Today's WOD



  • srgolden
    srgolden Posts: 18 Member
    Today was fun!

    4th Of July Chipper(Time-Rx2)
    500m Row
    25 Pull-Ups
    Weighted Lunges to CF Door Rx(45/25) Rx2(BW)
    25 Deadlifts Rx(225/135) Rx2(135/95)
    3 Rope Climbs Rx2(10 Sec Rope Holds)
    30 Toes To Bar Rx2(Knee Raises)
    40 Wall Balls Rx(20/14) Rx2(14/10)
    100ft Sprint to PT Area
    50 Flash Push-Ups

    I had to use green/red band for pull-ups but everything else was Rx2. Not bad for a 52 yr old with bad knees. Finished in 21:09. About average for our group.
  • katmandou6
    katmandou6 Posts: 10 Member
    Yesterday's wod was fun!
    First we ran 5 X 400 m (360 m, in fact, according to my Garmin) with 1 min. rest after each round.

    Then, 10 rounds of 1 rep, then 2 reps, 3 reps untill 10 of :
    - Kettlebell swings (35 lbs)
    - Burpees box jumps (24")
    - Sit-ups
    At the end of each round, we had to do 20 double-unders or 60 singles unders. (I did the SU) and finished in 17:33.

    It's the kind of workout I like and I'm quite good at! And I now officially love burpees! :D
  • YpsiChris
    YpsiChris Posts: 20 Member
    I'm still completing my foundations course - last one on Monday! After resting yesterday and sleeping in a bit too late this morning, I decided to challenge myself with 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 Air squats to push ups. Finished in 6:29. I'm looking forward to joining the level 1 class next week.
  • happyheathen927
    happyheathen927 Posts: 167 Member
    Today was the Airforce WOD. There's a lot in that that I can't do due to recovering from knee injuries, so I did:

    For time:
    WBS (20#)
    Medball power cleans (20#)
    Medball push press (20#)
    *EMOM 4 ring rows

    Finished in 10:58
  • kevie1021
    kevie1021 Posts: 543 Member
    EMOTM 10 min:
    odd min - 5 pull ups, 3 burpees
    even minute - 3 deadlift @225#

    "The Sevens"
    7 rounds w/25 minute time cap:
    7 handstand push up (modified)
    7 thrusters @95#
    7 K2E
    7 DL @245#
    7 burpees
    7 KBS @40#
    7 pull ups

    After yesterday's I was still pretty well beat so I only finished 3 rounds and 14 reps
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    And I now officially love burpees! :D

    You. Get out. Now!

    (That said, I've somewhat recently improved my technique with burpees such that I'm more efficient at them...but I hate them no less. In fact, I may hate them even more since I'm able to do more of them now. Rather than getting into the bottom position, I now drop in a free fall into it, catching myself with my arms. Much quicker, and honestly, probably less fatiguing as I don't spend as much time in the concentric part of getting down to the floor. They still suck.)

    ETA: They'll probably suck less when I completely get rid of this annoying headache I've had this past week.
  • bostonwolf
    bostonwolf Posts: 3,038 Member
    And I now officially love burpees! :D

    You. Get out. Now!

    (That said, I've somewhat recently improved my technique with burpees such that I'm more efficient at them...but I hate them no less. In fact, I may hate them even more since I'm able to do more of them now. Rather than getting into the bottom position, I now drop in a free fall into it, catching myself with my arms. Much quicker, and honestly, probably less fatiguing as I don't spend as much time in the concentric part of getting down to the floor. They still suck.)

    I am not a fan, but I know that in doing them I will be greatly improving my fitness so I do them as well as I can.
  • bostonwolf
    bostonwolf Posts: 3,038 Member
    Relatively easy workout today. Meaning my shirt was still soaked through with sweat but that I was coherent and could move under my own power when we were done.

    500m row
    10 situps
    10 ball slams
    10 Supermans

    Repeat all but the row twice.

    EMOTM for 8 minutes, Turkish Get Ups. I was a champ from the left side (my dominant side) and looked like an uncoordinated git from the right. I will get there.

