Starting Weights



  • My starting weight for this challenge is 239.6.
  • angelasmithhenderson
    angelasmithhenderson Posts: 23 Member
    happy monday everyone!
    as i look through here and see everyone's weight, i'm mortified to put mine. Nobody but my dr. knows my weight, So posting my weight is terrifying. Ok (deep breath)
    my starting weight is 200 lbs.
  • angelasmithhenderson
    angelasmithhenderson Posts: 23 Member
    hi sarah.
    love your enthusiasm. nice to meet you
  • my3pugs
    my3pugs Posts: 4
    The dreaded WI Day. Starting on Monday at 168.
    Already connected my FitBit to MyFitness Pal, so nice to see the exercise stack up.
    Unfortunately, it is Monday so I had to have a coffee to get me started. I ordered a medium instead of a large. :)

    Here's to 12 weeks of declining numbers!!!
  • h_nsmith
    h_nsmith Posts: 10
    My starting weight is 160 lbs. I can weight to see that number go down. I am thinking doing a personal challenge for the month of August. It will be clean eating for the whole month. I mean eggs and yogurt for breakfast, tuna and fruit for lunch, chicken breasts and veggies for dinner with a protein shake at some point. I have a problem with eating horrible on the weekends and when I visit my mother she always has to comment on my healthing eating. I want to switch my mindset of eating for pleasure over to eating for health and she doesnt understand that. But I wont let her or the weekends get to me any more!
  • Starting with 137lbs
  • MFP SW 168 in February
    FSC SW 133
  • Hi my starting weight when joining MFP was 228 2 weeks ago now I am 224.x
  • CoozyRoo
    CoozyRoo Posts: 82 Member
    Hi all,

    MFP SW 256.4 lbs in May 2013
    FSC SW 228.0 lbs
    Summer Challenge goal weigh = 195 lbs
    Goal weight = 145 lbs

    End of Week 1:
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  • caradae
    caradae Posts: 743 Member
    MFP SW 235.4
    FSC SW 227.4

    FSC goal: 215
    MFP goal: 135
  • Hi I joined today and My starting weight is 254.6
  • recitjane
    recitjane Posts: 6 Member
    I joined today and my starting weight was 148.4.
    My goal weight is 135.0
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,727 Member
    MFP SW 144.8
    FSC SW 132.4


    FSC GW: 125.0

  • grizziegriz
    grizziegriz Posts: 281 Member
    Hello ~

    Today's weight = 147.5 lbs
    Summer Challenge goal weigh = 137.5 lbs ( -10 lbs)
    Goal weight = 125 lbs

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  • CaeliGirl11
    CaeliGirl11 Posts: 108 Member
    Hi All:) My name is Sara and I just joined today.
    My starting weight with MFP was 265 in mid April and I am now down to 239.8! I wanna keep it going strong so I'm excited about this group:) Oh and I'm now training for my first triathlon on September 7th!! woo hoo! I'm still keeping it realistic so I'd like to lose about a 1lb a week.
    MFP SW 265
    FSC SW 239.8
    GW: 227
  • Siennacita
    Siennacita Posts: 67 Member
    Hi everyone.
    My stats:

    MFP SW: 195
    FSC SW: 187.4

    Goal Weight: 135

    Excited to be hear - and part of this challenge with all of you!
  • PandraBear
    PandraBear Posts: 49 Member
    Weight Loss Start Weight: 280.0
    MFP Start Weight: 277.0
    Today's weight = 201.5
    Summer Challenge goal weigh = 180 lbs
    Goal weight = 160

    End of Week 1:
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    End of Week 11:
    End of Week 12:

    I'm hoping to start training for my first 5K in October, but scheduling will be VERY difficult. I'm sure any results from that training will show in here.
  • writemusic4him
    writemusic4him Posts: 312 Member
    Starting Weight - 188.5
    12 wk goal - 176
  • alainadimarco
    alainadimarco Posts: 2 Member
    Weight Loss Starting Weight: 145
    MFP Start Weight: 141
    Today's Weight: 121
    Goal Weight: 118-122 (range because I vary a lot based on muscle tone)

    Although I have lost the weight I gained in college and surpassed my goal weight of 125, my main challenge has been remaining motivated to maintain what I have accomplished through my hard work and I am here for support as I try to maintain/gain muscle healthfully.