Day 6, July 6, 90 squats!!! CHECK IN



  • pacify2000
    pacify2000 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi Everyone:smile:

    Today is my first day checking in mainly because I didn't start the challenge when I was supposed to start. So, I began yesterday(July 5th). On July 5th I did 50 squats to cover Mondays requirements. Today, I completed the remaining weeks requirement (yes 345 big ones!) I worked throughout the day to complete them and finally finished. I feel great....well my spirit does but not my legs! lol. Have a great evening! Oh, I would like to make some friends for motivation during this does it work? Just invite randomly? Help
  • scronen
    scronen Posts: 98 Member
    90 done!
    3 sets of 30 spread through out the day.
    Happy rest day tomorrow!
  • Alatariel2002
    Alatariel2002 Posts: 65 Member
    took me awhile but I got 90 done.
  • pwcarswell
    pwcarswell Posts: 15 Member
  • booknerd77
    booknerd77 Posts: 14 Member
    90 done! My form is improving too!
  • I had to make Saturday my test day due to the craziness of day, so today (Sunday) I got my 90 squats in and I will follow the rest of the week as it is written for. Have a great Sunday everyone!
  • highflyer88
    highflyer88 Posts: 148 Member
    Done yesterday morning...just not home to log in. So glad today is a rest day! :happy:
  • melyndavaz
    melyndavaz Posts: 67 Member
    I did my 90 yesterday, yay!! Happy Sunday Y'all!
  • sayeamae
    sayeamae Posts: 7 Member
    Hi everyone. Good luck to all of you. I'm out of the challenge but wish you all the best.
  • SkinnyMel78
    SkinnyMel78 Posts: 434 Member
    forgot to check in.....did my 90 squats, 2 sets of 45