Introduce Yourself



  • Brie4me
    Brie4me Posts: 238
    Welcome, Leigh! Wow!!! Congratulations on accomplishing 5 half marathons!!!! :drinker:

    Your post touched me. When I was growing up, my mother was always in her chair watching TV and rarely interacted with us *hugs* Like you, my kids do not see their mom sitting around on the couch watching TV all day as I did. In fact, I just spent 6 hours today playing with my sons (one in 1st grade and one in 3rd) and all their classmates at Field Day. I have bumps, bruises, scrapes and grass stains ~ and awesome memories :heart:
  • melkadee
    melkadee Posts: 5,598 Member
    Welcome to the group, Leigh! I enjoyed your introduction. :smile: You really made me think about becoming a grandparent one day. It seems so far away, but I need to start preparing now. Thank you for illuminating that for me.
  • 2jayjaysmom
    2jayjaysmom Posts: 248 Member
    Hi Everyone,
    I'm Renee and my bundles of joy are 9 and 7 and let me tell you they keep me busy...A few years ago I had a hysterectomy and gained 30+ pounds in less than 2 months...The weight gain also made my BP go up...I'm finally on meds and with them my BP is back to normal.....My goal is to shed those 30+ pounds (already lost about 8) so I can run around with my active bundles of joy....
    Oh almost forgot i'm 47.....
  • melkadee
    melkadee Posts: 5,598 Member
    Hi Everyone,
    I'm Renee and my bundles of joy are 9 and 7 and let me tell you they keep me busy...A few years ago I had a hysterectomy and gained 30+ pounds in less than 2 months...The weight gain also made my BP go up...I'm finally on meds and with them my BP is back to normal.....My goal is to shed those 30+ pounds (already lost about 8) so I can run around with my active bundles of joy....
    Oh almost forgot i'm 47.....

    Welcome to the group, Reneejax22! Congrats on your 8 lb. lost! Keep it up! You are on the right track! Getting healthy for our kids is so important. :smile:
  • marcon125
    marcon125 Posts: 259 Member
    Hello! My name is Connie, and I just finally found this chat today while looking for the June challenge. Thank you Mel for the invite! And thank you to the rest of the group who have shared their stories here.

    I am about to turn 42 and I had my son at 35 (going on 36)! He is a joy to be around and I wished I had more, but it just wasn't in the cards. I also come from a family history of high blood pressure, diabetes, cancer and morbid obesity.

    My dad's family are all overweight, even the little kids. Growing up, my sister and I were always a little lean and we often were picked on for being skinny. Some would just say "just you wait until you're (20, 25, 30, get married, have kids, etc.) and you'll be fat too." I am fortunate to say that didn't happen, but recently I have put on about 10 lbs. I guess its part of the joys of being over 40, lol!

    That's part of the reason I am here. I am also here because I don't want to end up like my parents. Like some of you have already posted, they both have taken such bad care of their health that my dad is functionally immobile and my mom is not much better. I feel bad for them and I get angry with them all at the same time. My son has basically been cheated of activities with them. I want to be a good example for him, and to show him (and the rest of my family) that you don't have to follow in the family history.

    Also, I used to train for marathons back about 15 years ago (I have run 3 full marathons and 4 half-marathons - at a very slow speed), and I have made a pact with one of my good friends to run another in a couple of years. I hope to be faster this time.

    Cheers to all of you, and look forward to becoming closer MFP buddies!
  • melkadee
    melkadee Posts: 5,598 Member
    Hello! My name is Connie, and I just finally found this chat today while looking for the June challenge. Thank you Mel for the invite! And thank you to the rest of the group who have shared their stories here.

    I am about to turn 42 and I had my son at 35 (going on 36)! He is a joy to be around and I wished I had more, but it just wasn't in the cards. I also come from a family history of high blood pressure, diabetes, cancer and morbid obesity.

    My dad's family are all overweight, even the little kids. Growing up, my sister and I were always a little lean and we often were picked on for being skinny. Some would just say "just you wait until you're (20, 25, 30, get married, have kids, etc.) and you'll be fat too." I am fortunate to say that didn't happen, but recently I have put on about 10 lbs. I guess its part of the joys of being over 40, lol!

    That's part of the reason I am here. I am also here because I don't want to end up like my parents. Like some of you have already posted, they both have taken such bad care of their health that my dad is functionally immobile and my mom is not much better. I feel bad for them and I get angry with them all at the same time. My son has basically been cheated of activities with them. I want to be a good example for him, and to show him (and the rest of my family) that you don't have to follow in the family history.

