pre-challenge because who wants to wait?



  • mercurysfire
    mercurysfire Posts: 144 Member
    oh my. i didn't really expect there to be so many of you- pardon me while i practice my own victory dance for a sec! :bigsmile: I guess i need to introduce myself too.

    My name is Ashlay. I'm (almost) 35, no kids, except the 54 year old one that i married. He's a born athlete (which i am not) but last year he had to have back surgery so neither one of us moved around a whole lot for 2012. I started walking on my breaks at work about a year ago and then slowly we started back at the gym so i'm finally starting to show a little muscle. I have lost about 25 pounds (give or take a little lately) but i do love being active and i"m starting to vary my interests a bit. I still have about that I want to lose, so we'll so how it goes.

    I discovered Wii Zumba ealrlier this year (because I was terrified of taking the class) and I LOOOOOVE it. it's fun, and i just can't help but smile while i'm doing it. although if you have a pier & beam house, don't do it while someone is sleeping. :) hubs says i sould like i'm tearing the house down. I have discovered running (which i really really suck at and always have) rediscovered swimming, and now BodyPump/CXWorx and RPM at the YMCA. only the 30 minute express classes. Let's not get crazy now.

    Hubs and I are on the cusp of change. His kids are graduated from high school, he's about to retire from the state, and I am eligible to bow out myself without losing all the money they took out of my check for retirement. We are stepping back to reevaluate how very much we hhhhhhhhhate this city and pull up stakes. We are tying up loose ends. We are getting ready to leave behind a city that has sort of a sordid history for both of us and start fresh. I want to nail down these good habits i begain carefully manicuring last year so i don't lose them at the first sign of change. For the first time in my adult life, I feel emotionally and physically healthy. I am strong enough now to take whatever life can throw at me now (I hope, i guess i might have jinxed myself) and i want to continue to get stronger, healthier and happier. And I want to take you ladies with me. So welcome. I'm glad you're here.
  • Okay, I'm in but give me a second while I re-read the fine print! LOL Sounds like a great challenge and a great group of motivators are already here. It helps to know I'm not alone. I'm a 49 year-old, single Mom of two beautiful and very self-motivated young women (32 & 21). I am also a grandmother of three precious and loving kids, 2 boys and 1 5-year old girl who will be my inspiration. I'll be adding a victory dance to my list of "things to do for me." As I have spent most of my life living for others and ignoring what is best for me. I weighed 245 lbs. a month ago when I was admitted to the hospital having a heart attack. Two stints later and some education about my chronic diabetes and chronic heart condition I am learning to live a healthier lifestyle and MFP is helping. I am at 233 lbs. now and can't remember the the heart rate trick already. So, I need a review! LOL
    Oh yeah, I'll be taking dance lessons from my granddaughter...she loves Dance 4 on the Wii.
    Glad to be part of the group and thanks for your stories, encouragement, and support.
  • Okay resting heart rate - 66; neck 14", waist 48", hips 52"
    I've lost 9 lbs since my heart attack!
    I'm exercising 5 x's a week. VICTORY DANCE! WOO HOO!!!

    Hope I'm doing this right. Never participated in a challenge before. :blushing:
  • try not to eat much and I also lift heavy stuff and I also go back n forth to my cousin's house and to my house and also use a exercise bike but its not working I stay hungry all the time and foods always pushed in my face and its hard to not eat it please help some one.
  • ArtemisRuns
    ArtemisRuns Posts: 251 Member
    Good morning everyone,

    I can't find a tape measure...I used to have one around here! I am a size 16 (I was creeping up on 18) and this morning weighed in at 211.4....which is up a couple of pounds since my last weigh in. Damn sodium and weight fluctuations.

    Nevertheless I am undaunted. I have had a great week and I need to keep on track and the scales, as well as my clothing, will show the progress sooner or later.

    I became a mother in 1997 for the first time. Prior to that,I was in good physical shape. I hiked and ran. I was in a few 5K races. Since becoming a mom I really slowed down my exercise. I would get out there from time to time, and even was consistent for short periods over the years. My son is nearly 16, my daughter is 11 and my youngest son is 9. Now they are old enough for me to slip out for an hour in the morning and do a run.

    So one morning in late June I said to myself, "I wonder if I can run anymore?" and the next thing I knew, I had jogged a mile. Nearly freaking killed me. However, I kept it up. I did a mile the next day and the day after. Eventually I increased to 1.5 miles and on July 15th, 2 miles consecutive, and yesterday I slowly jogged 3 miles.

    I have begun to tone up, but not really lose pounds so far. My hubby tells me it could be muscle building. I am also doing situps and lifts every time I run.

    Today is a day off to let my muscles repair. I tend to eat more on my off days so it will be a challenge to keep in check today, especially because I will be running off to do errands and will probably end up eating lunch out somewhere with the kids. I am trying to save up my calories for Saturday, when my husband will ride 57 miles on his bike (his annual birthday bike ride) and then we get crabs and beers. 6 crabs = 522 cals plus 150 cals per beer... :frown:

    Last week I ran 9.75 miles overall. My training program says to not increase by more than 10% each week. I ran 2 miles Mon and 3 miles yesterday, so I plan to run 2 miles tomorrow, then again Fri and Sat. That will give me 11 miles this week which is perfect. I am training for the 5K color run in Richmond in September.

    OK all, off to run errands...including the antique auction up the road that begins at 9:30! :happy: Have a great day, y'all!!

  • katonaroof
    katonaroof Posts: 177 Member
    hey ashlay & sara & everyone else - (omgosh, this is great, i just expected it to be the 3 of us when i saw the invitation and accepted it and boom, there's all these great people here - yea!) glad to see this is up and running! and what a great name - what 'brilliant' mind thought of that - roflmao - oh, how i wish that was literal. i haven't been on MFP for a few days as i've been on a road trip - left sunday morning to drive to chicago and got here yesterday afternoon. i've just now gotten a yoga mat from the hotel & will be checking out jillian's 30 day shred on youtube - it'll at least give me a start while i'm traveling (i'm at this hotel in chicago until friday morning when i start driving back home). i'll weigh in and everything on next monday as i don't have a scale or a tape measure. & besides, i don't eat great when i'm traveling.

    i'm katie and i'm 50 years old and new year's day 2013, i decided to get serious about releasing all this extra weight that i've had on my body for too long. so far this year, i've released 20 pounds and have about 25 more to go to get to my 'goal' weight; altho, i'm flexible on that and am open to whatever weight feels & looks good to me at 50 years old. i'm not married, have no kids, no pets (lol) and i like my freedom to travel spur of the moment yet i'm also open to having a man in my life & hopefully one who has the ability to travel, also.

    getting myself to exercise is tough for me. i had been doing classes yet it's not air conditioned in the summer and way too hot for me (i sweat alot as it is when i'm exercising; feeling like i'm going to pass out isn't my idea of healthy!) so i'm looking at what i can do on my own (until it's not soo hot & i can rejoin classes in september, hopefully) & liking the idea of the youtube stuff & trying jillian's 30 day shred, again... i did try it a few years ago & couldn't even get thru the first class, so i'm hoping i can push myself thru it at this point.

    my memory moment is a pin up/cheesecake pic (anyone know why it's called cheesecake?) of me taken when i was about 25 years old (huh, 25 years ago...) where i had on this great bathing suit (it was actually a white one piece yet cut perfectly for my body) and i was sitting on the railing of a beach bar in florida and there was something about my posture (it was a candid pic that my friend just happened to snap) that was sexy as hell. when i was doing the c25k program, i would imagine myself running to that woman sitting on that railing looking great. it was great motivation, come to think of it... i felt like i was running to where i wanted to be. hmmm.

    really looking forward to getting to know everyone and supporting and assisting each other in releasing weight! glad we're all here!
  • mercurysfire
    mercurysfire Posts: 144 Member
    that's a fantastic resting heart rate!!! holy cow! you're ticker's working better than mine :bigsmile: good to have you and don't worry about fine print. there isn't any. do what you can, when you can. just make sure you are challenging yourself.
  • mercurysfire
    mercurysfire Posts: 144 Member
    katie- post that pic if you have it. :) i would love to see it. i wish i had a pick like that. there's a few out there that make me cringe but not really many that make me smile...

    that gives me a challenge idea. :bigsmile:

    i hope you're having a great time in chicago. i've always wanted to go...such a long list of little time and even less money. sigh. one day.