Starting Paleo on July 22

I have made the discussion to start eating full Paleo on July 22nd, after we get back from vacation.
I've been on a healthy eating plan since May 20th, and I would say it is 85% paleo now but I do have to cut some things out. My weight is slowly dropping but I feel better than I have in a while. I am doing the Focus T25 workouts at home and it is a 10 week challenge.

All of this is new to me so any advice or recommendations would be helpful, as well as friend request here. I find it helpful to look at what others are eating.

I have the Blueprint book loaded on my kindle to read while at the beach.
What else do I need to know?

What is the Whole30challenge, anyone got the info on that?


  • nemrut
    nemrut Posts: 397 Member
    I just finished The Whole 30 program last Thursday but I haven't been able to do the reintroduction part yet since I had to take a break for a colonoscopy. Tomorrow I will be getting back to it.

    Basically, the Whole 30 is a fairly restrictive food plan that is based on a Paleo-type diet with a few differences. It made a great difference in how I feel and my workouts have been better as well, so I plan to continue it for the most part with some things added back in on an occasional basis if I tolerate them well. The plan is available on the Whole 9 site along with shopping lists, support groups, tips, etc. The book is a little more in-depth, but you can certainly follow it just using the Web site. It really is a great way to get into a healthier way of eating. I feel like I eat a lot more now and I feel satisfied until the next meal, so it really helped get my snacking habit under control. I have been pre-diabetic and my A1C is now normal at 5.5, so it helped with that too.

    I have an open diary, but please feel free to friend me if you wish.
  • Barbellgirl
    Barbellgirl Posts: 544 Member
    Have you finished The Primal Blueprint yet? It's funny, I also read it on vacation a few months ago. I've been paleo (95%) for two months. The best advice I can give you is to go through your fridge and pantry carefully. There's HFCS and soy hidden in so many things. It's easier to stick to it if you don't have the other food handy. If you need some good paleo/ primal resources let me know. I'd be happy to share some of my favorites. :)
  • MikeFlyMike
    MikeFlyMike Posts: 639 Member
    Agree with the above. I am a firm believer of the empty the fridge and pantry. Do NOT fall victim to the thought of "I hate to throw away food". 1) it isn't food - 2) donate unopened stuff to a shelter if necessary
    I am religious about grains, soy, hfcs.
    Primal blueprint is an awesome.
    I love whole30 ISWF.

    This group is very supportive and find it more informative than Marks Daily ;)
    Please don't consider it a diet - adopt the lifestyle in order to live long.. and drop dead.
  • JinksE21
    JinksE21 Posts: 77 Member
    I am in the Whole30 camp! When I decided to give Paleo a try, I went straight into Whole30. It's a very strict Paleo plan/reset but you learn the basics and how foods affect your body. They have shopping lists and other guides to help you along your journey and the forums on the site are very helpful. It Starts With Food is a great, easy read to help you understand why you don't need grains, legumes, dairy, soy, etc. without being all sciency. Since mine ended in May, I have moved more into Primal but I have started becoming a little more lax in my choices so I see another Whole30 in my near future!

    I think Whole30 is a great starting pointing for the Paleo lifestyle!