Week: 8th July 2013

ghsfitnesspal Posts: 260 Member
Morning folks!

haha, I was going to write the title as 08/07/2013 but then realised that it reads August the 7th to you guys across the pond! So I'll stick with writing it out in full :)

THIS WEEK for me!
30 day shred, level 3, every day except Sunday 14th. Whatchu up to?


  • ghsfitnesspal
    ghsfitnesspal Posts: 260 Member
    30 Day shred: day 1 of 6
    Used 2.3kg weights. The dumbell cleans (pop 'n' press, she says throughout) are really easy using them, so I think I will switch to the 4.1kg weights (such a big step up from 2.3!). The shadow boxing, and plank lifts challenge me though, so I'll keep using the 2.3kg set.

    Actually doing this has made me realise I CAN do the high/low plank walk, it's just that by the time I get to it in Insanity, I havent enough energy and I'm feeling pushed because they go so fast. JM does it very slowly, for a minute, rather than fast for 45 seconds, and I think it's given me a boost to know I can do it, so next week with Insanity, I'll try doing it slowly and carefully.
  • boberrymom
    boberrymom Posts: 362 Member
    Holy crap girl, that's awesome weight! You rock! And yay for plank walks! I think its a good idea to do them slow and carefully in Insanity, I mean really its to challenge yourself to make you better not to keep up with everyone on the dvd right? I think the more you do them slowly and properly the more you will be able to pick up the pace.

    Good for you doing JM while you await round 2 of Insanity, I'm so proud of you for keeping going. Thanks for posting this week :)

    I will be posting shortly. :)
  • ghsfitnesspal
    ghsfitnesspal Posts: 260 Member
    :D thanks so much! I'll keep posting, I know you're there (and a couple of others too, you know you're lurking!) and it really helps me, knowing that I've got cheerleaders.

    Looking forward to whenever you get back into it, Bbm....Jess, I think you said your name was? I'm George :)

    Hope you guys are all having a marvellous week!
  • ghsfitnesspal
    ghsfitnesspal Posts: 260 Member
    Morning folks! Both achieved and struggled this morning during 30DS. I managed the 4.1kg weights to do dumbell cleans no problem, and used the 2.3kg for everything else and it was fine! challenging, and I'm a bit achey now, but fine.

    The hardest part was 1. my stomach screeeeaming at me when I was doing the walking pressups and the lift-weight-lift-leg session at the end. I'm still coughing with my asthma and my diaphragm area winces with every tensing :P

    2. Was doing the pike lifts. When I lift my legs up, I rock forwards! the only way I could make myself stay lying down is by putting my hands under my back slightly, like when doing the scissor crosses. Any ideas on how to stay down when doing the full move?!
  • ghsfitnesspal
    ghsfitnesspal Posts: 260 Member
    Noooo, help on the problems, pleeeease, when you can!

    Went out for inadvertant pie last night, with friends who were in the country one night only. So full and so tired so I didnt do 30DS this morning. I've got everything (except the weights, damnit) to go to the park after work (as I'm going there between work and rehearsal, not home til 11pm) and put the session on my Ipad. Going to find somewhere in the shade and hidden from main view so people cant see me doing it. I'm thinking an NSV might occur...wearing shorts out in public :-/ eek!
  • boberrymom
    boberrymom Posts: 362 Member
    Aww hope your asthma doesn't give you too many problems. I found too that I float up every single time. It takes me great concentration to stay down but its worth it. All I can tell you is to focus on the stay down I really don't know how all I did was really really concentrate.

    My suggestions are to do the moves slow and very controlled to see how its supposed to feel and then pick up speed as the strength happens. With that weight you may have to drop the weight down with those particular moves.

    And OMG shorts in public?? lol, you go girl! Be proud to show off those legs, you are way stronger and leaner than you were before so flaunt it :)

    I am on day 4 of 30 DS, I am 1 workout behind because I was so busy with my nephews here. I will do a double workout or catch up on my rest day. I am using 5 lb weights. Level 1 seems to be not as challenging now after Insanity, and the really only thing that does challenge me are the squat and presses with the 5 lbs. I have been trying to do the rest of the moves faster and insanity intensity to give myself more of a challenge. I will definitely try the headphones, unfortunately my phone broke so once I get that fixed I will do this. I only have 3 more days of level 1 and was going to switch it up to level 2 before Saturday but instead i'm trying to do what you said and make it more challenging :) I am so looking forward to level 2 but I am also considering doing a Insanity/Jillian calendar for 90 days but i'm not sure I can handle it. that and I start school again in September full time so I have to plan out once I get my schedule.

