Day 10

robinlynn8 Posts: 47 Member
Today was good... I have decided that I plan to do each level for 30 days, as I am still struggling to get through every repetition of each move in level 1 and want to be completely confident before moving to level 2. So I will do each level for 30 days, which will work well since I am starting INSANITY after that and need to be in better shape! I plan to still check in on here and props to those of you moving on to level 2 now!!! I am down 9 lbs in the past 2 weeks :) Hope you all are getting good results too!


  • cgirly007
    cgirly007 Posts: 53 Member
    Good Morning!

    Good Job Robinlynn8 with the 9 lbs! Im down too but dont want to say how much because its not my weigh in day...but as of Sunday I was down about 4. I cant completely do all of level 1 nonstop, but Im still going to move to level 2 tomorrow. I think that I will just complete the whole cycle after level 3 or just move on to another video..who knows! Good job everyone and keep pushing on!
  • altaroxy
    altaroxy Posts: 56 Member
    I am with you cgirly007, Level 2 tomorrow. There are still some things on Level 1 that I could do better, but in the past few days I started daydreaming during the video and not focus on the moves. I think the change will be good for me. Great Job Robinlynn8! Keep up the good work everyone! Don't quit now.
  • quitkidding
    quitkidding Posts: 37 Member
    Day 10 done! Ready for Level 2 tomorrow.

    Way to go everyone with working on doing your best with each move! I've started to tune out too. I might be "phoning it in" when I do that and we know Jillian doesn't want that! HA!
  • maalaearose
    maalaearose Posts: 16 Member
    Well, when I originally started I was 3 days ahead of you all, but after no working out over the weekend and skipping yesterday today was also my 10th day. I'm still doing the modified version of many of the sets, however I can tell they're becoming easier. Woohoo, I plan on sticking with level one for the full 30 days.