messy_Missy16 Posts: 349 Member
Hi everyone!! My name is Zara, I'm 21 from the Caribbean.
Currently 167lbs, although i don't look it since i'm kinda tall but i am. =/
Goal weight would be around 130ish.

Thanks for joining in with me on this challenge so we could get fit & stay fit. :)


  • AngelRobbie
    AngelRobbie Posts: 153 Member
    Hi I'm Robin from California! Last time I weighed myself I weighed 129.2 lbs, making my total weight loss 93.8 lbs. However, I've gotten lazy and probably gained at least 5 lbs back. Here's to losing those 5 lbs (at least, hoping for more) and toning up :)
  • Audgiebug
    Audgiebug Posts: 22 Member
    Howdy, my name is Audrey and from Utah! I currently weigh 284.8 my first mini goal is to get to 250 than 230 and be less than 200 by next summer. I am looking forward to this challenge and pushing myself to burn more calories. Look forward to getting to know everyone!
  • kittycatmeowmeow
    kittycatmeowmeow Posts: 90 Member

    I am Catherine - 27 year old from Australia. I am currently looking forward to getting out of the obese catergory to merely overweight (2kgs to go, woohoo!).. and then another 15ish kgs after that.

    I have a love/hate relationship with exercise... I was never very fit in high school.. I actually came last in cross country one year (I did have a kidney infection and ended up in hospital.. but still, it's kinda scarring!) but as I am getting older I am realising the only person I have to compete against is me.

    For this challenge I am gonna try and make a few high impact gym classes a week and lots of walks.

    Nice 'meeting' you all :)
  • Just2laughatu
    Just2laughatu Posts: 3 Member
    Hi I'm Athena 33 from New Jersey. Looking to lose ALOT (100+) lol and I will with this jump start. But for now I will take a 14 lb lose by the time i'm 34 (Sept 14th)
  • Gells79
    Gells79 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi, I'm Angela. I'm 34 and live in Brisbane, Australia. My scales have been creeping up the last 6 months so I'm here to put an end to that, and to get them heading in the right direction again. This is exactly what I need to get me going!!! My goal is to lose 14.5kg by Christmas!!
  • Britterboo22
    Britterboo22 Posts: 300 Member
    Hi all! the names Brittany :] From the Midwest, Missouri
    Currently have lost almost 25 lbs and feeling great!
    looking forward to getting to know all of you!
  • Tabatha1967
    Tabatha1967 Posts: 6 Member
    :happy: Hello everyone nice to meet you all. I am 45 almost 46, and cant wait to get started. I am from Saint John NB Canada.
    Need to get myself back on track. And get those pounds lost. Looking forward to getting to know everyone.
  • R55T
    R55T Posts: 172 Member
    Hi y'all,

    I'm Rachel from the Solomons. I need a good kick in the backside almost everyday to get my exercise sorted and to date, have mostly failed than succeeded so I'm hoping that this challenge will get me kicked off to exercise every day to achieve this. I've lost 33lbs so far (only 11lbs with MFP) and I've got another 55lbs to go . . .

    Cheers all. Let's do this.
  • Ldredding
    Ldredding Posts: 25 Member
    I'm Lauren. I'm in oober need of some super motivation. :) please help. And friend requests are always welcomed.
  • kgainez23
    kgainez23 Posts: 38
    What is up? I'm Kendra from Virginia. Ultimate goal is to lose 100+

    Currently 345 -- I work out now 5-6 days a week and eat clean.
    Looking forward to this. My first mini-goal is to lose 50lbs by my bday (Dec 11) -- would be nice. But we will see!
  • TammyP64
    TammyP64 Posts: 52 Member
    Hey everyone my name is Tammy! I'm really excited to do this. This is my first challenge and I'm so ready!
  • rbccg1979
    rbccg1979 Posts: 19 Member
    My name is Rebecca and I am from Florida. So far I have lost 11 pounds and have 69 to go. I thought it would be fun to do a challenge that way I have a goal I'm reaching for this month.
  • kylamaries
    kylamaries Posts: 291
    Hi everyone, I'm Kyla! I'm about 120 lbs (my very infrequent weigh-in is tomorrow so I'll update this if I remember) and I'm aiming for a toned body. I mostly run at the moment, but I hope to incorporate Zumba and yoga back into my daily workout. I started running in place while watching my favorite television shows on Netflix (Breaking Bad and Lost, anyone?) so it doesn't feel like a waste of time and I can burn upwards of 400 calories per hour-long episode. :drinker: I can't lie -- I'm pretty excited to make this an excuse to watch more TV shows this month, haha.
  • Hi, my name is Marie and I live in Florida. I have lost 13 pounds in total but it has taken me several months! I can't seem to stick with a fitness plan as life, school, work, kids, etc get more priority than my health! I'll be 35 next year and I'm afraid that if I don't get my weight under control NOW I never will! Right now I'm at 196 which is way too much for my 5'4 frame. I have a feeling that I'm caught in a cycle where I'm exhausted because of the weight which makes it hard to lose the weight! PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE Help Me!!!!!!! I need all the encouragement I can get! I will help you too! We can do it together! :flowerforyou:
  • Hi, Adrienne from AL. I'm not sure how much weight I've lost since joining fitness pal. Maybe 5-10 lbs. I'm in no hurry to weigh in. I'm off and on again most of the time. But now since my doctor has prescribed medication, Meformin, I'm serious about changing my diet and getting in shape. I'm ready for the challenge. Good luck to everybody. Let's go to work!
  • asp415
    asp415 Posts: 1,492 Member

