as well as a strong woman, who are you?



  • fisherlassie
    fisherlassie Posts: 542 Member
    I love hearing about all of your interests!
  • CycleFlow
    CycleFlow Posts: 55
    Rather new to the group still but here it goes.

    - 29 years old (OMG 30 soon!) from Southern Ontario Canada.
    - Recreation Therapist working with Older Adults
    - B.A double Major Recreation & Leisure Studies /Social Development studies
    - Side job - Teach Cycling and power yoga for our local fitness club
    - Im secretly a very anxious person but have forced myself to deal with it and make changes so that it is no longer debilitating
    - If you met me on the street you would never peg me as a yoga teacher, Im way to high strung. LMAO
    - live with my boyfriend of 3 years. If all plays out we will have a house in 1 year and be married a year after that, undecided on children
    - he likes to plan the big picture (see point above) - I plan the day to day "life"
    - I ran a 1/2 marathon on 2010, running was my first introduction to fitness.
    - I lived in India for 8 months.
    - peanut butter and ice cream are my two vices. I could stare at a bag of chips for months but a carton of ice cream wont last a week between me and my boyfriend (thus its only purchased on special occasions)
    - I love being outside camping, swimming hiking whatever
    - I have the tightest hips imaginable despite my yoga practise
    - I love bright running shoes
    - I wear fitness clothing to work everyday and have a closet full of other clothing that goes sadly unworn...

    I think that is me in a nutshell
  • aliciaje
    aliciaje Posts: 83
    Also new!

    -24 years old, turning 25 in September
    -I live in Calgary, Alberta, Canada
    -I am a petroleum geologist and have been out of university of 2 years. I work at a big oil company and hate it
    -Live with my BF of 7 years in a tiny century old home we bought together one year ago.
    -We have a fur baby named Olive who is a German Shorthaired Pointer and I love her to pieces!
    -I LIVE for being in the mountains, skiing and mountain biking are my reasons for living
    -We are planning on quitting our jobs and making an escape to a mountain town this winter and I am SOOO excited about it
    -Grew up very active playing all sorts of sports. I am on here because I have a problem with portion control!
    -I love being a scientist, but don't like exploring for oil
    -I have huge thighs (24in) that I just recently learned to love
    -I am generally pretty shy but trying to change that and losing weight has definitely helped my self esteem out
    -I love competing with the boys and doing things that aren't "typical" for girls!

    ALSO CycleFlow I am going to PM you because I want to teach spin!
  • girlie100
    girlie100 Posts: 646 Member
    OOh love this :love:

    I'm Zara, nickname Jonners
    Just turned 30
    I'm an architect and run my own business, studied architecture and engineering
    Married for 2 years and currently live South East Coast, England
    Will probably have children but haven't completely decided on this point
    I play football (soccer) and love food, any food no one understands my appetite lol
    I ran my first 1/2 marathon in June and can safely say that I am retired from distance running!
    I love lifting iron like a bad *kitten* and working on anything that will improve my football, made my own gym at home its my little S&C paradise
    my weakness has to be cake, can leave chocolate but can eat all the cakes easily, makes it even harder as my mum is an excellent baker!!! just torture

    And that's about all my life :)
  • leithy89
    leithy89 Posts: 19 Member
    Hello! Been lurking around this forum for ages but never really posted.
    I am 24 years old, registered nurse in Australia.
    I love anything to do with sport, be it netball, hiking, running, etc
    I just started Stronglifts and going to the gym to increase my weights as I'm sick of being so weak.
    Engaged, to be married next year
    My life is 100% full on most of the time
  • zanyzana
    zanyzana Posts: 248 Member
    Hello! Been lurking around this forum for ages but never really posted.
    I am 24 years old, registered nurse in Australia.
    I love anything to do with sport, be it netball, hiking, running, etc
    I just started Stronglifts and going to the gym to increase my weights as I'm sick of being so weak.
    Engaged, to be married next year
    My life is 100% full on most of the time

    Woohoo, another Aussie!!! Are there many other Australians on here, I wonder? It's hard to do the maths from lb to kg all the time from the American posters. My brain gets tired from it!
  • leithy89
    leithy89 Posts: 19 Member
    I get tired of converting as well, I normally google it and use an online converter! I've tried converting in my head though to develop that skill haha
  • inkysmurf
    inkysmurf Posts: 168
    Just wanted to jump back in and say hello!

