10 minutes of:
    15 Kettlebell Swings (no rx given, I used 40# which was a bump up from my last time w/ kb swings. Felt strong, at least until last round...will bump it again next time.)
    10 Push-Ups
    Rest 3 minutes, and then . . .
    AMRAP in 10 minutes of:
    15 Box Jumps (24/20, used 24")
    10 Pull-Ups (used the thin black band...probably 30-40# of assistance)

    Managed to hold my own with 5/6/5 (although I that last round might have been 6...but since I wasn't certain, I went with 5).

    Tomorrow mid-morning is a "family WOD". Will be bringing my 8, 11, and 18 year old with me to work, and my wife to watch.

    ETA: Oh, and the skill work we do before the WOD has a tendency to be pre-exhaustive. Tuesday was strict shoulder presses and today was DU technique practice, rope work, and planks. Speaking of rope, I apparently need different shoes (because my innov-8 are slipperyish) and I definitely need some long socks.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member

    Some of these WODs are insane...and many of the scores are very impressive.

    So now, not only can I feel like I'm far behind nearly everyone locally (including many of the women who use as much or more weight than I do and still score higher), but also I can feel that way online too.

    Great. Just great. :indifferent:

  • kevie1021
    kevie1021 Posts: 543 Member
    20 minutes to get to 1RM Hang Squat Snatch (Maxed @155# because I was working on my form and technique)

    For time: 75 snatches @75# (9:14)

    3 min rest after finishing, 10 min to hit a heavy squat snatch (again stayed @155# to work on technique and form)

    Wasn't earthshattering, but my grip and shoulders were feeling it by the time it was all over!
  • kevie1021
    kevie1021 Posts: 543 Member

    Some of these WODs are insane...and many of the scores are very impressive.

    So now, not only can I feel like I'm far behind nearly everyone locally (including many of the women who use as much or more weight than I do and still score higher), but also I can feel that way online too.

    Great. Just great. :indifferent:


    Don't worry about it. Just keep pushing yourself and work as hard as YOU can. You don't want to over-do it, and try a weight that is beyond you and end up hurting yourself. The weight and reps will all go up eventually. You're doing great!
  • bostonwolf
    bostonwolf Posts: 3,038 Member

    Some of these WODs are insane...and many of the scores are very impressive.

    So now, not only can I feel like I'm far behind nearly everyone locally (including many of the women who use as much or more weight than I do and still score higher), but also I can feel that way online too.

    Great. Just great. :indifferent:


    You are going to be dragging. I was dead last finishing the warmups on Monday. I don't expect that to change overnight. We were also doing box squats and at least two of the women (and all of the guys) were doing much more weight than I was. And I am significantly larger than all of them. Stronger too, but the "warmup" we did completely gassed me. For them, it just warmed them up.

    You really just need to check your ego at the door and realize that you are doing it for yourself and yourself only so that you can improve going forward. And at some point both of us will blow through a workout and NOT be last and it will be a tiny victory for us!
  • bostonwolf
    bostonwolf Posts: 3,038 Member
    This is the WOD today. I expect pain and will update with my details later.

    Push Press
    EMOTM 7
    3 Reps, weight is athlete’s choice.

    “Pukie the Clown”
    Perform the following tasks, each is scored separately:
    Row 500 m for time
    ~Rest 4 Minutes
    50 Burpees for time
    ~Rest 4 Minutes
    50 KB Swings for time (2/1.5)
    ~Rest 4 Minutes
    15 Wall Walks for time
  • SnicciFit
    SnicciFit Posts: 967 Member

    Some of these WODs are insane...and many of the scores are very impressive.

    So now, not only can I feel like I'm far behind nearly everyone locally (including many of the women who use as much or more weight than I do and still score higher), but also I can feel that way online too.

    Great. Just great. :indifferent:


    You are going to be dragging. I was dead last finishing the warmups on Monday. I don't expect that to change overnight. We were also doing box squats and at least two of the women (and all of the guys) were doing much more weight than I was. And I am significantly larger than all of them. Stronger too, but the "warmup" we did completely gassed me. For them, it just warmed them up.

    You really just need to check your ego at the door and realize that you are doing it for yourself and yourself only so that you can improve going forward. And at some point both of us will blow through a workout and NOT be last and it will be a tiny victory for us!

    There were many nights in my first months of CF that I wanted to leave after the warm-ups because they exhausted me! Now, they are just warm-ups :)
  • SnicciFit
    SnicciFit Posts: 967 Member
    Didn't do an official WOD yesterday, but went to another gym (gasp!) with my co-workers and did the following:

    1) KBS/Burpee ladder (10/10, 9/9, 8/8...etc) for time - 25lbs 9:02

    2) 50 assisted pull-ups

    3) the first 1:30 of this monstrosity (because one of co-workers is completely nuts):

    4) 1 hour of yoga

    Sooo glad today is a rest day. Tomorrow is an early morning 4 mile patriot run with some fellow CFers. Happy Independence Day!
  • fakeittomakeit
    fakeittomakeit Posts: 48 Member

    Take 12min to complete 3 x 2 of:



    "Death by Thruster"

    On min 1, complete 1 Thruster (45)

    On min 2, complete 2 Thrusters

    On min 3, complete 3 Thrusters

    Continue in this sequence until you can not complete the prescribed number of reps in the allotted minute.

    If you fail to complete the reps in the time allotted, you will start back at 1.

    20min Cap.

    Score total reps completed.

    I only did 35 lb and completed 11 before starting over... Last minute I pushed and got 10 reps in. This is my third week and this workout was rough for me.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member

    Some of these WODs are insane...and many of the scores are very impressive.

