First Topic. First Post. Let's get going!

So I've never made a group before, but I'm willing to keep it going and make it a big impact to MFP. I think a lot of us need some type of challenge or competition to keep exercise & dieting interesting. I personally didn't push myself until my best friend from out of state decided to challenge me to a biggest loser contest. It definitely fueled me to work out longer and eat better everyday. I'm hoping we make this gathering positive and progressive to our health. Let's all work together!

I think rules may be in order (so no one is put down or offended), but I was going to play that one by ear.

Next Step: Lets make some mini challenges and feel out how this group will work best. Let's try to get some more of our buddies into this.


  • I like the idea for the gruop. Always have a bit of problems to self-motivate, but comeptition might just work.

    So, what would be good challanges? The one you started out wihth in the froum might be a good first one. But if pure weight loss is the only challenge this group might be a bit of a one trick pony. So, any ideas what else we could do?
  • KerriFinley
    KerriFinley Posts: 1 Member
    A challenge other than just weight loss could be activity/exercise. Who can be the most active.
  • sherwu
    sherwu Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, this is my first time participating in anything with MFP so I'm not really sure how things are done here, but I was thinking maybe there could be daily/weekly activity challenges. Ex: how many sit ups you can do in a 5 minute time period. Each day it could be a different body part, and would be repeated each week. This way, we have something new to try work on each day AND would have our own personal challenge to beat our previous weeks numbers.

    It was just a thought.....
  • KardioKim
    KardioKim Posts: 160 Member
    I like the idea of an activity challenge. Maybe total time?
  • MariG25
    MariG25 Posts: 89 Member
    I'm in, I've joined 2 challenges on my fitness pal so far 1) 5 week weight challenge and the 30 day shred challenge with Jillian Michaels. After joining these two challenges I've been eating better and have been dropping weight and inches =) I also have to post my pictures up after I'm done with the 30 day shred.
  • I love the activity challenge idea! We can vary it, too, not only by body part, but by things like " most x activity in the time of one week", or similar.
  • I love the idea of this, especially the activity challenge. When shall we start?!
  • I like the idea of this group! Lately ive really been slacking on my healthy eating and i need to get back in the game!
  • Today was 45 minutes of crossfit (beginner level- but for me, that was 45 minutes of intense workout)-- I know one of y'all can top that....
  • julmikek
    julmikek Posts: 14 Member
    I'm in... just let me know what we are doing!!!
  • Jayiz
    Jayiz Posts: 39
    Sounds like an awesome group. I love the idea of a challenge for fitness and activity minutes per week.
    I found that it really helps when I am committed to others and not just taking accountability for myself.
    I've also heard of challenges where you try and lose a certain percentage of body fat, drink a certain amount of water, and certain amount of a specific exercise (like sit-ups or push ups) etc. :)
  • Competition makes everything more fun. Count me in!
  • jpanattoni
    jpanattoni Posts: 1 Member
    Hi everyone. This is the first group I have joined...but I am definitely up for a challenge.
  • lucystacy71
    lucystacy71 Posts: 290 Member
    Hello everyone. I'm rather new here, but I've always been a competitive person so I wanted to get a try.
  • jniinyaa
    jniinyaa Posts: 1 Member
    This sounds fun. I am so in :P
  • GraceAnneU95
    GraceAnneU95 Posts: 18 Member
    So who will announce the first challenge?
  • ShannonPhillip30
    ShannonPhillip30 Posts: 2 Member
    I am in too :-) anything that will help to motivate. Let's do this!
  • ShannonPhillip30
    ShannonPhillip30 Posts: 2 Member
    I am super hyped about this!
  • mammakisses
    mammakisses Posts: 604 Member
    Sounds fun. Would be cool to have daily challenges where the winner gets to choose the next day's challenge. And then some bigger challenges aswell.
  • So, should we just say, whoever has an idea for a good challange should post that as a new topic?