    This is the best thread ever!
  • kellrell
    kellrell Posts: 31 Member
    ok, so i know this has been slow for a couple days but im new to the group and i wanted to introduce myself.

    My name is Kelly.
    Im 26 (almost 27) years old now. I live in Brantford Ontario (Canada whoowhoo!! Brantford is about an hour west of Toronto).
    I have been married to my best friend for almost a year and started dating him over 8 years ago (we met pretty young, but he is my prince).
    I have a beatuiful smart, amazing little girl Hailee, who is 18 months old and growing too fast on me.
    I dont get to see Hailee much because I am a psychiatric nurse with a full-time and a part-time job. I work 12 hour shifts on two acute psych units. I love my job but i miss my little munchkin.
    I am currently looking at going back to school for my nursing degree on top of all of that.
    I have been trying to lose weight for years. Started with gaining the freshman 15 in college and it just continued from there till I hit 230# when I looked at the scale and saw that I was heavy than I ever was when I was pregant and that just was not happening.
    I lost 30# with calorie cycling and fasting.
    Now I love lifting heavy things. I lift with my husband during Hailee's nap time, and I have officially done 7 sessions. I basically follow what my husand does but for me he has ensured that we incorporate the work outs from SL 5x5
    I love to read and hang out with friends.
    My motivation is my daughter. I want/need to be around for her forever.

    Thats enough from me haha. lots there. can't wait to learn from all of you here on the boards.
  • YoBecca
    YoBecca Posts: 167
    I'm Becca, age 35
    - I live in Atlanta, and love it

    - I'm married (12 years) and have 2 awesome kids (girl 9, boy 6)

    - I'm a lawyer, but took an unusual path to get there - including a previous career as a teacher. I work for a federal appeals court now.

    - I'm a boot camp instructor with Operation Boot Camp - it's an outdoor workout boot camp, and I love it. It's how I got into as good as shape as I am at this point (which is not where I want to be - still working on my goals) - but, as an instructor I have to get my workouts in in other ways. That's what led me to SL.

    - I run. I'm not a natural runner - it's a struggle for me and I'm not fast. But I love how it makes me feel. I've run 4 half marathon s and am training for my 5th now. I also ran my first (and likely only) full marathon last October.
  • myvspace
    myvspace Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, I'm Vannessa.
    I'm 29 years old.
    I am a mommy of two young daughters (almost 4 and 18 months) and our doggy, a Shiba Inu,
    An Army wife to my husband of 5 years.
    I'm a full-time student, trying to earn my nursing degree.
    Usually a lurker on the boards, but have used MFP for a year now with little progress (due to my extreme laziness)
    Just started taking my health and body seriously so I've just finished my first week of Stronglifts and loving it. I also love to Zumba, so it's my source of cardio and reason to shake what my mama gave me.
  • PitBullMom_Liz
    PitBullMom_Liz Posts: 339 Member
    I'm Liz. I'll be 35 next month. I work in a prison, and starting Sunday I will be getting promoted to a Lieutenant, which is very exciting and frightening. I'll be supervising staff, god help me. And them, LOL.

    I have a pit bull who is the utter love of my life. And a cat that just totally completes my little family.

    I have always been overweight as far back as I can remember. I clearly remember being called Thunder Thighs starting in grade school. My self-esteem has suffered due to being fat, and I have pretty much none. However, lifting is giving me confidence for the first time ever. I may not be losing weight or losing inches, but dammit, I'm getting stronger.

    Today was the first day of week 5 of Stronglifts. It blows me away how much I'm enjoying it even as I struggle.
  • catfive1
    catfive1 Posts: 529 Member
    Hi: I'm Cathy

    I live on a 100 acre farm in Peterborough, Ontario, Canada.

    53 year old mother of 2 (25 yr old son, 24 yr old daughter) stepmother of 1(35 yr old son) step grandmother of 1 (5 yr old grandson and another on the way)

    Married for 3 years to the most amazing man I have ever met. We eloped in San Francisco while on a road trip. He proposed at 8am and we were married at noon. Needless to say we are spontaneous. We love to travel. I weighted 210 lbs when we got married and now weight 156 lbs. My hubby likes to call me his hot young wife.

    I started Stronglifts 4 weeks ago using weight equipment I have picked up at garage sales. Love garage sales. My hubby is slowly realizing he should be lifting too. :happy: :happy:
  • Nix143
    Nix143 Posts: 522 Member
    What an amazing thread - hello to you all and thanks for sharing. I love the diversity of the group.

    Here's my 2 pennorth - there's a clue for you

    - I'm 43

    - Live in Lancashire which is in the North of England

    - mother to a 19 year old boy who is currently at Uni who looks just like his dad but has my personality traits.

    - I'm a *kitten*, lesbian, femme goddess, queer - pick whatever label suits you as I'm not bothered what box people try to put me in

    - single - serial monogamist who just can't get it right when it comes to relationships. Last 5 year relationship ended in March and since then I've decided to sack it off and just enjoy being single. Saying that if I came across some silver haired butch woman who loved lifting heavy I think I could be persuaded to have another bash :wink:

    - I have the most amazing support network of friends. Honestly, if I wasn't part of our friendship group I'd be wanting in

    - I have 2 black pugs called Gertie and Reggie who, to be fair, are absolute little horrors. When someone said that pugs were notoriously difficult to train I remember poo poo'ing that. I'd had other dogs, how hard could it be? I need Victoria Stilwell to come and give me intensive training as they have me wrapped around their furry wee paws. And they never, ever stop! I thought pugs were supposed to be old lady dogs? Love them.

    - I love cooking. Like, really REALLY love cooking. And then eating. And maybe eating some more. I have big, big issues with using food to self medicate and this is my biggest stumbling block. Life now is amazing, I'm keeping a wary eye open as to what happens with my behaviour when life gets tough again. Because it will.

    - I'm an office manager for a renewable energy company. I used to be a software project manager but then I became ill, had brain surgery and didn't want to spend the rest of my life driving up and down the country looking after clients. Less money but my quality of life is better. Fair payoff in my book.

    - Consider myself a low level geek. Can be snobby about what films/books/music I enjoy but then re-write the rules to allow my deemed exceptions. Got a big thing for Wolverine. And Thor. Badass superheroes all round really. Hit Girl makes me smile hugely.

    - I try to learn something new and go somewhere I've never been once a year. I'm counting lifting as this year's new thing as it's important to me that I get it nailed in.

    - I realise I have limited willpower and so am trying all the mental tricks possible to build lasting habits.

    - Trained as a counsellor but realised I was far too bossy and just wanted to tell people what they should be doing. Counselling fail.

    - No matter how hard I try I can't seem to maintain a tidy house. Or finish decorating anything. Which is insane because when things are tidy or I've finished a DIY job I feel so good. And calm. Mess depresses me but instead of it motivating me to deal with it I turn around, pick up a book and ignore it.

    - I read. A lot.

    - I could keep this up all day..........
  • Superkwing83
    Superkwing83 Posts: 21 Member
    Hello all, here I go...

    - I'm Khanthaly (khan-ta-lee) or "K" seems to be easier for everyone else
    - just turned 30
    - married to hubby for 5 years this Sept. 6. Together for 13 years.
    - daughter will be 3 end of the month (gone by fast!), son is 15 months
    - calico cat named Danity - after p. diddy's/puffy's MTV girl group :)
    - live in Iowa
    - B.A. Public Relations and English minor - waste because I'm at home with the kiddos now
    - I'm a hermit with the kiddos except when we go to the gym
    - hobbies - still trying to figure myself out. Right now it's all about kids, hubby, household and working out - mainly bc it's my one hour of free time from the kids lol
  • grandevampire
    Hey all, guess I shall play...

    I am 5'8.5" (173cm), about to turn 29. I am originally from Canada (Toronto), but am currently living in Paris, France.

