
  • Daz49ers
    Daz49ers Posts: 125 Member
    Hi Rachel & Everyone, im Daryl from south Wales, UK, i am seriously over weight and have been for many many years and loads of times attempts to lose the weight and failed, love this, nice way to add a bit extra excersise in to what im already doing.

    Thanks and anyone feel free to add me.
  • _thirtytwo
    _thirtytwo Posts: 25 Member
    Hey all,

    I'm a doctoral student in my mid-20s, joined MFP to lose weight and find healthier ways to handle stress and anxiety. Really looking forward to the squat challenge this month - looks fun!!
  • wylnora
    wylnora Posts: 66 Member
    Hi everyone, my name is Samantha and I'm 20 years old. I wish to lose about 25 pounds. I started a squat challenge in May but I didn't finish it. I am determined to complete it this time around!
  • geekette411
    geekette411 Posts: 154 Member
    I'm a 49 year old computer programmer currently living in east Tennessee. I need to lose about 50 more lbs but have done pretty eell so far. I live with my husband, our youngest son and 3 large dogs.
  • booknerd77
    booknerd77 Posts: 14 Member
    Hey, I'm Daena, stay at home mother to 3 girls. A bit intimidated by the squat challenge, but ready to give it my all!
  • Wraiythe
    Wraiythe Posts: 780 Member
    Hi all! My name is Kim. I'm a 41 year old, right now SAHM. I'm married to my other half for the last 6 yrs (together 13). And I'm the mom of 3, 18, 15 and 4 yrs old. I have struggled with my weight my entire life (losing for about 1/2 of it lol). Back in October I quit my job to finish school (for Medical Assistant). I realized after that that maybe I should have studied up on that job more. It's so over saturated with students that it's almost impossible to get a job. So here I sit, with no job. I have never not worked and it's weird. I don't like it because I like to be bringing in the money, but I love it because for once I get to be home with my little one and watch her grow and change every day. I go back to school the end of next month. I'm in between on what I'm going to be going to school for...just because after doing the research I should have done the first time, I realized that what I was going to be going back for was ALSO over saturated and hard to find a job in. So in the next week I have to decide what I can take that I will like and that will be offered at the local college LOL. I am trying to find some sort of income that I can do at home or that won't take up an inordinate amount of time so that I'll be able to bring in a little money and also go to school and be with the little.

    I lost almost 50 lbs on here about a year or so ago, then real life (finances, job, etc) stuck their ugly head in and I gained 20lbs of it back. Now I'm back and wanting to finish the job of becoming the me I know I am and can be so that I can be here for my kids and myself.

    Wow that was really long winded. Sorry about that! Skip over the boring parts :)
  • lovelycatbones
    lovelycatbones Posts: 14 Member
    Hi! My name is Marina. I'm 19 years old, and I'd like to lose some weight using this challenge and some more exercises. I hope this work! :3 I've never done something like this so.. Let's see how it is!
  • ktay9
    ktay9 Posts: 7
    Hi all!

