Not Trying to Conceive, Just Trying to Manage

Hi all!

I'm just wondering if there are others in the group that aren't trying to conceive but continue to battle against PCOS symptoms purely to obtain/maintain good health. I don't have the desire to have kids at this point but I'm still pre-occupied with trying to get my body to function halfway normally. I'd love to know if there are any others like me out there. I'm looking for more friends that are on the same journey.



  • ladypinktulip
    ladypinktulip Posts: 75 Member
    Hi all!

    I'm just wondering if there are others in the group that aren't trying to conceive but continue to battle against PCOS symptoms purely to obtain/maintain good health. I don't have the desire to have kids at this point but I'm still pre-occupied with trying to get my body to function halfway normally. I'd love to know if there are any others like me out there. I'm looking for more friends that are on the same journey.

    I am just trying to manage the health aspects of PCOS because I am past child bearing and did not have children. I am 45years old
  • ladypinktulip
    ladypinktulip Posts: 75 Member
    that didn't post right, I am the last comment...sorry:indifferent:
  • KayteeBear
    KayteeBear Posts: 1,040 Member
    Me!! I can't wait to have children! I'm only 21 though and my boyfriend and I aren't married yet but I do want to have children someday soon. However, for now I'm just trying to regulate my periods, lose some weight and just be healthy.
  • AmyD2009
    AmyD2009 Posts: 3
    Yes! I've already had my twins and my husband and I are not planning on having any more. So now I'm just battling the PCOS symptoms trying to eat better so I can be healthy. I am 42 years old.
  • purplegoboom
    purplegoboom Posts: 400 Member
    Yes, I do not want children and have no plans on having them. My husband got a vasectomy shortly after we got married so I could work on regulating my cycle without the use of the hated birth control pill, and because I was going through so much he didn't want me to worry about getting my tubes tied.
  • aggieamber05
    aggieamber05 Posts: 15 Member
    I am here for that general reason as well. I had problems concieving my first child, after miscarraige and 3 rounds of clomid...irregular period etc. We dont want another for a couple years...but I want to lose about 50-60 more lbs before I get pregnant. I want to get my body normal, my insulin levels, cholestoral normal...etc.
  • lindsey212820
    Same here! We're hoping to start a family in a few years, but for now just trying to get the weight off and see if it helps. All the research I've done on PCOS has lead me to believe that weight loss is the best medicine, so I'm trying my best. This is my first week using MFP and so far so good. It's nice (although sometimes scary) to see exactly what's in the food I've been eating. Other people have recommended low carbs, but that's proven to be harder than I thought!
  • ContentedBeauty
    ContentedBeauty Posts: 21 Member
    I'm glad to see all the responses! My husband and I don't think we want kids, and right now I'm struggling with all the questions from everybody "so... when do you think you're going to get pregnant?" I get asked so frequently it's becoming really uncomfortable. I love kids, just not sure I want my own. It's nice to see some others that have a focus of overall health and not just conception.
  • gingabebe
    gingabebe Posts: 165 Member
    I have two sons and I am happy and finished. My second was conceived after two doses of Clomid. (A side note about Clomid: My good friend used it for a long while, ended up with breast cancer. She says her doctor told her it was hormone induced and shouldn't occur again since she is no longer taking it. I don't recall how long she was on it, but if you take it later on I would ask about the risks.)
    Now I get a lot of questions from people like "When you gonna try for a girl?" I tell you, it just doesn't end.

    So now I am just trying to lose weight and am glad to say my periods are normal. Once I got my weight down some it just took care of itself. I have a few chin hairs that drive me nuts. My weight lose is SLOW and I know if I upped my exercise it would help a lot, so I need to get back to doing that!