    I'm Anna, I'm 42 & live in California on the San Francisco Peninsula, work FT & have 2 kids.

    Today is my 100th day of logging b-day & during this time I have lost 22lbs. I have a long way to go before I hit a healthy BMI for my 5'6 height, but I know that w/time & determination I can do it.

    I just completed week 5 of the C25K app & generally run/walk 3-4 days a week, the other days I spin, lift, Zumba, Kickboxing, cycling. Whatever fits into my schedule. But generally I do some form of exercise 7 days a week. It has been in the last few weeks that I have been trying to burn a minimum of 3k cals a week & today I was feeling kind of whinny w/the oh my body hurts, I'm tired, maybe I shouldn't run. So finding this challenge was exactly what I needed to stop the whining & just do it. I worked out during my lunch hour & felt much better for having done so after, so thank you for creating this challenge.

    I'm looking forward to pushing myself & seeing everyone succeed.

    Lets do this!
  • terriejones
    terriejones Posts: 518 Member
    Hi all!

    I'm Terrie. I'm 48, 5' 3", and weigh 152, as of this morning. I live in SoCal and I'm basically a walker and swimmer. I do a little strength training but I don't log that. I try to do the daily mini challenges (exercise) in the forums each day. I love food so I've been weighing and measuring almost all of my food. I eat too much junky food but have been able to stay within my calorie goal most days and have lost 42 lbs. so far. I don't really have a weight goal so I'll just keep going until I like where I'm at. I'm a Type 1 diabetic and find myself having to treat more and more low blood sugars as the weight comes off, this makes it difficult some days to keep the calories low.

    I'm looking forward to getting to know all of you and encourage all of us along. I know we can do this!!! I'll be praying for us all.
  • misstiffanyrenee
    misstiffanyrenee Posts: 29 Member
    Hi! My name is Renee, and I am from Dallas, Texas. I have about 70 pounds until I reach my goal, but I am trying to lose as much as possible before I go on vacation in October, so it is time to get serious!!
  • inspirem
    inspirem Posts: 182 Member
    Hi all! I'm Melissa, I'm 44 (on August 5th) Mother of 5, wife to 1, and my ultimate goal is to lose 80-100 lbs, but at this point in my journey I would love to just get back to "onederland" and stay there...I hit 199 last summer, but went through a rough patch in my marriage and steadily gained 30lbs back starting in October 2012. Currently, I continue to fluctuate between 234 -224 lbs and my motivation to exercise this year comes and goes. I do well for a few weeks,then get side tracked and it takes me a week or two to get back on track! When I joined MFP back in Nov of 2011 my goal was to be at my goal weight of 145-150lbs by my 44th birthday, but I didn't reach it, because I am no where near that right now! Just sick and tired fighting this yo-yo battle and want to just get my "stuff" together and finally get out of the obese categories!

  • suej234
    suej234 Posts: 18 Member
    Hi, I'm Sue and I'm from Northern AZ. As of last October I've lost 30 lbs and have been holding steady since. I have about 30 lbs to go but just can't seem to make it happen. I'm pretty active - work with a personal trainer 2-3 times a week - it's the eating that seems to be killing my progress. I'm a mom, wife, employee, student, business owner. When things get busy I get prioritized to the bottom of the list. I'm planning on breaking that cycle in August with this challenge! We are hiking Havasupai Falls the end of September (25+ miles in 3 days) and I really want to be down 10 lbs, at least. Every pound gone is a pound I don't have to drag out of that canyon! :-)