Weekly Check-in 7/8 - 7/14

teamryan90 Posts: 359 Member
I am going to give it one more week before restarting Insanity. I still have some slight pain and swelling in my shoulder. This week I will be doing my physical therapy and adding some lower body workouts into the mix and some spinning. Keep up the great work everyone.


  • cassi9879
    cassi9879 Posts: 57 Member
    Did you try foam rolling as part of your PT?

    The Tai Cheng sequences have been disappointing so far in week 10. I thought they were going to be combined not separate like weeks 3, 6, & 9.
  • eating4me
    eating4me Posts: 239 Member
    I hope your shoulder heals quickly. I know how frustrating it is when you're injured, and want to work out.

    Today I did the Day 1 Fit Test for Insanity, after I did my workouts for the day. It wasn't as bad as I imagined it, and I'm actually pretty happy with myself. I'm sure they do they deliberately, so people don't get discouraged right away. I'm really looking forward to tomorrow's Plyometric Cardio circuit!
  • eating4me
    eating4me Posts: 239 Member
    oops..."do THAT deliberately", I meant.
  • alexsandstrom1982
    7/8/13 Power 90 workout done this morning. I took a day off from work because I felt too good. It was a nice day not too hot and not too cold...a perfect 68 degrees with a slight breeze and sunny. After my workout I treated myself to an ice cream sundae after I biked 14 miles round trip for it. I finished the afternoon off fishing and catching my walleye dinner which I just ate. Keep up the great job everyone.
  • beckyyates
    beckyyates Posts: 85
    July 8 Tony Horton Ten Minute Trainer Yoga Flex. Great day eating healthy and time spent at the beach with friends. Back to work tomorrow. How many more days until Friday? LOL Keep it up peeps. You all are doing awesome. :smile:
  • teamryan90
    teamryan90 Posts: 359 Member
    Did you try foam rolling as part of your PT?

    The Tai Cheng sequences have been disappointing so far in week 10. I thought they were going to be combined not separate like weeks 3, 6, & 9.

    Yes I have and it has helped. I did not do it while camping and sleeping on the air mattress for over a week set me back. My shoulder is feeling good today. I think I get back in the grove with Insanity in a week. I cannot wait.
  • teamryan90
    teamryan90 Posts: 359 Member
    I hope your shoulder heals quickly. I know how frustrating it is when you're injured, and want to work out.

    Today I did the Day 1 Fit Test for Insanity, after I did my workouts for the day. It wasn't as bad as I imagined it, and I'm actually pretty happy with myself. I'm sure they do they deliberately, so people don't get discouraged right away. I'm really looking forward to tomorrow's Plyometric Cardio circuit!

    Great job and keep Digging Deep. Did you take measurements and Before photos so you can compare at 30 days and Day 63? My Facebook Group has many helpful videos and postings that you might find useful too. I have an active group working out to Insanity now along with a few doing P90X, Power 90, Turbo Fire, and Tai Cheng. If you are interested the link is below. Everyone is welcome to join my Facebook Group.

  • cassi9879
    cassi9879 Posts: 57 Member
    Did you try foam rolling as part of your PT?

    The Tai Cheng sequences have been disappointing so far in week 10. I thought they were going to be combined not separate like weeks 3, 6, & 9.

    Yes I have and it has helped. I did not do it while camping and sleeping on the air mattress for over a week set me back. My shoulder is feeling good today. I think I get back in the grove with Insanity in a week. I cannot wait.

