Welcome and introduction



  • Tesscan
    Tesscan Posts: 6 Member
    Hi Team,

    Looking for friends and support, I know losing weight is not a plan you can do alone. Looking forward to hear success and also how we manage our challenges. I don't believe in giving up when at times you want to, I love myself too much!

    Happy Thoughts!
  • two_octopodes
    two_octopodes Posts: 130 Member
    Hi! I love this kind of challenge- the weekly consistency of checking in and cheering on other group members as the weeks go by is really motivating to me, plus sometimes it gives me the kick in the pants I really need when I'm slacking. I'm looking forward to seeing how this group develops. =)
  • pkrichar
    pkrichar Posts: 228 Member
    Hi everyone, I am Pam from Wisconsin. I am 50, 5'4 and at 203, down from 250. I am really trying to eat healthy and workout to get fit and prevent myself from getting some of the health issues my parents have. I am hoping this will be an active group and motivational.
  • h_nsmith
    h_nsmith Posts: 10
    Hi Everyone! I have been on mfp for almost a year now I think and it has been a huge help in getting my diet right, but up until this month I had not joined any groups. I am hoping that now that I have my diet on track this group will help keep me accountable for my exercising and weight loss. I am 5’7” and weigh 160 lbs, with a very high body fat percentage. I believe I have almost no muscle... I joined a group similar to this one a few weeks ago, but the creator deleted her account and half the group has stopped posting. It looks like this is going to be a much better group!
  • foreverlys
    My name is Elisa and I'm from Spain (14 years old)
    I'm 5'7'
    CW:137lbs GW:128
    I have 21% of body fat.
    I would like to lost weight but what I'd love is to tone my body and make it muscular.
    Please feel free to add me as your friends!!
    Nice to meet you!
  • CoozyRoo
    CoozyRoo Posts: 82 Member
    Hello all, I (re)joined MFP on May 1st of this year with some family members, and I'm excited to be part of a group challenge! Right now I'm doing an elimination diet to where I'm eliminating foods that are known to have a high intolernce level (soy, eggs, dairy, gluten, corn, peanuts), and then reintroducing each group individually back in after 21 days to see if I have any intolerences. It has definitely been a challenge but I look forward to cutting out anything that may be deterring me from reaching my goals. I'm also starting the c25k program and some strength training in addition to being really concious about what I eat. I want to make sure that I can stick to this because it is a lifestyle change and not just something I'm doing until I reach my goal. I look forward to participating in this group, and good luck to all!
  • LaniMarie2013
    Hi I am new to MFP. I am hoping being part of a group will hold me accountable and will also give me motivation. I have had a weight problem for the last 12 years up and down, but I am now at my heaviest of 255 and I am 5'7". I need to lose atleast 100lbs. I have done Insanity and I actually love it, but time and family don't allow me to fit this in. However I am going to make it a point to have time for myself. I don't have any friends to lose weight with so I am hoping someone here will be that friend to motivate me and hold me accountable.
  • iamlshauntay
    iamlshauntay Posts: 5 Member
    Hi everyone. My name is Latoya and I've been on and off MFP for a year now. I became really serious about cleaning up my act on May 28th & have been working out since. I walk/jog/run 5 -6 days a week, currently doing the Insanity program, along with helping my friend exercise at the gym 2 - 3 times a week for a hour each day. I'm striving to walk everywhere I can instead of taking the bus/train and I need to lose over 100 pounds. I managed to reach the heaviest weight in my life this year and the health problems came crashing in with every pound. I need this for me this time and tired of always doing for everyone else. I wish everyone the best on their program.
  • recitjane
    recitjane Posts: 6 Member
    Hi Everyone. I am new to MFP (joined yesterday) after losing 25 pounds on my own. Now I feel as though I'm ready to take things to a new level to get more fit than ever and get rid of these last 15 pounds. this groups sounds just like what i need to stay motivated the rest of the summer, and hopefully into the fall. I walk/run most days of the week, and have even done a couple of half marathons, but I still don't feel as though I'm in shape. I feel like I need to try some different challenges and get some support, as I'm bored with the same food and motivators I've been using. I'm looking forward to being accountable, and hope this keeps me on track. Good luck to everyone - let's do this!!!
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,411 Member
    My name is Chris and my weight loss journey (this time) started eight yeas ago. I weighed 192.2. It took me 15 months to drop 60 pounds and I struggle every day to keep it off. Some days are better than others. Some days my head is on straight and some days...well, it's not good. MFP has helped me stay motivated for the past year. It's harder when it's just me...so easy to lie to myself...so easy for the voices in the fridge to get louder and the voices in the pantry to start singing their little "Eat me!" ditty. MFP helps me silence those voices!! :tongue: I just have to keep at it.

  • CaeliGirl11
    CaeliGirl11 Posts: 108 Member
    Hi, My name is Sara and I joined MFP in April. I had heard a lot about it through the girls that I was advising at the Chapter in my sorority (Alpha Gamma Delta) at South Carolina. I just thought it was some kind of fad but when I really looked into it I thought I'd give it a try. As for a little about my weight loss journey so far...I was VERY careful when I got pregnant with my daughter (in 2011) and only gained about 12 lbs (which by the time I had her I was already back down to pre-pregancy weight!). However, due to some complications from the delivery I was stuck not exercising for a few months and gained about 15 lbs. And then ended up with migraine attacks worse than I had ever experienced (3-4/week!!). Once I was put on topamax daily I dropped about 10 lbs over the course of the next year. And that's when I decided to go ahead and try out this MFP thing;)
    Boy am I glad I did!! I have dropped another 25lbs since April and feel better than I have in years! I just recently signed up for a triathlon in September (which all my friends and family think I'm nutso for doing!) but I'm absolutely having a BLAST training for it! I joined a challenge group back in May but it ended up getting too big and dismantled recently and boy can I feel that void! I'm very happy to be a part of a new challenge group and look forward to getting to know you guys a little better; receive motivation from you all and give it back as well!
    We can do this!! 12 weeks here we go!!
  • Siennacita
    Siennacita Posts: 67 Member
    Hi everyone!
    I'm fairly new to MFP - just about 1 month now.
    I've struggled with my weight in the past - but about 15 years ago I got down to 135 and kept it off for about 6-7 years before I started steadily gaining again. About 6 weeks ago I got on the scale to see that I'd hit the dreaded 200 lb mark - that's when I decided I was going to change my life!
    I'm very happy to be hear - I read some of the other 'introductions' posted here - this sounds like a group of positive, high-energy people ready to help eachother meet our goals - I hope to contribute too!
  • Teal57
    Teal57 Posts: 2 Member
    Looking for some inspiration and motivation - thought a group would be a good place to start! Accountability is a bit of struggle when I try to just track and weigh-in consistently alone. I'm about to turn 29 and although I've made some progress with getting into better shape over the last two years, I really miss how much more athletic you feel when the muscle you've built isn't hidden under fat. So it's time to address the eating, because fitness alone is not enough!