    Hope some of these suggestions help. :) And If no one has told you yet today, you totally rock :)
  • fairc3jam
    fairc3jam Posts: 136 Member
    Hello folks! I would say I'm on week 2 but am finding it hard to keep the daily schedule so am improvising. I stay with the workout sequence but do skip days. When I do , I either jog and do the last part of slim in six or do the entire slim in six routine. I do see improvement in how much of the workouts I can do - can get thru the entire warmup :-)

    I finished 1 round of p90x last year. Got thru 2.5 months of Body Revolution early this year then had a break (vacation). I couldn't do the work cuz of equipment required. Then I hurt my knee and took a 2 month break. After, I decided to go on to insanity anyways, crazy right?

    Hope to stay in touch, give and get motivation. Dig Deeper!
  • ghsfitnesspal
    ghsfitnesspal Posts: 260 Member
    I used those tips this morning, BBM, and it helped thank you! I'm over the bad asthma spell, my breathing's almost normal now. I floated up a bit on the pikes this morning but really focused on lower back and stomach muscles and it worked, whoop!

    I cannot BELIEVE I can do those high/low plank transitions, I think that the shorter program focusing on shoulders and arms has really helped. The shorts last night....wow that was awkward. It was only a 6 minute stroll from the sports centre to the park, and I find a space tucked behind some trees and no one saw me. The walk along side the road was the hardest bit but I was so chuffed with myself for getting the work out in, that I just didnt care.

    Hullo FairC3! Well done on keeping it up to week two - schedules can be a nightmare so just keep up what you're working on and it sounds like a great idea to use your rest days to work on something else. Shame about your knee - do be careful with it :) Keep up your fab work and definitely keep in touch, let us know what you've done and what you're planning to do!
  • ghsfitnesspal
    ghsfitnesspal Posts: 260 Member
    Afternoon lovelies!

    I was knackered this morning, so I'll be doing my final Level 3 when I'm home from work today. I'm staying with my oldest bro this weekened and I cannot wait to see him. Having two days off any exercise (except for 6 hours of barbershop coaching tomorrow, my tummy aches so much after singing for so long), and then Insaaaaanityyyy on Monday morning!

    Last night was spent busily booking flights for my darling sister - she's my Maid of Honour but has nought monies in her bank so couldnt book the fights to South Africa where I'm getting married. My awesome boyf said we should loan both her and my little bro the cash and they can repay us, say, £50 a month back. It'll take about 12 months for them to pay it back, but it means they can be at the wedding - and as bridesmaids and groomsmen too!

    I'm incredibly lucky to have the savings, and we dont need the money until late 2014 anyway, and this way I have them with me :) Now, for my older bro and his wife (who live in Austria) to hopefully get their finances sorted to afford the flights and then everyone important will be there. Silly intercontinental relationships - it costs so much to travel between!

    what are your weekend plans folks? It's beautiful here! Sad I'll be indoors all tomorrow daytime but we'll sit in the garden in the evening, before going to see Despicable me 2 :)
  • boberrymom
    boberrymom Posts: 362 Member
    Awww it will be so nice to see you bro, it sounds like you've been waiting for a while to see him. Most of my family live about 8 hrs away from me so I understand the long distance relationships are hard but wow intercontinental would be really hard. It will be so nice for your siblings to be at your wedding. You are getting married in South Africa??? How awesome is that?! Destination weddings are so nice and I wish we would have opted for that when we got married but we decided it would be cheaper to do it here.....but it wasn't lol and we didn't get a honeymoon lol. We could have done it all at once.

    I am so excited you are getting ready for insanity, i really miss it, however i did just decide the last couple days i am going to take up running again and see how it goes. I miss running so much and its comparable to how i feel about Insanity so we will see. I just finished Week 1 Level 1 of 30 DS and am so happy to be done Level 1 and never look back. Onto level 2 tomorrow and not too soon either i was getting so bored. I love Jillian but it pisses me off after seeing Shaun T workout the way he does during Insanity and still be able to talk and actually do all the exercises with you meanwhile when it starts getting hard Jillian stops and talks lol.

    My arms are so much stronger and my pushups are so much lower now which is exciting. Weekend plans so far are nada, it is our anniversary today so we haven't decided what we are going to do. We have no sitter available this weekend so whatever it is will be with the kids lol. Maybe swimming again.

    Glad those tips worked for 30DS! I'm very proud of you for completing level 3 all this week, you rock!

    Hi fairc3!! Glad you are back into the exercise game. I miss insanity so much. I'm hoping that i can continue running.