Alternative Thyroid treatments

Anyone here take Thyrolar, Armour, or a synthetic T3/T4 combo? Also has anyone switched from generic Levothyroxine to Synthroid? Was it positive or negative? I have an appointment with a real endocrinologist, and want to ask (beg) for an alternative treatment.


  • kcvance
    kcvance Posts: 103 Member
    I switched from synthetic T3 (cytomel) and T4 (levothyroxine) combo at the beginning of the year and I feel great. The combination of the two helped me feel about a thousand times better than I did on T4 alone, but it wasn't working as well as it initially had and needed some tweaking.

    Crossing fingers that your endocrinologist doesn't just read your TSH and tell you that you are "fine" (I've seen six different endos since being diagnosed 10+ years ago and none of them would let me try anything other than Synthroid, so I'm a bit biased). Good Luck!
  • debbylee22
    debbylee22 Posts: 456 Member
    I take natural thyroid (armour). I feel great! The synthetic made me feel like I was menopausal. Hope you get things worked out.:wink:
  • strawberrytoast
    strawberrytoast Posts: 711 Member
    BUMP I wanna know too.

    Debbylee how did you get your dosage on armour?
  • asharkin
    asharkin Posts: 30 Member
    I switched from generic synthroid to Armour Thyroid... I'm starting to feel better but got my test results today and they are increasing my dose as my thyroid is way out of whack since I switched. I guess they just need to figure the dosage out since the dosage is so different (??) At any rate...even tho my thyroid is showing it is VERY underactive now I still feel better than when I was on the synthroid and the test was "normal". Its worth a try switching.
  • jillmann06
    I was diagnosed hypo about 18 months ago. I was immediately put on Synthroid. I gained 25 pounds, was moody, exhaused and frustrated. My lab results made my doc switch doses every 6 weeks for over a year. I located a website called: I began doing research on Natural Desiccated Thyroid options and took my information to the doc. She refused to switch my medications until I told her if she didn't let me try Armour I would find a doctor who would. She reluctently agreed and I switched to Armour. Within a week I was a different person. I was happier and more energized. My mood swings disappeared and I even got my sex drive back. Both of those were especially appreciated by my husband! Oh and I also lost 15 pounds in 3 months! I ordered the Stop The Thyroid Maddess book and read it from cover to cover. If I could go back in time I would read that book before I see the endocrinologist. It lists alternative tests that can provide additional information to discuss with your doctor and breaks down suppliments/vitamin information. The most challenging part I found was getting my doctor to listen to me. (She has since changed other patients to Armour). Once I had her on board things started moving. Get educated and be an active participant in your treatment. The doctor works for you - you pay him/her. I wish you the best of luck!
  • vaaimee
    vaaimee Posts: 4 Member
    I am on a combination of Synthroid (137 mcg) and Cytomel (5mcg x2), and it really works well for me. I seem to always have low T3 levels, so that is the reason my endo added the Cytomel. I also take it twice a day, 5 mcg in the morning and 5 in the afternoon
  • MyHighestPraise
    MyHighestPraise Posts: 87 Member
    I was on Synthroid for 2 years. All of my blood work was "normal" but I still had every single symptom that sent me to the doc to begin with. After two years, I found STTM (Stop The Thyroid Madness - google it for the website, they also have a facebook group) and learned about NDT (Natural Dessicated Thyroid). My doc was willing to give a try. When you are first switching to a complete thyroid, your body will react oddly. It is going from getting T4 only, to everything. Hang in there at least 2 weeks before changing anything. After two weeks, up your dose slightly (under your docs supervision, of course) and stay there two more weeks. This should continue until you feel *right*.

    After three years on Armour, I am now switching to Naturethroid. This is only b/c although Armour eliminated the vast majority of my symptoms and greatly reduced the rest of them, I'm still too frustrated with my weight fluctuations and my hair loss. They are much better since Armour, but I am not willing to settle.

    I'll take my third dose of Naturthroid tomorrow and I'm excited to watch my body respond. I fully believe my rollercoaster weight and hairloss are arms of my thyroid. I'm also Hashimoto's, but I'm just now (like yesterday and today) beginning to learn about what that means in mydaily life.

    I had no idea that someone with Hashi's should cut out Gluten. I'm learning so much!! And it makes sense!

    If you are considering change, go for it!! If you are in the middle of change, hang in there and don't run from it too quickly. Give your body time to adjust.

    Read read read on the forums and FB group for STTM!! Huge information base there!

    I use MFP to track my food and exercise, but I'm hoping to learn about how I can change my eating habits to better control my hypo/Hashi's.

  • robinkirk92163
    hi my doctor just put me on levothyroxine 50 mcg for my underactive thyroid can you tell me is this going to help me with losing weight I have been on it for like 3 weeks now
  • lkhaycook
    lkhaycook Posts: 23 Member
    My symptoms have increased in the last month- insomnia, fatigue (even if I am able to sleep), waking early, headaches, stiff neck at times, apathy, anxiety at times, inability to concentrate or talk coherently at times. I just asked my doctor to retest my levels but she said I was in the "normal" range. I just ordered Thyro-Gold and am hoping that it helps. Anyone try Thyro-Gold?
  • lkhaycook
    lkhaycook Posts: 23 Member
    hi my doctor just put me on levothyroxine 50 mcg for my underactive thyroid can you tell me is this going to help me with losing weight I have been on it for like 3 weeks now

    It should help you lose weight if you are dieting. If it doesn't, you may need an increased dose.