
MeganSWoods Posts: 196 Member
I'd love for everyone to introduce themselves here. I'll go first.

I'm Megan-- I just turned 29, and I live in Ohio. I lost about 140lbs and hit my goal weight exactly 1 year ago. Over the last year, I've hovered at about goal (within 10 lbs or so), but in the last couple months, I have totally let it all go. I haven't weighed in yet for my new "Before" weight, but I'm guessing up another 10 from that. I've tried to start Insanity a couple times, but I had some injuries and then not enough time. I'm looking forward to Focus T25 for the great results in only 25 minutes a day!

I'm in a Beachbody Challenge group, but I thought I'd start up this group as well!


  • ajones1227
    ajones1227 Posts: 180 Member
    I'm Angelina and I will also be starting Focus T25 Monday. I'm trying to lose around 40-45lbs.
  • CAS317
    CAS317 Posts: 267 Member
    Hey:) I'm Claire and I live in Indianapolis. I can't wait to get this started on Monday. I was thinking about throwing in the Core Speed DVD as an extra workout a few days a week. In the past I've done part of JMBR, CLX, and lots of Leslie Sansone. I'm not one for choreographed moves so I hope this isn't too bad. My weight loss has been very slow. So if I only lose 5lbs I won't be surprised. Heck...I hope I lose 5 lbs!!! Nice to meet everybody.
  • jklepack
    jklepack Posts: 82 Member
    Hi, I'm Jessica and I'm 31 years old. I live in Dubuque, IA with my husband and 4 and 5 year old daughters. I finished Insanity in May, and just finished Hip Hop Abs. I'm excited to start T25. I'm excited it's only going to be 25 mins a day. My girls usually workout with me and my 5 year old can actually finished every one of the Insanity DVD's, it's crazy. I just entered my weight and measurements and hoping to get my husband to join me in the workouts. I'm wanting to lose another 15 pounds.
  • karint74
    karint74 Posts: 131 Member
    Hi! I'm Karin, 48 years old, and in the best shape of my life so far. Lost about 30 pounds and hit my goal weight in December 2012. I've been in maintenance ever since. I eat a lot and move a lot. I'm a huge fan of Jillian Michaels and have completed Body Revolution twice. T25 will be my first Beach Body program. Looking forward to trying something different just to mix it up and keep myself motivated.
  • jendarlin
    jendarlin Posts: 184 Member
    Hello all! I am Jen, I am 35 yrs old and working on losing my last 11ish lbs, probably more currently since I just got back from vacation and allowed myself to overindulge. I am starting T25 tomorrow and just happened to see this group pop up on the side of my page so thought I would join. It will be nice to have people doing the program at the same time :)
  • paleobacon
    paleobacon Posts: 38 Member
    Hi! I'm Jackie, I'm in my 20s and I've got two goals for T25 - first I want to drop those last 10ish pounds and then I want to build muscle. I just got back from a week of vacation and I definitely put on some poundage so I'm looking forward to getting rid of that.

    Side note - is anyone else following the suggested nutrition plan or the 5 day fast track meal plans? I'm doing the fast track and I'd love to have an accountability buddy if anyone is doing it too!
  • trapline
    trapline Posts: 5 Member
    Hi there, I'm Sarah! I'm excited to start T25 later today! To be honest, my track record with actually sticking to an exercise regime has been spotty, but I'm looking to change that. Right now, the only constant exercise I do is when I have my personal training sessions at the gym twice a week. I hope to be able to lose some body fat (5 kg? Which works out to be abt 10lbs) and to tone up.
  • Frankii_x
    Frankii_x Posts: 238
    Hi guys!

    I'm Frankii, I'm from England. I'm 24 and have lost about 20lbs so far and aiming for about another 35lbs. I'm generally pretty fit - I run quite a lot and have done 2 half marathons but LOVE the intensity that Shaun T brings!

    I'm part of a Challenge Group already but love that there is a group on here too, to be accountable!

    I'm doing the first one tonight, but generally will be doing them in a morning before work to make sure I get my workout in :)

    Can't wait to see how we all go! x
  • sboo
    sboo Posts: 170 Member
    Hello, all. I'm Shawna. I will start T25 today, excited. I hope to lose 30-50 more lbs.
  • michellegowan
    michellegowan Posts: 2 Member
    Hi. I'm Michelle. I'm 24 years old. I started this program today with my husband. I've been dieting off and on for the last few months, but we've both decided to make some major changes in our lives. This program is awesome because it's only 25 mins a day, which is totally doable.
  • Mrs_Beeb
    Mrs_Beeb Posts: 4 Member
    Hi! i'm Kim and am looking to lose 30+ pounds on this program. I will be starting it i think next week if not earlier :)
  • Sul3i
    Sul3i Posts: 553 Member
    I'm Sulei (pronounced sue Lee) I'm 29 from upstate NY I've lost about 110 lbs and I've kept it off for a year but like last summer I stopped logging stopped working out and have been eating junk.... Im up about 4 lbs from my lowest but ive got my hands on this program and love how short n sweet it is to finish the summer out and get back into it without devoting an hr or more to working out :)
  • OnlyLeAnn
    OnlyLeAnn Posts: 2 Member
    Hi, im Chelsea, im 28 from Memphis, TN. Im currently 162 lbs, with a starting weight of 170. I want to get down to at least 130 to 140 lbs. I am a mother of four so the most of weight is my belly. I need to tone up some areas and lift my butt, i hate my tear drop. Heard about the Focus T25 through an infomercial and I downloaded it and started it on MOnday. I have really enjoyed this workut to the fullest except when it comes to the planks, those are though. I look forward to watching all of us progress to our ideal weights and Good Luck to everyonwe.