    As a kid, I was a competitive swimmer, and when I stopped that, went on to play quite a bit of tennis. I have always been athletically inclined, I suppose, although after high school I pretty much stopped doing any sport regularly.

    My fitness was at an all-time low earlier this year, when I really started feeling the onset of age and decided to turn things around. In the span of just six short months, I feel like I am now at my all-time fitness high as an adult. I never dreamed I would be able to run 15km (run? me?! never!!) or to do lifting with a barbell. I wish it were more common knowledge that improving fitness and changing your body can start immediately and happen so fast if you have good information. I guess I am kind of out to spread the word now that I have collected loads of info and have had first hand experience applying it.

    My goal is to become stronger, more durable, and more physically dense (I have always been slim, but extremely "light" for my height/size, aka no muscle == weaksauce).

    Otherwise, I heard that I am pretty geeky-- am a software engineer and have many of the interests that go with. I heart gadgets and adore the internets. I got into amateur photography a few years ago (my Flickr:, though it may or may not have been due to the endless gear purchasing possibilities. It's very likely that I am one of those people who like photography just so they can research and buy stuff. I love binging on good TV (some faves are The Wire, Parks and Recreation, Arrested Development, Curb Your Enthusiasm, Battlestar Galactica, Orange is the New Black, House of Cards).

    Loved finding out more about all of you, whose user names I now see almost daily. Keep up the badassery!
  • glwerth
    glwerth Posts: 335 Member

    Wife to Tim who I adore more than anything, even after nearly 24 years of marriage.

    At-home mom to 3 living children, all boys, Conrad 12, Alex 11, and Niko 4 (almost 5).

    Mother of Julianna, who died at birth, but is always in my heart. She'd be 15 this year.

    Living in Iowa, in a small town I want to move out of so badly!

    A geeky gamer (both computer games and pen and paper RPG...mostly Pathfinder these days).
  • CherylP67
    CherylP67 Posts: 772 Member
    I just joined your group yesterday.

    I'm Cheryl, 46, in the middle of a divorce. I would be married 23 years on October 14, but I decided not to live another day not being respected or cherished by my life partner.
    4 kids, 22, 20, 16, 14 (B,G,B,G)
    I'm an RN. I work at a Children's Hospital as a float nurse. I've been trained in every unit of the hospital and I work in a different unit every day I work. My favorite units are the NICU and Emergency Department.
    Based on my job, you can guess that I like change and new challenges.
    Before becoming a float nurse, I worked in the Newborn Intensive Care Unit for 5 years. My heart is in the NICU, I love the babies and their parents, what's not to love about a sweet fresh little babe.
    I plan on moving to Houston, Texas in 2 years
    My husband was in the Air Force. I've lived in Utah, Las Vegas, Southern Georgia, and Ohio. I was born in Michigan.
    I was always athletic, I played varsity tennis and swam on the varsity swim team at the same time for 3 years in high school. I ran track in the Spring. I believe that as a result, I wear my weight well.
    I gained a few pounds with every baby, that's how I got big.
    I love to read, but don't read enough, I have a nasty candy crush addiction.
    I'm currently reading Gone Girl.

    I'm SUPER excited to start SL. I plan on starting Wednesday, I have to work tomorrow and Tuesday. I work 12 hour shifts 3 days a week so I'm going to have to work around my schedule.

    I loved reading this thread, but felt like a creeper so I figured I'd post.
  • DaniH826
    DaniH826 Posts: 1,335 Member
    Heya all who posted since I did! I finally caught up and loved reading all your stories! Welcome, welcome! :flowerforyou:
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    a biology teacher according to my qualifications
    currently working as a private tutor (mostly English as a foreign language) and marking IELTS exam papers but I'd rather be teaching biology (not that what I'm doing isn't fun though)

    Update: I'm now working as a science teacher, teaching year 8 science, and teaching year 9 IGCSE physics, chemistry and biology :drinker: ....I accepted a job teaching English and literacy to year 1.... then they had a science teacher quit, so I got transferred to teaching year 8 and 9 science!!!! *happy dance*