    Also, I used to train for marathons back about 15 years ago (I have run 3 full marathons and 4 half-marathons - at a very slow speed), and I have made a pact with one of my good friends to run another in a couple of years. I hope to be faster this time.

    Cheers to all of you, and look forward to becoming closer MFP buddies!

    Welcome to the group Marcon125! I wish you the best in getting prepared for the future marathon :happy:
  • ackeebee
    ackeebee Posts: 1,042 Member
    Hi all,

    I am Kay, 33 years old (will be 34 in September). No kids yet so more than likely if I am blessed with any, they will be post 35:smile:
  • ackeebee
    ackeebee Posts: 1,042 Member
  • melkadee
    melkadee Posts: 5,598 Member
    Hi all,

    I am Kay, 33 years old (will be 34 in September). No kids yet so more than likely if I am blessed with any, they will be post 35:smile:

    Welcome to the group, Kay! I am wishing the best for you and your future family!:smile:
  • jenluvsushi
    jenluvsushi Posts: 933 Member
    Hi ladies! I'm Jen and I am almost 39. I have a 22 year old son and a 2 1/2 year old daughter...I am also 13 weeks pregnant with my third baby with a due date of 1/2/14!
  • rachypompa
    rachypompa Posts: 653 Member
    Hi all

    Thank you for the invite Mel!

    I'm Rachel, I'll be turning 40 in 16 days!! I have a 7 yr old, 5 yr old and a 3 month old! I lost 40lb 2 years ago, I gained it all back when I got pregnant with my gorgeous baby George! I'm really keen to get myself back on track, looking forward to taking part in the challenges, and being part of a supportive community to help me make the right choices!
  • shellfly
    shellfly Posts: 186
    Hi, everyone! What a great idea for a group! I had my first baby at 37 and my second at 40, and I can relate to much of what the rest of you have said. I definitely wasn't ready to have children earlier in life. I was very career focused and also wanted to travel, enjoy the nightlife, etc. By the time I hit 32-23, I thought I was ready, but it wasn't happening. I wasn't going to seek out any fertility treatments, and I took sort of a fatalistic 'if it happens, it happens' attitude towards it.

    As the years went by, I'd pretty much given up, but then in 2006, I quit my stressful job, and only a month later, we got pregnant (if only I'd done that sooner, for more reasons than one!). Down the road, I really wanted a second child, but again, it didn't seem like it was happening. I planned to quit trying if I wasn't pregnant by my 40th birthday, but two months before that deadline, found out I was pregnant again!

    We've been blessed with two beautiful, wonderful boys, and I feel like the luckiest woman alive to have them! I'm so glad we waited until we'd both gotten out all of our youthful angst and were in a decent position financially, emotionally, etc. to be good, responsible parents. Our children are certainly a huge part of the reason that we cleaned up our act with regard to our diet and exercise. We want to be around for them as long as possible and to bring them up with healthy habits and role models. I think we're also coming to the realization that yes, we really are going to grow old, and we want to be as active and healthy as we can be so that we can enjoy that stage of life rather than suffering from a variety of ailments. Of course, there's no way to guarantee that, but at least we won't have regrets based upon how we spent our middle-aged years.
  • melkadee
    melkadee Posts: 5,598 Member
    Hi, everyone! What a great idea for a group! I had my first baby at 37 and my second at 40, and I can relate to much of what the rest of you have said. I definitely wasn't ready to have children earlier in life. I was very career focused and also wanted to travel, enjoy the nightlife, etc. By the time I hit 32-23, I thought I was ready, but it wasn't happening. I wasn't going to seek out any fertility treatments, and I took sort of a fatalistic 'if it happens, it happens' attitude towards it.

    As the years went by, I'd pretty much given up, but then in 2006, I quit my stressful job, and only a month later, we got pregnant (if only I'd done that sooner, for more reasons than one!). Down the road, I really wanted a second child, but again, it didn't seem like it was happening. I planned to quit trying if I wasn't pregnant by my 40th birthday, but two months before that deadline, found out I was pregnant again!

