Ok, a bit of a "get it off my chest" moment

Shellza Posts: 38 Member
Ok I am really struggling. I have managed to put pretty much all the weight I lost back on again. Not trusting the process of EM2WL has left me in a bad way! I know I need to draw a line and start again but a couple of things have changed since I started. I am no longer a member of a gym, I just cant afford it now, I have some dumbells at home ranging from 1- 10KGs and I have a couple of DBs that go to 25lbs. I have a bench, a gym ball and a step machine.I know this is more than some people and I am going to work with what I have. My issue is that is no where near as heavy as I was lifting in the gym, how can I get round this? Will it still have the same effect? Also my diet has been terrible! I know what I need to do I just cant seem to get motivated. I was nearly in tears the other night just going over it in my head, I dont feel I can talk to any of my friends about it as none of them are overweight and cant seem to grasp the whole EM2WL way of thinking, they just tell me to cut calories :(

Anyone please help me! I need some support.


  • Via88
    Via88 Posts: 46
    Hey! Well I certainly can't give you good advice about EM2WL because it hasn't been working for me either. But i've only been doing it for two weeks. How long have you been doing EM2WL? I know they say that you will gain at first and then begin to loose at some point. The fact that you can't workout like you used to will definitely affect your progress. You should look online and try to find exercises that use the equipment you have and can target the parts of your body you want to target. There are lots of creative wayst to get a good workout without having a gym membership, you just need to do some research :)

    Also, diet is supper important. So if you haven't been working out like you used to and also not eating that well then you will certainly see a stop in your progress. I've heard some of my friends that have lost a lot of weight and personal trainers say that half of the battle is won in the kitchen. :)
  • Shellza
    Shellza Posts: 38 Member
    Hi, Dont get me wrong I was doing really well on EM2WL, and lost 5 inches from my waist alone and 5%BF ( I am quite big) but I let life get in the way and have got 'flabby'. I think I stopped the weights but carried on eating more! :/
    It was a struggle getting my head around it but no matter where I looked on the net it was always eat more and lift. I was doing NROLFW and got half way through, but going through buying a house, moving and everything else that entails I have just lost my rythym. Like I say I know what I need to do but its just getting myself motivated!

    In your case though stick with it, 2 weeks is not long enough for your body to adapt and you need to wait AT LEAST 4 weeks, if not more, dont get disheartened by any gain as that is just your body repairing itself.
    Thanks for the reply :)
  • Kristendcampbell
    Kristendcampbell Posts: 786 Member
    From all that I read alot of ladies start EMWL and do a cut right away, which won't work. That is because many were eating too low or doing low carb low cal and wild diets for a long time. THe body needs to have TDEE until stable then the 15% cut. Of course the NROLFW is very helpful to that.

    I have been doing alot of reading and it seems that many dont lose weight until the 3-5 month of NROLFW, some have lost the first few months then plateau then lose again. The rest tend to lose in the middle. The key though is that there seems to be inches lost during the first phase which makes them smaller but the scale may show them heavier. So any program should be done for 6 months and there will be adjustments to make including watching marcros and adjusting TDEE for the excercise.

    I think you should just start at home again, fromt he beginning. Motivation comes after we start regardless of what it is. I saw a thread here at MFP that shows women that lift heavy with photos. THey are impressive, and that may inspire you to move onward regardless of gym membership. Maybe over the next few months you can make a plan to get some more equipment for home or a trial at a gym (maybe not totally ethically but do two week trials at a few gyms in a row :) )
  • natini
    natini Posts: 347 Member
    You should do body weight exercises if you dont have access to a gym. Check out http://www.benderfitness.com/p/full-body-workouts.html. She has tons of workouts posted. Most do not need equipment. Next, get your diet in check. Go to the grocery store and fill up your fridge with healthy options. You can do it!
  • norcal_yogi
    norcal_yogi Posts: 675 Member
    You should do body weight exercises if you dont have access to a gym. Check out http://www.benderfitness.com/p/full-body-workouts.html. She has tons of workouts posted. Most do not need equipment. Next, get your diet in check. Go to the grocery store and fill up your fridge with healthy options. You can do it!

    this! ^^ get some DVDs as well.... and maybe try vinyasa/power yoga. #1 thing is to get your diet in check.
  • becka63
    becka63 Posts: 712 Member
    I dont feel I can talk to any of my friends about it as none of them are overweight and cant seem to grasp the whole EM2WL way of thinking, they just tell me to cut calories :(

    Anyone please help me! I need some support.

    You've made really good progress so far and it is hard when big life things come up - they can just push everything else out of the way, especially if one of those things is something you did for you (like exercise, eating good!).

    We can definitely help you on here with support - I sometimes struggle with the concept of EM2WL, but then I just stop over thinking it and it seems to make sense again! So talk on here....have a rant, moan etc. we GET it!!
  • Shellza
    Shellza Posts: 38 Member
    Thanks guys, feeling much better today, did some lifting last night and it made me feel so much better, I have loads of DVDs too so I can start doing some of them. Going to hunt the net to see if I can find some cheap gym stuff to get me by too! :happy:
  • twinmomtwice4
    twinmomtwice4 Posts: 1,069 Member
    If you can swing it, invest in some resistance bands (they sell them at Target and on Amazon for pretty good prices). Those are awesome to work with and you can adjust them accordingly, depending on which exercise you're doing.

    There are so many ways to make home exercises tougher...just google and I'm sure you'll find a ton of ideas!
  • lenkearney
    lenkearney Posts: 116 Member
    the body weight exercises are a great idea. also, with what you do have - you can get a really good workout by doing the reps SUPER SLOW. I am talking counting to ten seconds (one thousand one, one thousand two...) on the push - and ten seconds on the way down.

    you're going to have to focus to do these this slowly.
  • Shellza
    Shellza Posts: 38 Member
    I did some trawling of the net and picked up a 50KG barbell set so that should keep me going for a bit. Thanks for all the replies :)
  • Via88
    Via88 Posts: 46
    Hi, Dont get me wrong I was doing really well on EM2WL, and lost 5 inches from my waist alone and 5%BF ( I am quite big) but I let life get in the way and have got 'flabby'. I think I stopped the weights but carried on eating more! :/
    It was a struggle getting my head around it but no matter where I looked on the net it was always eat more and lift. I was doing NROLFW and got half way through, but going through buying a house, moving and everything else that entails I have just lost my rythym. Like I say I know what I need to do but its just getting myself motivated!

    In your case though stick with it, 2 weeks is not long enough for your body to adapt and you need to wait AT LEAST 4 weeks, if not more, dont get disheartened by any gain as that is just your body repairing itself.
    Thanks for the reply :)

    Thanks! I am going to stick with it, I just completed week 4 and still gaining. Hopeful that it will turn around though. I am not sure what NROLFW is, i'll have to look into that maybe.
    From all that I read alot of ladies start EMWL and do a cut right away, which won't work. That is because many were eating too low or doing low carb low cal and wild diets for a long time. THe body needs to have TDEE until stable then the 15% cut. Of course the NROLFW is very helpful to that.

    I have been doing alot of reading and it seems that many dont lose weight until the 3-5 month of NROLFW, some have lost the first few months then plateau then lose again. The rest tend to lose in the middle. The key though is that there seems to be inches lost during the first phase which makes them smaller but the scale may show them heavier. So any program should be done for 6 months and there will be adjustments to make including watching marcros and adjusting TDEE for the excercise.

    I think you should just start at home again, fromt he beginning. Motivation comes after we start regardless of what it is. I saw a thread here at MFP that shows women that lift heavy with photos. THey are impressive, and that may inspire you to move onward regardless of gym membership. Maybe over the next few months you can make a plan to get some more equipment for home or a trial at a gym (maybe not totally ethically but do two week trials at a few gyms in a row :) )

    I didn't know about starting at TDEE first, I did start off cutting calories from TDEE right away. I might have to look into that too :/
  • PudgycatDoll
    Where did you get your barbell set, and how much did it cost, if you don't mind me asking?
  • grandpoobah12
    You can also find great vids on You Tube. You never have to do the same workout twice! Do things you like. If you know your TDEE and eat at it, you`ll be so suprised how much you can eat.

    I gained weight (10 lbs)an inches (2 on waist, 3 on hips) doing EMTWL since April, but I am stronger, doing things with ease I struggled with before. I`m not really "lifting heavy" but do a full body strength workout twice a week and walk on off days and enjoy my weekends hiking and camping or snowboarding in the winter.

    I think I gained inches because I lost a lot of muscle doing starvation diets. You could do pushups that would qualify as heavy lifting. Your lifting your whole body!
  • harryp69
    I found doing circuit training at home worked wonders for me.. I used a stationary bike only 5mins per go, a medicine ball for squats and various other, a retaining wall for step ups, or jumps whatever suits, my house wall for push ups at a big angle, and resistance bands for various arm exercises.. I do 1 set of 15 per squats and so forth then jump on my bike for another 5mins.. do this 4 rounds and I guarantee you will be tired, at the end of this I do boxing for 4 rounds of 5 sets.. all done on a semi full stomach, I try not to eat heavy at night and doing this every Tuesday and Thursday including an hour gym session Monday, Wednesday and Friday I have managed to lose a total of 41kgs so far.

    But in the end, it comes down to what works best for YOU because everyone is different

    the main thing is keeping your diet in order, if that's all good you can do minimal exercise for maximum results.. Im no expert by any means, im just saying this is whats worked for me

    And the battle of the bulge continues

    Hope it works out for you
  • FourIsCompany
    FourIsCompany Posts: 269 Member
    You can do a heck of a lot of exercises with hanging straps. My husband hung some for me over the weekend and I'm looking forward to using them today! I'm just starting and I'm very heavy, so I'll be using them for assisted exercises, mostly (squats, pull ups, push ups), to get myself into shape, but they can be used for advanced training, too.

  • graysmom2005
    graysmom2005 Posts: 1,882 Member
    Do you have any small box store gyms around? Like Planet Fitness etc? I think they are around 9.99 a month. If lifting heavy etc means a lot to you, maybe look around at your budget, see where you could cut 10 bucks, and then join one of the small gyms so you have access to the big girl weights?:flowerforyou: