Daily Check In Thread



  • JenniferPlus2
    JenniferPlus2 Posts: 119 Member
    Well today was my graduation run! I did 3 miles in 47m45s! I have my first 5K run in a week and a half and I think I might hit my goal of under 45 minutes. If I don't, then that is ok, I know I will improve with time and practice. I feel great! I guess I will just keep going and do the next training.
  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    Well today was my graduation run! I did 3 miles in 47m45s! I have my first 5K run in a week and a half and I think I might hit my goal of under 45 minutes. If I don't, then that is ok, I know I will improve with time and practice. I feel great! I guess I will just keep going and do the next training.

    Congratulations on your graduation! :flowerforyou:
  • Tonight I finished Week 5 Day 2. I am sooooooooo looking forward to Week 5 Day 3!!! I was kind of upset when I had to walk... I felt like I could keep going, but I followed the program. :drinker:
  • btsinmd
    btsinmd Posts: 921 Member
    Week 8 Day 2 done! Couldn't get out until 7 am and it was already warm, but luckily overcast. The sun didn't come out until our walk home luckily. It was a nice easy run, well except the part when we ran right next to a deep puddle. Warm outside, deep puddle, my dog couldn't resist. He wanted to wallow, but it was just a bit of a slow down rather than a stop, so worked out okay.
  • btsinmd
    btsinmd Posts: 921 Member
    Well today was my graduation run! I did 3 miles in 47m45s! I have my first 5K run in a week and a half and I think I might hit my goal of under 45 minutes. If I don't, then that is ok, I know I will improve with time and practice. I feel great! I guess I will just keep going and do the next training.

    Congratulations and Good Luck!
  • dandelyon
    dandelyon Posts: 620 Member
    Well today was my graduation run! I did 3 miles in 47m45s! I have my first 5K run in a week and a half and I think I might hit my goal of under 45 minutes. If I don't, then that is ok, I know I will improve with time and practice. I feel great! I guess I will just keep going and do the next training.

    Congrats! 45 minutes is what I'll be shooting for as well. :)
  • dandelyon
    dandelyon Posts: 620 Member
    Insane run today. My son whined that he didn't want to run so I said fine, don't, and then he whined about THAT. Ultimately, he had such a good run that I couldn't keep up with him... 2 miles of jogging as fast as I could, pushing a stroller, while his little tush disappeared in the distance. Fortunately, it's a route we've done before and he knew where he was going.
  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    Just did a 5K with a friend. I'm in Week 9 of C25K but she just started training this week so we did a lot of walking with some running intervals thrown in. It was a really hilly course but still we finished in 46:11 so I was really happy with that time. I've done this race the past 2 years and could really tell the difference in my conditioning from doing the C25K. I'm registered for a 5K on August 10 that I plan to run and now I can't wait for it!
  • Xeldadog
    Xeldadog Posts: 15 Member
    Completed W3 D3 on C25k, in high humidity and on 4th of July. We're having a big picnic with lots of good and unhealthy foods. My goal is to stay away from the potato chips. My FAV!

    Happy 4th of July!
  • CogitoErgoSum2
    CogitoErgoSum2 Posts: 57 Member
    W6 D3 done. All good.
  • spartania
    spartania Posts: 88
    Did w6 d2 today!...no worries. Continually amazed that a couple of months ago, I was gasping after 60-90 seconds of running hahaha
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    W8D2 today

    2.76 miles at a pace of 11:18, my fastest pace so far!

    Unfortunately, the nice weather is going away and the heat will be back soon!
  • tycamsdad
    tycamsdad Posts: 126 Member
    W6D1 this morning. Felt good and was a bit different running intervals after the long run on W5D3. Better pace than past intervals but still looking forward to seeing how I will do at the end of the week.
  • mtcastillo86
    mtcastillo86 Posts: 119 Member
    Great reading up on everyone's progress! Woot! Woot! So many are doing so well!

    I finished W6D2 today. That second 10 minutes was a little tough, but I wasn't gonna quit, no matter what! What's more, I was pleased to discover my pace was slightly improved again. Will probably slow it down for W6D3, though. Ya, I know, how the hell do you go slower??? LOL Turtles are already lapping me!
  • vet272
    vet272 Posts: 183
    W8D3 down and done

    I am now a C25K graduate!!!

    Thoughts needed - do I

    A. Repeat the programme to build speed by running walk bits and jogging rest

    B. Go on to C2 10K

    C. Just keep practicing the 5K

    Love to hear your views
  • kiekie
    kiekie Posts: 289 Member
    W8D3 down and done

    I am now a C25K graduate!!!

    Thoughts needed - do I

    A. Repeat the programme to build speed by running walk bits and jogging rest

    B. Go on to C2 10K

    C. Just keep practicing the 5K

    Love to hear your views


    I'm wondering the same about how to progress but I suppose it depends on your goals.

    I've found an 8k in mid-august, and a 10k mid-september so I think I'll be following on with C210k but I really want to improve my 5k time too. Not sure how to combine training for both goals.
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    W8D3 down and done

    I am now a C25K graduate!!!

    Thoughts needed - do I

    A. Repeat the programme to build speed by running walk bits and jogging rest

    B. Go on to C2 10K

    C. Just keep practicing the 5K

    Love to hear your views

    Congrats on finishing! (The app I'm using is a 9 week program?!)

    Personally, I have no desire to run farther than 5k at this time, so I'd go with C. Just keep practicing the 5k.

    It depends on your goals- what do you want to accomplish next?
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Well today was my graduation run! I did 3 miles in 47m45s! I have my first 5K run in a week and a half and I think I might hit my goal of under 45 minutes. If I don't, then that is ok, I know I will improve with time and practice. I feel great! I guess I will just keep going and do the next training.

    Yay you! Great commitment! Welcome to your life as a runner!
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    W8D3 down and done

    I am now a C25K graduate!!!

    Thoughts needed - do I

    A. Repeat the programme to build speed by running walk bits and jogging rest

    B. Go on to C2 10K

    C. Just keep practicing the 5K

    Love to hear your views


    I'm wondering the same about how to progress but I suppose it depends on your goals.

    I've found an 8k in mid-august, and a 10k mid-september so I think I'll be following on with C210k but I really want to improve my 5k time too. Not sure how to combine training for both goals.

    When I graduated C25k, I didn't thing I had time to train for more than a 5k. So I did a 5k program through Runners World. But, because the first thing a new runner needs to do is to build up mileage before adding in speed work, my 5k program was identical to a 10k program until I got a little past 10 miles per week.

    All this to say: a 10k program will naturally result in an increase of speed. Build up the miles so you have a decent weekly base and speed just happens. And that's true whether you want to progress to running a 10k or not.
  • Trent1612000
    Trent1612000 Posts: 57 Member
    Just starting out and have not ran in years... since HS really. W1 D1 in the books!