    100 pushups: Can't do that many yet (or even close) so i did 85 from my knees.
  • bostonwolf
    bostonwolf Posts: 3,038 Member
    I get to meet Grace tonight. I saw a guy finish it in 1:20 last night on Youtube. I'm going to guess that my own time will be considerably higher.
  • ahemming1
    ahemming1 Posts: 93 Member
    WOD - Modified a bit due to calf injury.
    1600m row (everyone else ran 1 mile)
    40HSPU single mat (did last 15 on box...HSPU probably took about 1/2 of my time!!!)
    20Box Jump Over (I had to do step ups)
    20pullups/20dips (for those of us who could not do 10 Muscle Ups)
    TIME 33:17.

    5X2 Deadlifts. 175/205/205/205/235

    On my own
    20min walk 5.0incline/3.4mph
  • kevie1021
    kevie1021 Posts: 543 Member
    WOD - Modified a bit due to calf injury.
    1600m row (everyone else ran 1 mile)
    40HSPU single mat (did last 15 on box...HSPU probably took about 1/2 of my time!!!)
    20Box Jump Over (I had to do step ups)
    20pullups/20dips (for those of us who could not do 10 Muscle Ups)
    TIME 33:17.

    5X2 Deadlifts. 175/205/205/205/235

    On my own
    20min walk 5.0incline/3.4mph

    Damn!! That's brutal! Great work today!!
  • kevie1021
    kevie1021 Posts: 543 Member
    Warm up:
    3 min of Double Under work
    10 broad jumps
    10 sit ups
    10 pvc passthroughs
    15 sec handstand hold; then

    500m rowing sprints ME x 2 (1:34, 1:43)

    Double Unders (attempts count)
    Sit Ups
    4 lateral crawls in between sets

    I finished in 13:50. I SOOOO need to get better at DU's...I totally suck at them!
  • bostonwolf
    bostonwolf Posts: 3,038 Member
    I won't be doing it today as I don't go on back-to-back days (at least not yet) but I'm kind of disappointed because it sounds fun.


    3 Rounds for time:

    Run 400 m

    21 KB Swings (1.5/1)

    12 Pull Ups

    I would have had to do ring pullups but I think the rest I could Rx
  • katmandou6
    katmandou6 Posts: 10 Member
    Helen is my favorite WOD so far! I don't like when the WOD look so fun on my rest day, but sometimes, I'm glad to stay home when it looks too crazy!! (Ex: 150 overhead squats with 5 burpees each time you drop the bar. Outch!)
  • fakeittomakeit
    fakeittomakeit Posts: 48 Member
    3 rounds for time

    400m run
    30 burpees
    20 chest to bar (I did ring pulls)


    This was not at all okay........
  • kevie1021
    kevie1021 Posts: 543 Member
    7x1 Squat Snatch @95#, 95#, 115#, 115#, 115#, 115#, 115# (was working on technique and form since my squat snatch sucks!)

    Every Minute on the Minute for 20 min:
    Odd - 1 squat snatch @115#
    Even - 2 burpee pull-ups

    My squat snatch still sucks, but I was happy because I was finally nailing my kipping pullups. Small victory for me today!
  • Tobi1013
    Tobi1013 Posts: 732 Member
    Posted this on my profile yesterday but wanted to post it here, as well:

    Deadlifts scaled to 85#
    Bar facing burpees

    I was dreading this WOD all day. Burpees are the thing that, more than any other thing we do in CF, make me feel like the fat girl. It took me 17:15 but I didn't quit and I got it done!! Burpees still suck, but I refuse to let them define me any longer!!
  • bostonwolf
    bostonwolf Posts: 3,038 Member
    Today's workout:

    Cleans: Aiming for 1RM
    OHP: Same.

    I will probably mix in some cardio, maybe do a 2000m row to get my base time on that.
  • bostonwolf
    bostonwolf Posts: 3,038 Member
    BTW I went light on Grace. Too light, I think. 75#, 3 minutes. I think I could have handled it at 95. When we re-test in a few months that will be my absolute minimum weight for it.
  • Mrs_Duh
    Mrs_Duh Posts: 263
    Today was 4 rounds for time of:

    -25 Squats
    -25 sit-ups
    -25 push ups
    -5 muscle ups (scaled to one pull up and one ring dip per one muscle up)
    -400m run

    I finished in 29 minutes. I'm so slow!