    So now, not only can I feel like I'm far behind nearly everyone locally (including many of the women who use as much or more weight than I do and still score higher), but also I can feel that way online too.

    Great. Just great. :indifferent:


    Don't worry about it. Just keep pushing yourself and work as hard as YOU can. You don't want to over-do it, and try a weight that is beyond you and end up hurting yourself. The weight and reps will all go up eventually. You're doing great!
    You are going to be dragging. I was dead last finishing the warmups on Monday. I don't expect that to change overnight. We were also doing box squats and at least two of the women (and all of the guys) were doing much more weight than I was. And I am significantly larger than all of them. Stronger too, but the "warmup" we did completely gassed me. For them, it just warmed them up.

    You really just need to check your ego at the door and realize that you are doing it for yourself and yourself only so that you can improve going forward. And at some point both of us will blow through a workout and NOT be last and it will be a tiny victory for us!

    (I keep forgetting that not everyone in this group knows me...)

    While I evaluate my progress against myself, I don't see a problem with benchmarking against others. It helps to know what is possible...and quite honestly, I find it inspiring. I never think, "I'll never be able to do what that person does...I should just give up." I'm just not wired like that. Instead, I think something like, "I'll never be able to do what that person does...and I'm okay with that. I'll see how close I can get though. And that other guy, yeah, I think I can raise my game to that level." It is certainly not a defeatist attitude. (I'm not comparing myself to others as a measurement of my worth as a human being or anything major like that.)

    As for overdoing it, I do that without reference to anyone else. Usually, it's completely unintentional and has nothing/little to do with ego. I don't set out to use X weight on a movement because I think I'm bad-*kitten*, I use X because I honestly think it's an appropriate weight for me. If I thought that weight was a pair of pink barbie dumbbells, I would use them and do so proudly. So far, in my first 12+ workouts since starting this, I've gotten the weight wrong at least nine times...(eight of those too heavy and one too light). I know my limits for each movement. I know my 1RM (mostly) and the weight I can use for 3-5 and 5-8 reps. I just suck at adjusting for the number of reps with short/no rest. Push press is a great example. I can knock out sets of 10 strict shoulder presses with 75 pounds all day long...with a minute or two between sets. However, when it's part of a WOD that also uses the same muscles and when it's as many reps as possible in a minute for each movement for five rounds, well, I just don't know yet what an appropriate amount of weight is. I do know that 75 pounds has me eking out 2-3 reps in that minute in the later rounds, so it's obvious that 75 pounds is a little heavy for me *in this rep/time range*. Next time in a similar WOD, I'll know better...but as you know in Crossfit, it can be a while before you have the same movement in a similar rep/time range.

    And I'm not currently finishing DFL...well, I mean, at least not on *every* WOD. :drinker:
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    Jof - you explained it way better than I could by that is how I feel too.

    Today's WOD - 4 rounds for time
    400 m run
    25 kettlebell swings (75/53) (I did 35)
    15 burpees.

    This is one of those "it looks easy ones". It was not. Of course, I also did a timed mile for a challenge right before. I wasn't even going to do the WOD then after a minute or two rest I was like "what the hell" and did it.
    It was one of the few I wasn't sure I'd finish. I kept trying to come up with good excuses to quit, but couldn't think of one.
    I finished in 25:11.

    Oh and my timed mile sucked, I missed the turn around and went too far. 8:40. It's not a flat course but my mile should be mich faster.
  • bostonwolf
    bostonwolf Posts: 3,038 Member
    Brutal. What I love so far is that after two session my weaknesses and strengths are becoming clear.

    Push Press
    EMOTM 7
    3 Reps. Did 95, 115, 115, 115, 95, 95, 95. My timing on the push sucks. As I get my form down better this should jump quickly.

    “Pukie the Clown”
    Perform the following tasks, each is scored separately:
    Row 500 m for time: Shade over 2 minutes. Was not the last person to finish this. Small victory
    ~Rest 4 Minutes
    50 Burpees for time: Could only do 35. Thanks to our coach Rick for coaxing those last 10 out of me. I did not think they were in there.
    ~Rest 4 Minutes
    50 KB Swings for time: 12.5lb kettlebell, finished with about a minute left. Will up it a little bit next time
    ~Rest 4 Minutes
    15 Wall Walks for time: Could not do a one, my shoulders were too gassed. Did 30 pushups instead.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    Special Fourth of July WOD:

    ***Partner Chipper, 1 person working at a time.

    50 OH Walking Lunges (45/25)
    50 chest to bar pull-ups/Inverted Chest to Barbell
    50 Box Jumps (24/20)
    50 Cal Row
    50 Plate Good Mornings (45/25)
    50 Ring Dips/parallel dips
    50 Toes to Bar/knees high/V-ups
    50 Wallball (20/14)
    50 AB Mat sit-ups
    5 rope climbs/5burpees=1rope climb

    My partner was my 8 year old son. He did all 50 of the OH walking lunges (10#), about half of the chest to barbell, 30 of the box jumps (24" rx!!!), half of the cal row, 20 of the plate GM (10#), half of the parallel dips, ~30 of the TTB, 10 of the wall balls (#10) half of the sit-ups, and we each did all 25 of the burpees (just for fun).

  • kevie1021
    kevie1021 Posts: 543 Member
    Hero WOD for the 4th

    45 min AMRAP

    800m run
    80 air squats
    8 muscle ups (modified 8n ring rows and 8 dips)

    Finished 4 rounds