Needing Help!!!!!

aleneehrlich Posts: 3 Member
I've been trying to lose since Jan with not much luck. What is working for you? Let me
know, I need to try something new THANKS


  • californiagirl1950
    californiagirl1950 Posts: 885 Member
    I've been trying to lose since Jan with not much luck. What is working for you? Let me
    know, I need to try something new THANKS

    If you have lost the 8 pounds since Jan, that is pretty good. Slow wins the race in the long run. I has taken me 2 years to lose 40, but I am ok with that. I say as long as I am not gaining, I am still ahead of the race! You can do this, keep logging, being honest with yourself about the foods you are eating. If we cheat, we only cheat ourselves. Try to get some exercise in at least 4 days a week, even it is chair exercise or a small walk. When I started, I walked to the end of my block (short block too) then increased it each week, soon I was walking a mile a day until my leg started acting up, now I can't walk far without pain. Just find some type of exercise you will enjoy. I love my elliptical!
    Good luck on your journey.
  • learntolive
    learntolive Posts: 169 Member
    My weight loss is slow also. Getting honest with myself was most important to me. I asked for help and got alot of support/new friends that are very encouraging. Also, exercise is important. Figure out what works for you and try to do it. Hang in there, as long as I am losing, I am not gaining. If you need some friends, you can friend me. Good luck, and hang in there.:flowerforyou:
  • pebbleintx
    pebbleintx Posts: 2 Member
    My calorie count was 1200 a day and I had no problem staying within that. My lifestyle was sediatary because of health issues, but I am in pulmonary rehab and am now adding exercise. Am doing the threadmill for 35 minutes and the the bike for 20, plus I have added water aerobitics daily for 30 to 60 minutes. Prior to the exercise I lost 7 lbs, then when I started exercising more I stopped losing and held at the same weight for nine days and then low and behold I gained 2 lbs. The gain came after increasing my water aerobics from 30 to 60 minutes. I am CRUSHED. I wanted to cry when I got on the scale this morning. Yesterday it said to increase my calories to 1,900, but I only did 1450. I have increased my water. I'm at a loss and I really need to lose the 40 lbs I gained when I was sick.
  • issyfit
    issyfit Posts: 1,077 Member
    South Beach works for me but the loss has definitely slowed down. I love that I no longer crave sweets.
  • MsKari02
    MsKari02 Posts: 19 Member
    I have been at this since mid April and have lost 18 pounds so far. Going slower than I like but I think our age, 65 here, has something to do with it. Also being female too. I eat no more than 1200 calories a day. I try to walk 4 miles twice a week. Just keep going even if it's slow. Forward progress is what it's all about. I'm told if you lose fast it comes right back with even more. I have finally come to the realization this has to be a life long change for me.
  • MsKari02
    MsKari02 Posts: 19 Member
    Going slow but in the right direction. I wasn't eating enough and got stalled. Very discouraging but upped my calories and dropped 2 pounds like over night. It's going to be a loooooooooooong summer but in the end I will be better.
  • MsKari02
    MsKari02 Posts: 19 Member
    Are you eating enough calories ? I got stalled for 2 weeks and I wasn't eating enough so had to up the calories and now I'm moving forward again. Slow and steady is the word. It's a hard process but so worth it in the end. I have 50 pounds to go until my goal is reached. I finally had to get my mind set to understanding I didn't pack it on overnight and it isn't coming off overnight. I was getting to anxious with the scale and frustration sets in and you want to quit. Hang in there and don't give up.
  • CapeCodSheila
    CapeCodSheila Posts: 40 Member
    It's taken me a year to lose 10 pounds! It's discouraging when everyone else seems to "get it". But a month ago I got a Fitbit and here I am at goal-the last few pounds just seemed to give up and go away. You can do it too, with or without a fitbit as long as you have a good supportive group of friends. Ooh-pick me, pick me! I sent you a friend request
  • kathyt08069
    kathyt08069 Posts: 39 Member
    I started keeping track of everything I eat and drink. Before I felt like an eating machine. If I was hungry or I wanted it I ate it. I have just started getting serious but I am hoping to keep myself motivated with the help of others.
  • cindydownes
    cindydownes Posts: 12 Member
    I wish I knew the answer. I've been on a roller coaster diet since I was 40 (now 63) - up and down, up and down. It is so frustrating. Just when I thought I had it under control, I'd get an operation (hysterectomy, thyroidectomy). I had my thryoidectomy in Jan 2012, and finally got my synthroid adjusted so I"m off trying again. What worked for me before was keeping track of my food intake and exercise. So that's what i'm doing again. Good luck to you - I'm rooting for you!
  • jocobo
    jocobo Posts: 2 Member
    I'm not sure I'm the one who should be replying. I'm 67, but I've always been fairly active physically. My main problem was work because I was concentrating on work, not watching my food intake closely, and not getting as much exercise as I should have been getting. This year in April, I became semiretired. I still work part-time hours, but I have much more time for me and my health. In April I weighed 250 pounds, but I began playing tennis three or four times a week, riding my bicycle on days I didn't play tennis. I also began making sure I was not eating a lot of empty carbs and high-fat foods. From April through June I lost 25 pounds.

    In June I joined myfitnesspal. Doing so has made me really focus on eating healthily. I'm not losing weight as rapidly, but I'm feeling very healthy. I've lost 4 pounds since joining MFP, but my waist has gone from 42 to 38 and my shirt size from XL to L. One mistake I made in the last month was eating too little. Eating too little slows the metabolism. I was also feeling weak. Once I picked up my food intake, the weakness went away, but the body-shaping continued. As I've gained strength and lost weight, other problems have diminished--problems related to stamina (I can now walk up a flight of stairs without huffing and puffing), aches and pains (because my circulation has improved, my bunion doesn't ache, just throbs after three hours of tennis)

    Good luck.
  • quiltngrandma45
    quiltngrandma45 Posts: 16 Member
    Hi I am curious what is a Fitbit? and how did it help you. Thanks Sharon:smile:
  • freya33
    freya33 Posts: 149 Member
    Hi I have decided as I get older I get much better at piling on the pounds but much worse at losing the pounds. I retired last year from a very stressful job. I had a couple of months of more exercise and felt better but then started tutoring ( I am a science teacher)
    Very quickly I was working many hours a week all sitting down and grabbing quick snacks between sessions. The pounds piled on without me noticing that much, loose winter clothing covers a lot!. Then exams came and tutoring finished but exam marking started more sitting down. I went to my school speech day and realised I could not get into the dress I had thought of wearing, a bit of a wake up call. So finally marking finished and diary has gaps for a month so it is back to MFP. I have also bought a fitbit and doing 10000 steps a day plus going back to the gym. I tried a Reebok easy step class yesterday.... the title lied it was not easy virtually impossible as I could not balance on the board. However spinning classes I can do so will go back to those 3 times a week.
    This is going to be a long journey as I have about 40 pounds to lose.
    I also need all the support I can get as on my own ( widowed and children live far away plus friends are naturally thin so do not understand how difficult it is to lose weight)