Newbie here on end of week 1

rlong637 Posts: 25 Member
I am curious what others are using as their running and walking paces on the treadmill? I am using 3 for walking and 5 for running and i am 4'11 and that is really cooking along for me!

I am so happy with my progress so far, other than a bad excertion headache that lasted 2 days, i have not had no problems other than that.


  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Yay you! The first week! You should be proud of yourself.

    I was slower than a 20 minute mile average for the several weeks. That's around the high 3s for walking and around mid 4 for running.
  • Madmoo70
    Madmoo70 Posts: 25 Member
    Im in week 4 and doing it on a treadmill. I walk at 3.6-3.8 and run at 4.4-4.6 :smile:
  • brookelester10
    brookelester10 Posts: 7 Member
    Congratulations on your first week! I cannot stress how much I love this program.
    I'm on week 7. I use a treadmill right now. I run at 5.7-5.9 and walk at 3.2.
  • rlong637
    rlong637 Posts: 25 Member
    Thank you guys for your input, I see that it really doesn't matter what speed i put it on as long as i am running. :drinker:
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Yay! You've mastered lesson 1. A++
  • hdtracy
    hdtracy Posts: 49 Member
    I walk at a 2.9 and "run" at a 3.4 ... hehe. It's okay. I'll speed up eventually I'm sure!