    Those mattresses are enough to make anyone sore!
  • alexsandstrom1982
    7/9 Power 90. I moved the notch on my belt again and in the right direction. Feeling great and feeling fit. Excited about my next weigh in soon.
  • beckyyates
    beckyyates Posts: 85
    July 9th. Tony Horton 10 Minute Trainers. Feeling good and eating good. Life is good. I hope everyone is having an awesome week.
  • alexsandstrom1982
    7/10 Power 90 Feeling good this morning. I did my first morning workout. It sure feels great. I have so much more energy in the morning. I will make it my goal to try to get up earlier and do more morning workouts. Keep up the great work everyone.
  • eating4me
    eating4me Posts: 239 Member
    7/10/13: Did Insanity Cardio Power & Resistance today. What a great workout!! I had to take quite a few breaks today; I felt like I was struggling through some of those moves! I felt fantastic afterwards. I can feel my body changing as I write this. LOL
  • beckyyates
    beckyyates Posts: 85
    7/10/2013 Tony Horton ten minute trainers Total Body, Lower Body and Cardio. Snacks and meals are packed and prepared for the week. I had a BBQ for lunch at work. I was on the food committee so I made sure there were some healthy choices. Have a great day everyone.
  • teamryan90
    teamryan90 Posts: 359 Member
    7/10/13: Did Insanity Cardio Power & Resistance today. What a great workout!! I had to take quite a few breaks today; I felt like I was struggling through some of those moves! I felt fantastic afterwards. I can feel my body changing as I write this. LOL

    Great job. You are doing excellent. I am pumped about about restarting next week. I miss it.
  • mishirusama
    How do you guys input insanity on the exercise diary?
  • thetwentysomethingmum
    Hello everyone I just finished pure cardio. I swapped recovery for cardio and ill do recovery tomorrow. When I woke this morning I wasnt feeling very sore so I was a bit concerned that I hadnt pushed enough in yesterdays training and my clean eating went slightly dirty after making cupcakes with the kiddies. I am on day 4 and absolutely love insanity. I have never been a fitness lover. I did play hockey up until I had my daughter 6 years ago but from then on I havent been very active. I am 6 foot tall and 90kg and I can get away with carrying a couple extra kgs but for me now its not about being thin or looking ok, its about being fit and healthy and a good role model for my kids especially my daughter. So I sweated it out like crazy in todays training and am still a bit shakey. I have just eaten weetbix for lunch which I know is not enough but I dont think I can stand in the kitchen to prepare anything let along keep it down. I will make up for it with a lovely chickem salad tonight. Hope my muscles are burning tomorrow that tells me I have worked my body. Sorry for the long life story.
  • teamryan90
    teamryan90 Posts: 359 Member
    How do you guys input insanity on the exercise diary?

    I create my own exercise for each workout. I use a heart rate monitor and enter the calories.
  • teamryan90
    teamryan90 Posts: 359 Member
    Hello everyone I just finished pure cardio. I swapped recovery for cardio and ill do recovery tomorrow. When I woke this morning I wasnt feeling very sore so I was a bit concerned that I hadnt pushed enough in yesterdays training and my clean eating went slightly dirty after making cupcakes with the kiddies. I am on day 4 and absolutely love insanity. I have never been a fitness lover. I did play hockey up until I had my daughter 6 years ago but from then on I havent been very active. I am 6 foot tall and 90kg and I can get away with carrying a couple extra kgs but for me now its not about being thin or looking ok, its about being fit and healthy and a good role model for my kids especially my daughter. So I sweated it out like crazy in todays training and am still a bit shakey. I have just eaten weetbix for lunch which I know is not enough but I dont think I can stand in the kitchen to prepare anything let along keep it down. I will make up for it with a lovely chickem salad tonight. Hope my muscles are burning tomorrow that tells me I have worked my body. Sorry for the long life story.

    Great job on completing Day 4. Keep it up. I am motivated to be back on Insanity next week. My rotator cuff injury from work is feeling better daily. Do you use a heart rate monitor when doing Insanity? That will help out telling you if you are pushing yourself hard enough. Have a great day.
  • alexsandstrom1982
    7/11 Power 90 workout done. Another 3 pounds lost. I have lost 34 pounds thanks to teamryan90 for introducing me to Power90. This sure has changed my life around for the better. Thanks everyone for the support and motivation and making me believe that I can do this. Results this last month are awesome. You all rock.
  • eating4me
    eating4me Posts: 239 Member
    I was feeling low energy today when I woke up. I did Cardio Recovery and Max Recovery, and now I feel SO good! I am loving Insanity!! I was a fitness instructor, back in the 80's, and I just love the way this program is designed! I took a couple of "before" photos the day after I did the Fit Test. How often do the rest of you take photos? Weekly? Monthly?