So this fat business.....



  • sunlover89
    sunlover89 Posts: 436 Member
    Does this mean that if I eat fat with fruit, the fat will be much more likely to be stored as adipose tissue than used as fuel? Is the best think I can do to avoid scoring energy as fat is to not eat sweet or sugary foods with fatty foods? I've been eating sweet potatoes with fatty fish like sardines, then I'll have an egg and an apple. Is this a bad combination?
    will the fat I'm eating get used as opposed to being stored, as well as my stored fat?

    Fat can be stored as fat. Carbs (glucose) can be stored as fat. Protein can be stored as fat (a bit harder chemical process though).
    Be careful to not think of dietary fat as adipose tissue (what people call body fat).
    If you eat less carbs, but also eat less fat - you will go insane ;)
    You will not absorb nutrition.

    We americans are the most overfed - but are terribly undernourished because we eat crap devoid of most nutritional content - but also damage the pathways for absorption of what nutrients we do get. example: Taking a multivitamin when your body isn't set up for success is pissing away your money btw ;)

    Now that we have you not afraid of fat - start thinking about good fat. olive oil, avocados, grass fed butter and lard etc. Then eat some cholesterol too ;)
  • scubar17
    scubar17 Posts: 43
    I also highly recommend reading Gary Taubes book "Why We Get Fat: And What to Do About it." I just finished it (in two days) and it explains in great detail the role that insulin plays in fat storage. It's very informative, eye-opening, and it will piss you off because of all the misinformation we've been fed over the years about fat. A very powerful book.
  • EricCowperthwaite
    Does this mean that if I eat fat with fruit, the fat will be much more likely to be stored as adipose tissue than used as fuel? Is the best think I can do to avoid scoring energy as fat is to not eat sweet or sugary foods with fatty foods? I've been eating sweet potatoes with fatty fish like sardines, then I'll have an egg and an apple. Is this a bad combination?

    Heh, I am having a hard time answering just cause I don't like sweet potatoes or sardines. ;-)

    I think the answer is that if you are moderate with such foods, and sticking to the right quantities and types of foods, you are not going to see the dietary fat be stored in your fat cells. There's a dramatically different impact on your body from 1 cup of strawberries and 1 cup of pasta. For example:

    1 cup spaghetti - 220 cals, 42.8g carbs, 2.5g fiber

    1 cup strawberry halves - 49 cals, 11.7g carbs, 3g fiber

    We are really talking about the insulin spikes caused by processed foods made from wheat and corn and other starchy foods. Like pasta, bread, anything with HFCS in it, regular potatoes, rice, etc.
  • sunlover89
    sunlover89 Posts: 436 Member
    Does this mean that if I eat fat with fruit, the fat will be much more likely to be stored as adipose tissue than used as fuel? Is the best think I can do to avoid scoring energy as fat is to not eat sweet or sugary foods with fatty foods? I've been eating sweet potatoes with fatty fish like sardines, then I'll have an egg and an apple. Is this a bad combination?

    Heh, I am having a hard time answering just cause I don't like sweet potatoes or sardines. ;-)

    I think the answer is that if you are moderate with such foods, and sticking to the right quantities and types of foods, you are not going to see the dietary fat be stored in your fat cells. There's a dramatically different impact on your body from 1 cup of strawberries and 1 cup of pasta. For example:

    1 cup spaghetti - 220 cals, 42.8g carbs, 2.5g fiber

    1 cup strawberry halves - 49 cals, 11.7g carbs, 3g fiber

    We are really talking about the insulin spikes caused by processed foods made from wheat and corn and other starchy foods. Like pasta, bread, anything with HFCS in it, regular potatoes, rice, etc.

    Thanks, I really appreciate your answer.
    I have a feeling I am very sensitive to certain whole foods, even in smallish amounts. One of my CrossFit trainers recently told me I should be eating more carbs and less fat to furl my body for intense workouts - I was eating equal amounts of fat and protein, approx 100g and 60g carbs. I stopped cooking with evoo and ghee, cut nuts and ate more berries and carrots. The result was exhaustion, napping, weakness and general lethergy. So I think I sugar crash even with "low GI" whole foods and subsequently my body becomes a fat storing machine, from eating a couple servings of carrots and berries! I don't think there is a one size fits all approach with macros or types of carbs. I'm still trying to find a food routine that works.