    Oh, I used to see a PCOS specialist and I got frustrated about hearing about getting pregnant- I had to remind her I had my kids and was done numerous times. She was a really good doctor and sadly moved away and I quit going to the doctor she referred me to b/c my periods had regulated and I quit my Metformin. When I realized how many of her patients were desperately trying to conceive, I felt really thankful for my boys.
  • triplestepping
    triplestepping Posts: 27 Member
    Me too, just managing. 32, married, not trying, not sure we want kids at this point. I'm trying to get myself sorted out and be in a position where I may have the option to change my mind, but right now I am not there. Husband is supportive; he really only wants kids if I definitely do, and he's fine with not, so that's good. I love kids and I'm good with them (I used to teach, did tons of babysitting as a teenager) but I've never fantasized about having my own. They're just not really on my radar.... always something I'd tell myself I'd think about "later" and later is pretty much here and I'm still ambivalent. I think I'd probably like to have a guest room so that I can babysit my friends' kids, and then they can take a weekend away somewhere. Win-win.

    I am hesitant to "try" really hard to get pregnant, especially with hormones. Partly because I have a friend who tried on hormones for years and she suffered a lot of weight gain... and still no baby. I also know 100% that I don't have the mental strength to survive a miscarriage. I've got enough depression to know that that would probably make things go in a very bad direction, so I'm just kind of not wanting to go there.

    Recently I got the puppy I've really wanted for years; that'll do for now. That's really helping get exercise sorted out. Boy is it ever. The exercise is helping my moods so much. I used to get PMDD and still suffer from depression/anxiety a bit, so exercise is a HUGE help. Hoping diet will follow and weight loss will ensue, and symptoms will begin to let up a bit. Maybe if I can get off the pill in the next year or two then we will see if a baby happens, but if not, I am already at peace with the idea of not having kids.

    Going for laser hair removal next week for first session; excited about that. It's not AS expensive as I thought it would be. Still pricey though. After the six sessions, which should be finished by next year sometime, I want to cut my hair really short because I finally won't have to hide my face behind my hair any more.
  • Phany04
    Phany04 Posts: 52 Member
    Hi! I'm 24 years old. I'm also here for health reason. Children? Maybe in the future. My priority right now is getting healthier and building a career.
  • chrissyreneet
    chrissyreneet Posts: 52 Member
    I've had my babies and now I'm done. I'm trying to maintain but it's hard. The lower carb thing kills me and I wind up gaining weight if I don't pay close attention to what I'm eating.
  • JSG10506
    I am a mother of two -thank goodness- & Im currently not ttc persay, just trying to get my body under control. Id like to be like "normal" women who want to get in shape/lose weight, work at it & do. Im so frustrated, I eat healthy, exercise AND my weight juat goes up & up. There is nothing harder than continuing to do healthy things & seeing NO outcome at all OR a negative one. Ive decided Im tired of feeling awful & its time to get myself back the best I can
  • toadoftoadhall
    toadoftoadhall Posts: 33 Member
    Me. I'd love to have kids at some point but currently single so just focusing on reducing symptoms and getting healthy.
  • myndikins
    I totally agree. I'm not even sure if I ever want to have kids, but I'm 23 so I've got time to think on that. I'm just trying to get myself healthy!
  • OneWildAndPreciousLife
    Yep, same here. Not interested in trying to have a baby. Just trying to manage my symptoms.
  • jcgutierrez
    jcgutierrez Posts: 53 Member
    Hello there! Me! me! me! I have 3 babies, and Im done. I m here for my health and well being. I have trouble ttc convieve. But thank God I got the opportunity to be a mother. But 3 should be enough. I want to focus on losing weight. Making good choices and changing my life style. For myself, my children and my husband. :)
  • Alliwan
    Alliwan Posts: 1,245 Member

    we tried ttc for 5 years, didnt work so now just focusing on getting myself healthy. I am having such trouble losing i want to give up almost every week when i weigh in. I dont know how to calculate my bmr or tdee with insulin resistance as i keep reading its way lower than normal ppl of the same hight/weight/age but cant find out how much lower it is.

    so frustrating and disheartening.
  • srslycolette
    srslycolette Posts: 40 Member
    *raises hand.
    I'm not interested in trying to have children anytime soon, if at all. Mostly, I'm here for advice and support on dealing with PCOS while trying to lose weight. I've only been starting the whole process since July, and I know I had lost 20 lbs Feb - May, but since being diagnosed I have stalled.
  • obmckenzie
    obmckenzie Posts: 75 Member
    I'm in the same boat. I don't want kids, just trying to lose the weight/have a normal body