    We've been blessed with two beautiful, wonderful boys, and I feel like the luckiest woman alive to have them! I'm so glad we waited until we'd both gotten out all of our youthful angst and were in a decent position financially, emotionally, etc. to be good, responsible parents. Our children are certainly a huge part of the reason that we cleaned up our act with regard to our diet and exercise. We want to be around for them as long as possible and to bring them up with healthy habits and role models. I think we're also coming to the realization that yes, we really are going to grow old, and we want to be as active and healthy as we can be so that we can enjoy that stage of life rather than suffering from a variety of ailments. Of course, there's no way to guarantee that, but at least we won't have regrets based upon how we spent our middle-aged years.

    Hello Shellfly! Welcome to the group! I love the pic of (I'm assuming) one of your beautiful sons. Thanks for sharing!
  • Brie4me
    Brie4me Posts: 238
    Hi ladies! I'm Jen and I am almost 39. I have a 22 year old son and a 2 1/2 year old daughter...I am also 13 weeks pregnant with my third baby with a due date of 1/2/14!

    Welcome, and congratulations!!
  • Susan0279
    Susan0279 Posts: 69 Member
    Hello, thank you for the invite, I am 34 and my husband and I are getting ready to start a family. I am here to get healthier so I can be around for the kids.

    This is a great idea for a group and I am excited to be a part of it!
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    Hi, just joined this group. My friends call me Wolf or Wolfman. I'm a 38 year old father of 2 boys (3 and my youngest just turned 1). They are a primary motivational factor for me getting my crap together and starting to live right. I had a bunch of bad blood work come in last Sept/Oct 2012 and I knew I had to get it together if I wanted to be around long enough to watch my boys grow up and become men. I have since reversed all of that bad blood work and lost about 40 Lbs at the same time (gravy).

    I'm big into fitness these days...I am a former athlete and ran track most of my life growing up, as well as played football, wrestled, swim team, and gymnastics. I'm also a former Marine and just really let myself go these last 15 years after I was discharged. Now I'm back at it and have spent the majority of this year lifting weights and training for and participating in 5Ks, 10Ks, and a few obstacle course fun runs. I also cycle and swim which is why next year I'll be trying my hand at starts in February 2014 for my first sprint triathlon in May of 2014 and have 2 others on tap as well next summer. My current goal is to Ironman when I'm 45, so I have a few years here to participate in sprints, Olympic triathlons, and 1/2 ironman triathlons.
  • TheMMan
    TheMMan Posts: 124 Member
    Hi all, thanks for the invite. I'm Marty and am 52. My wife and I had our children in our mid 30's. The phrase, "Your friends are the parents of your children's friends" rang so true for us. The children were in a gifted program in school and nearly all of the parents were our age - I don't think it was a coincidence. We were all ready and committed to have children. My children are almost 13 and almost 16 which means that my daughter will get her driver's license in 6 weeks.:explode:

    Since I was 12, I've been the same size, 5'8", 175-190 pounds. The last time I hit 190, I said "Enough!" A friend turned me on to this site and I'm now at 175. I hope to enter a territory that I haven't been in over 40 years! Also, since I've lost my weight, I've noticed that the rest of the family has slowly modified their habits and they are making gradual improvements in their weight. Logging my food has been the biggest help because it has helped to identify all of the calorie traps. My biggest challenge will come in the fall when I'll have weird work hours but I know that my MFP friends will help me through!
  • melkadee
    melkadee Posts: 5,598 Member
    Hi ladies! I'm Jen and I am almost 39. I have a 22 year old son and a 2 1/2 year old daughter...I am also 13 weeks pregnant with my third baby with a due date of 1/2/14!

    Hi Jen,

    Welcome to the group! Congrats on the new baby coming! Yay!
  • melkadee
    melkadee Posts: 5,598 Member
    Hi all

    Thank you for the invite Mel!

    I'm Rachel, I'll be turning 40 in 16 days!! I have a 7 yr old, 5 yr old and a 3 month old! I lost 40lb 2 years ago, I gained it all back when I got pregnant with my gorgeous baby George! I'm really keen to get myself back on track, looking forward to taking part in the challenges, and being part of a supportive community to help me make the right choices!

    Welcome to the group! Welcome to the 40's. 40 is the new 30 :bigsmile:
  • ULC_Jennifer
    ULC_Jennifer Posts: 5 Member
    Thank you for the invite!

    I am Jennifer, a 40 year old mom to 4. My oldest is 8 and the baby is 2. I like to stay active but find that my diet is where I need to focus. I work full time so I have gotten creative on getting in my workouts. I want to enjoy the active time with my kids.