    25 years old. Looking to lose around 70 lbs. Hips, butt, and thighs have alwwwwways been my major problem areas. So this will be great! Thanks for getting it started!
  • Sjenny5891
    Sjenny5891 Posts: 717 Member
    I'm Jenny. I'm 35. I work nights. I have 6 children. While I've manages to lose the weight, I am still struggling with the "Kangaroo pouch" that came with it.
  • Budding_Flower
    Budding_Flower Posts: 30 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm Heather and I am 20 years old. I am a college student, I work part time, and I have been trying to lose weight since January. So far I have lost about 30lbs. I definitely need this squat challenge for my booty and thighs. :laugh:
  • mskmichelle
    mskmichelle Posts: 3 Member
    Hi! I'm Kristina, am 36 years old and would like to lose 60 lbs. I'm looking forward to this challenge since my mind thinks I can't do it, but my body says I got this! :tongue:
  • TheNewLorrain
    TheNewLorrain Posts: 138 Member
    My Name is Lorrain I am 52 years young single mother of two teens I am also a crafter with my own licensed business. Unemployed for nearly seven months now. I have 158 pounds I want to lose. I know how to do a proper squat. The hard part is physically doing one . I am going to do my darndest to complete this challenge even if it aint pretty or kills me!!! NOTHING VENTURED NOTHING GAIINED!:happy:
  • Laurenmp16
    Laurenmp16 Posts: 344 Member
    27 years old here! Trying to build leg strength for running, also not wanting to lose my booty during my weight loss. ;)
  • BethVader
    BethVader Posts: 7 Member
    My name is Beth. I am 24 and a single mom to two awesome little boys. I was doing pretty good for awhile. Working out and eating good.....then winter came and I lost motivation lol. I am back at it now though and I am feeling pretty determined!
  • Hi! Im Gabby, Im a mom and I own an art distribution company. I came here because I had lost myself. My outsides did not rflect who I was on the inside anymore. Im half way to my goal and now its time to shape up. Its not about a number on the scale so much as am I Strong, healthy and fit? These are my goals today. Glad to be here, the first thing I lost was my *kitten*, so im here to gain it back LOL :D
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    Hello, I'm a day late but hopefully I can still play. I"m Rochelle, 25, and I'm interested in earning myself a fantastic booty. I'm a military wife and former military myself and over the past 3 years I've allowed about 30-40 pounds to creep up on me. I want to get back to my Navy weight, look great in pretty clothing, and feel great about myself. :D
  • lingading
    lingading Posts: 258 Member
    Late to this thread! Sorry!
    I'm Caroline, 25 years old from Syracuse NY
    I'm a Licensed Practical Nurse on a physical rehab unit in a nursing home - families LOVE to bring us in donuts, cookies, candy.. all sorts of fun stuff!
    Highest weight 372
    Current weight around 315 (no consistent scale at the moment)
    Lowest weight - 269
    Got to 269 with help of MFP.. gained back about 50# between full time nursing school while working in foodservice then starting to work 50+ hours a week and moving in with my best-friend-turned-boyfriend and getting far too comfortable (excuses, excuses). Back at it with full force now :)
    My goal weight is 180 for right now, last time I was 180 I wore a size 10.. that was also when i was 13. This challenge is an added structure to my day.. a way to start getting moving and showing myself that i truly CAN stick to my goals and achieve them. I'd like to be less than 250 for my 26th birthday in February :)

    Any and all feel free to add me!
  • QueenMJD
    QueenMJD Posts: 74 Member
    Hi, my name is Marty, i'm 29 and from Michigan! I've been a part-time Pre-Kindergarten teacher for the last 4 years and starting this next school year will be a full time Kindergarten teacher! I've been married to my best friend for 6 years, we have no kids just pets! :)
  • sgrant918
    sgrant918 Posts: 10 Member
    Hi, my name is Stephanie and I'm 41. I have a wonderful husband and 3 great kids (19, 16, 11). 2-1/2 years ago I tore my rotator cuff and had the surgery which took nearly a full year to recover from and I have spent the time since then not working out and have gained nearly 20 lbs. I started a paleo diet in June of 2012 and felt so much better but I did not see weight loss like so many others. I modified my diet to be paleo/ketogenic in May of this year and so far, I've lost almost 11 lbs. 3 weeks ago, I joined a crossfit style gym and go 3-4 times a week. I absolutely love it! This challenge is just a little motivation for me to keep moving even on my non-gym days. My clothes are getting looser (yea!) and I am getting stronger.
  • fionachooseshappy
    fionachooseshappy Posts: 9 Member
    Hey I'm Fiona and I am nearly 20 (:
    I only joined this group late but only 3 days so it should be fine I hope!
    I am half irish have german and I live in Germany atm. I am quite a jolly person and very optimistic, I want to lose abound 85 more lbs to fit my outside to my inside and also I dont want to always be the big one, I am only so young and I can still change it now (: