pre-challenge because who wants to wait?

mercurysfire Posts: 144 Member
1. It's that time again. Weigh and measure. Come on my darlings, you know you want to.

2. Resting heart rate- a good benchmark for how hard you heart is working while you relax. stick your finger on an artery and count the beat for 10 seconds. multiply by 6. that's your BPM.

3. Make up a victory dance. And yes- I do mean it. This is your victory dance everytime you complete a challenge, lose an ounce, or look the universe in the eye and say "DO YOUR WORST- I AM NOT AFRAID" and come out on the other side of adversity smiling. sure maybe a little dirty and sore for the trip but still around to fight another day.


  • mistyboggs
    mistyboggs Posts: 78 Member
    Not sure my kids really care for my victory dance. :wink: In fact my victory dance is what got me back on MFP, because I was dancing in the kitchen and my daughter said. I wouldn't do that in that shirt. (apparently I was jiggling). But when I say that post I decided I like my victory dance and decided to re-invent it! Thanks for the inspiration!
  • ArtemisRuns
    ArtemisRuns Posts: 251 Member
    Happy to take on the pre challenge. I will weigh in, measure and perform my victory dance for the kids! HA HA I am Christy, 44 yr old mom and math teacher. I have recently started running again. Looking forward to getting to know all of you!
  • AvalonsUnicorn
    AvalonsUnicorn Posts: 425 Member
    Hi all. :) I'm 31 and about 214 pounds. MY problem is motivation to exercise. I know people say just get up and do it but for what ever reason I have like a mental block or something and it's starting to frustrate me! I honestly think the problem stems from a few year back. I was in a mentally abusive relationship. I finally got tired of him calling me fat and decided to do something about it. I was eating 1200 calories a day and using my ea active sports game for like 2 hours at a time plus taking his kid to the pool and swimming for HOURS on end. I found the exercising the only way to make me not want to kill some one. I did not realize just how bad this was for me but I did loose 40 pounds and have kept it off for several years! I am now in a stable happy relationship but I find myself simply unable to exercise but not because I can't? So here I am now tired of arguing with my self (and praying for cooler weather!) That tomorrow or the next day I will began using my EA Sports Active again. Any tips would be welcome!
  • GabyBaby916
    GabyBaby916 Posts: 385 Member
    I took on the pre-challenge as well.
    I'm a married mom of 2 young adults and 5 furbabies. I've got 35lbs of extra weight that has "creeped" back on and I want it off!
    I'm eating 1600 cals per day and walk at least 2 miles nearly every day. We just bought a home gym, so I'll be adding strength training into my weekly workouts as well.

    I'm working on walking-slash-running, with an eye toward running full on. Its a work in progress though. Running has never been a love of mine, but I do enjoy the way I feel when I've finished working out.
  • anmusselman
    anmusselman Posts: 13 Member
    I am a 24 year old bartender, no kids, 4 pitbuls, 8 cats, and 2 rats. I am engaged to a wonderful man :) When i met him i was 115 lbs but he feeds me so much that in the past year my weight has creeped up to 140 and at 5'0" that is quite a bit of weight to hold onto.

    I mainly workout at home, calisthenics on my bedroom floor while rocking out to some upbeat music. Swimming and Biking when I can with my fiance and his 7yo baby brother. Im trying to eat healthier following 1200 calories for the time being until i lose the weight and start strength training then it will go up to about 1500-1800 calories of clean food. Just trying to be a healthier version of myself! My goal weight is between 110-115

    Took on the challenge!

    CW: 130lbs (dont have a tape measure)
    BPM: 66
    and i totally have this victory dance thing down!!
  • slim4health56
    slim4health56 Posts: 439 Member
    Well, I'm in. I'm going on week 4 with mfp. I'm guessing my victory dance looks something like what my dogs do when they hear "Who wants a COOKIE!?" I love a good challenge - mental or otherwise! Hate exercise, but I'm trying!
  • CaeliGirl11
    CaeliGirl11 Posts: 108 Member
    Woo hoo!! I'll get the tape measure out tonight! :) I took measurements back at the end of May (during the no defunk greek challenge) and I'm looking forward to seeing what's changed since then! think I'm down about 10 lbs...
    My CW: 239
    Overall GW: 160 (but wow, I think that might take me a while...I'm going for small victories here...I whoop whoop at a pound!)
    I'm from the "raise the roof" age so my little victory dance reminds me a little of what I would have said "OH MY GOD MOM WOULD YOU STOP NOW PLEEEASE" to my mom when I was like 15...when she was trying to dance to my "of the day" music in 1996;) but I love it none-the-less! Great idea!!!
    I've got a 23 month old who keeps me super busy once I get home...she's like a speed deamon, never stops moving...and just so happy! And I'm currently training for a sprint triathlon on Sept 7th...just to finish...I may be last but by golly I'll finish!!
    Can't wait to get to know you all better and help motivate and get some swift kicks in the butt myself sometimes:):tongue:
  • starrlighte
    starrlighte Posts: 7 Member
    I am in! i have never actually done a challenge so this should be a new experience.
  • LiterateParakeet
    Hello everyone, glad to be here! I'm Leslie.:love: I love the pre-challenge. I have been meaning to get my measurements, but keep procrastinating, so this is the perfect challenge for me. I love the Victory Dance idea, I will have to put some thought into that because I plan to use it a lot (fingers crossed!)

    I'm Leslie. I'm a working mom of 5, married to a great guy. Besides trying to lose weight, I'm a writer/blogger, and I love to read and play chess. For exercise, I love bike riding and racquetball.
  • LiterateParakeet

    "Just get up and do it" has never worked for me either. Going to the gym, or walking on the treadmill--bleh!

    For me the secret to exercising regularly was to find exercise I love doing. Surprisingly, it's not that hard. :) I love bike riding and playing racquetball. I also like hiking. I think I could really love rowing--given the opportunity.

    There are so many possibilities: walking, jogging, biking, rollerblading, racquetball, swimming, aerobics or zumba, hot yoga . . . Experiment and find something you love to do--just for the sake of it. When I go on a long bike ride with a friend it inspires me to lose weight so I can go farther on my bike.
  • CaeliGirl11
    CaeliGirl11 Posts: 108 Member
    I have to second LiterateParakeet, there's so much out there to do! I find signing up for something down the road helpful in getting me motivated in sticking with it. I went a little overboard this summer and signed up for a triathlon but if you wanted to start smaller you could sign up for a walk or a 5k somewhere close to you in a couple of months and work toward the goal of completing it. Look up online some training ideas for doing 5ks, many are actually fun and very rewarding!
    But just my opinion...the most fun class I've done by far is Zumba...I was hesitant at first because I don't have much rhythm...but its so much fun!! And it just burns those calories like nobody's business!! They have classes everywhere and there's no levels...every class is made for every do what you can:) Plus they make Zumba for game consoles too so you can even do it at home if you're not into getting down and boggying in front of others (which I probably should have thought of at first...I had to have been quite a sight!!:laugh:)
    There's a theory that I was taught in school about the stages of preparedness for change. I've been watching my husband work through them as I've been getting serious with my weight loss. He's gone from resistance to wanting to do anything and not thinking about changing his ways to preparing to make changes in his lifestyle. He's even bought clothes for working out and planned out some healthier lunches. He's preparing to make a change in his afternoon schedule to include going to the gym. But he hasn't gotten to that stage yet. It takes time and mental preparation. I think you're there, too. You're on the verge of making it to that next stage.
    You can do this! You can take that next step! And we're here to cheer you on:flowerforyou:
  • Sharonk4747
    Ok folks this is a first for me but I am at my Plateau and have 50 more pounds to go. How does this work?:flowerforyou:
  • cbmarie
    cbmarie Posts: 5
    Hi Everyone!
    The title caught my eye because I just finished watching a rerun of Dr Oz 7/15/13 where the "expert" of the day was saying that the greatest power of our brain is in the subconscious - 88% and the best time to tap its power is right before we go to sleep. The suggestion given was to visualize yourself at a moment when you were most happy with the way you looked. Think about it, see it right before you fall asleep. Our brains works with us then to make it easier to find the motivation we need to succeed. It isn't magic but it can't hurt. :) My image of myself that I like the best is a photo my dad took probably 40 years ago. I was riding my arabian horse at a canter and coming around a curve tight in the saddle, well balanced, long legs, lean belly, head up looking where we were going. I was probably 24.I still ride but not as much as would be good for both of us. I have a Tennessee Walker now, a really big mellow guy. Traded the Ferrari for a Cadillac LOL. I can't go back to that moment but I can and will get down to a healthy weight.

    5'8" 188 pounds 38" waist
    BP this morning 123/75 resting heart rate 71
    I take no medications, am 64, retired high school teacher, adjunct professor at a community college (LOVE IT), married 27 years to a great guy who accepted my horse addiction, two sons - 26 and 21 years old. Too busy with horses and other activities to get married when everyone else did. Worked for me :D:D

    I know what to do and how to do it - lacking motivation and I give up too easily - need to be reminded why being a healthy person matters. I am blessed in so many ways. My gratitude for my blessings needs to be active - take good care of what God gave me.
  • cbmarie
    cbmarie Posts: 5
    @ Slim4health56
    Love the Airedale nose! I had my Rhea for ten years. She used to jog with me and was a great pal.
  • steph198503
    steph198503 Posts: 12 Member
    Hi everyone...Im Stephanie...I need motivation as well...Ive tried losing weight in the past and nothing ever works..Ive gained 60 pounds in one year...My doctor told me last week I was morbidly obese and needed to lose for my health also. I don't have any kids but my fiancé is my life as well as my two nieces I want to be around for them, I also have a cat tiger. my current weight is 290.
  • hollaine
    hollaine Posts: 1
    I am in. This is my second day on MFP. I have lost 20 lbs already, but still have 38lbs to go to reach my goal. I love a challenge and I am trying to get my 6 yr old son involved so that we can break some of these bad habits together. I hope I can help him not to make some of the same mistakes with his health in life. Looking forward to doing this with all of you and seeing where we end up!
  • ArtemisRuns
    ArtemisRuns Posts: 251 Member
    Wow this is great - so many motivated people!

    hollaine, congrats on 20 lb lost forever! That is huge!

    Stephanie get on board - we can do this!

    cbmarie, I have worked on visualizing as well and it has helped me get started and get running again!

    Sharon, sorry about the leveling off but we will get through it!

    There are more! Hi everyone and look forward to moving in the right direction together!
  • slim4health56
    slim4health56 Posts: 439 Member
    @ Slim4health56
    Love the Airedale nose! I had my Rhea for ten years. She used to jog with me and was a great pal.
    Thanks - have two "Aire-bears" and the youngest one walks with me everyday on the treadmill. Dogs are great at inspiring us humans to get moving!
  • DivaColumbus
    DivaColumbus Posts: 25 Member
    I joined in April with a weight of 242.5; today I weigh 253.......I can't seem to stay motivated. My motivation usually lasts only a week or so and then I just fall back into old habits. Hopefully, I can find the mental motivation here!
  • slim4health56
    slim4health56 Posts: 439 Member
    To DivaColumbus:

    I totally sympathize! It takes about 30 days to form a new habit and the same to break an old habit AND old habits are more difficult to break if you don't replace them with a new habit. The good news is that it takes less time to lose the weight than it normally takes to gain it. You CAN change! :smile: