I had VERTICAL SLEEVE 10 months ago!



  • better_life_ahead
    better_life_ahead Posts: 3 Member
    hello :)

    yes 10 months ago--down from 320lbs-150bs!!! its has been incredible! im looking for ANYONE who has had or is looking into having the SLEEVE done! unfortunalty there are not many of us, and its so different from the bypasss or band. i absolutley enjoy speaking to all WLS patients :) but it would be awesome to reach out to a fellow "sleever" ;)

    thanks for reading!

    Hi, i had VSG on Feb-14-2012, i'm a bit over 1 year out right now and have lost around 155 lbs since the start of my journey, on Jan-10-2012 i weighed in at 333 lbs and surgery day was 311 lbs, today i'm 178.5 lbs and my first original goal was to get to 165 lbs, it's hard but hopefully will get there soon.

    I track everything here on MFP and anyone feel free to add me! :)
  • Hi all! Had my VS done 12/5/12... down 45 lbs... this is the BEST thing I've ever done for myself and my health! I am now off blood pressure meds and my blood sugar is no longer a problem! Glad I found this forum!:smile:
  • anninva
    anninva Posts: 9 Member
    Hi VSG peeps! Good to find you! Had my surgeryb1/10/11 and sliding back in maintenance. I'm on OH a lot and people seem to like MFP a lot, so here I am!

    So, so glad I had the surgery! Mwah!
  • i had vs about 3 1/2 weeks ago i lost 7lbs within the first week and then 2lbs i have only been able to get about 500 to 900 calories a day with most days being in the 500/600. i have been doing low exercise like walking and leg lifts. my weight has not gone down or up since the first couple weeks. i have been reading that it is a myth that you go in a starvation mode. so what can i do any ? any suggestion? july 16 2013
  • khontz
    khontz Posts: 31 Member
    I had the sleeve on February 25, and am down 100 lbs from surgery and 156 overall. I had no issues with the surgery or the eating afterwards. WOuld love to help anyone having questions of concerns. A lot depends on your surgeon so do your homework. I have had friends had the same proceedure from different docs and have had some less than desirable outcomes. SO that being said choose your doctor/surgeon wisely. Each body is different so don't expect the same results the next person has. You are an individual and make sure you follow the rules of the sleeve to the "T"
  • cspinelli712
    cspinelli712 Posts: 41 Member
    Congratulations on your weight loss, job well done. I had my WLS done on March 11, 2013 and now four months out I am down 72 pounds. Since you are further ahead of me can you please share with me any difficulties you have had getting towards your goal?

    I have already had a stall that lasted almost a month but seem to be loosing again at this time. Does being down 72 pounds in 4 months sound like I am on target or is this slow. I am trying to get off as my weight as I can in 12 months. I have been told that it is more difficult to get weight off after the first year and I am not sure if this is true or not. I still need to drop another 109# so I still have a long ways to go. Any help/advise you can give me would really be appreicated. Thank you again. Cheryl
  • I am 3 months and 1 week out as of now, I have lost 71 pounds since surgery on 4/25/13. I just had my 3 month follow-up and my surgeon said I am well ahead of her plan as I have already lost 43% of my excess weight. She said normal for 3 months out in her office average is about 19-21% of excess weight lost, so I guess it depends how much you had to lose to start with. :)
  • BeckyMBisMe
    BeckyMBisMe Posts: 215 Member
    mid process for me. I just had my "insurance required" meeting with the surgeon this past Thursday. He thinks I'm a great candidate and his staff will be submitting my request for approval this coming week. I'm not sure how long this step will take but I'm hoping to have my surgery around the end of Sept. at the soonest or the end of October at the latest as I'm already scheduled to have some time off work both those months.
    My daughter had bypass a few years ago and was fairly successful though she never did lose all the weight she wanted. She knows better but still eats too much and doesn't make the best choices. I do not want to go that route because of the drastic change to the inner workings and probable nutritional deficiencies.
    My older sister, on the other hand, had the lap-band and would be under goal now if it weren't for the excess flesh. I think she is actually too thin. And she has had some problems with her intestines twisting upon themselves. She recently had emergency surgery to untwist them.