Challenge #2

ajnlee25 Posts: 56 Member
Find a friend or more,

For most people accountability and motivational support go a long way with weight loss. This week's challenge is to work together. Having looked at the workout thread, I know many of us are doing similar things. Whether you've been doing it for years, or are just getting started having people and a plan is my 2nd step in helping you reach your goals.

So, I'm not quite sure how the logistics will work, but let's start by each posting our plans. I know a bit of this happened on challenge #1, so just repeat here if you don't mind. Let us know what you are going to do to meet your goals for this 12 weeks. If you want to start a new program, or if you've been working on it for years, now is the time to let us know.

Get connected on your own. If you find out there are numerous people interested in c25k, then start a thread. If you see someone that has similar medical restrictions, send them a message, add them as a friend, and start posting on their wall. Also, post other ideas for getting connected.

Now, to get active. Towards the end of our 12 weeks, I will post the challenge beat the clock. In this challenge, you are charged with exercising, longer, harder, or faster than before. Now is the time to think about what clock you will beat. Pick the exercise that works best for you, and clock it. Here are a couple examples to get you started. Do calisthenics, and count how many push-ups, sit-ups, squats, etc you can do in 2 minutes. If you run or walk x-miles clock it, and aim to go faster or farther. This is just to make sure that you are ready for the future challenge. I'm planning on running a 5k, so I already know my previous time and my goal time. Also, let me know your thoughts on when to use this. Should I post it early, and have people complete it throughout in case their like me and have "race dates", or post at the end, so we can all see your progress?

Please post starting times, or information for beat the clock!

Wow, this is a long one. Sorry!


  • ajnlee25
    ajnlee25 Posts: 56 Member
    OK, this challenge doesn't seem to be getting any responses. If you want to do a different one, let me know. I'll start and see if that helps at all.

    For find a friend:
    I am going to start the calisthenics challenge I posted under the workout thread. Please let me know if you are interested in doing that too. My baby is almost 1. I started on MFP when I hadn't lost the baby weight when my son was almost 6 months. Since January, I've lost 33.6 lbs, and would like to lose at least 10.4 more. I want to have more children, but I would like to lose the weight first. I run sometimes, use machines at the Y, and love hiking. On a more personal note, I love God, and want to use my weight as a testimony to Him. I would love working with others to hold each other accountable in any of these areas. Let me know.

    For Beat the Clock:
    I "ran" my last 5k at 34 minutes pushing baby in stroller so I had to stop quickly 3 times. I really want to get under 30 minutes, but I know that may take awhile, especially with a baby.
  • CaeliGirl11
    CaeliGirl11 Posts: 108 Member
    For find a friend:
    I am completing a triathlon in September. While I know its possible that no one else is going to be doing this who is taking part in this challenge...I would like to find someone who is doing some other exercises besides just walking or exercising on a machine to talk to...maybe someone who bikes outdoors some or who swims (if you open water swim, I think I would just pass out cause I have so many questions, lol). But I need someone to help motivate me and bounce ideas for training in different areas off of:)

    For Beat the Clock:
    I am not running farther than a 5k right now and so far the best 5k that I've run is 40 minutes. By the end of the 12 weeks I would like to be sub 40 minutes...and if possible, well below it:)
  • ladyoflb
    ladyoflb Posts: 73 Member
    Ok so for the "social" aspect of this challenge, I will try and hook up with people who are doing the C25k. I am just starting to really enjoy running.

    Beat the clock:
    I want to actually RUN a whole 5k. Sooo, here's to that! lol. I will be running tomorrow morning so I can be more specific then.
  • grizziegriz
    grizziegriz Posts: 281 Member
    My posted didn't post for some reason, so I'll re-enter it again....

    For Find a Friend:
    I'm starting Ripped in 30 and would like to connect with others who will also be starting this workout. I'm currently doing 30 Day Shred and will be completeing this in 10 days.

    Beat the Clock:
    I'm intrested in doing the calisthenics, and count how many push-ups, sit-ups, squats, etc you can do in 2 minutes. I'll add jump roping to the list.

    I'm a wife and mother of 2 little girls (2 1/2 and 4 years old). I want to lose the weight that I gained after having my little ones which is about 20 lbs. I really don't have a lot of time to workout so I do it when the kids are napping.
  • nelie_08
    nelie_08 Posts: 10
    I like the beat the clock. For this i will aim to beat my 5k time, 40:13 according to my running app. I jog and take walking breaks so will try to do the whole distrance running.
  • Siennacita
    Siennacita Posts: 67 Member
    For beat the clock, my goals are:
    - complete 3 full spin classes in a week
    - complete 20 pushups
    - hold a plank for 60 seconds
    - complete 10 burpees (can't do any right now!)
    - complete 40 situps