Set em up and knock em down.

mercurysfire Posts: 144 Member
I want everyone to post a short term goal (weekly) and a medium term (like a checkpoint 1 time per month) and a long term goal (3-6 months from now). Check in every now and again and post how you're doing, your plan for reaching those goals. if you've had to adjust your plan and definitely if you knocked out of the park.
They can be a weight goal but I would really prefer you reach a little deeper than that. Like Caeligirl has a goal of a triathlon in September. It's a goal set in stone that she has a concrete training program for now. It's a goal she has to work for that won't necessarily show up on the scale, but it definitely will when she crosses the finish line.
So that's kind of what I'm looking for as far as goals. Being able to do something that you can't necessarily do right this minute.

My goal is to take an aerial silks class in September (November- hey anniversary present!!!). I have to work on my upper body strength because its a LOT of arms core and back work. I've never taken one before, but I was told that I should be able to do at least one unassisted pull up to get the most out of the class. I also need to work on flexibility. A lot. So I have added yoga and weights to my workout while reducing my cardio time (I was getting quite carried away with it).

Medium term goal- I need to get back to discipline. I haven't logged in a while and my water intake on weekends is dismal. August will the be month I turn that back around. I've been good about exercise. Time to get the food and water back up to snuff.
And since I've been so good about exercise, I want to be able to reduce the assist on the pullup/dips to 25% of my bodyweight.

Short term goal- i will do 10 assissted pull ups every day at the gym. and heck, 10 assisted dips too. Starting August 1.

So this is not really actively part of the challenge, but more of a road map through it.

Sorry it took me a little while to finish these posts- I started them at work and just got slammed until quittin' time.


  • mistyboggs
    mistyboggs Posts: 78 Member
    It looks like my short term goal will usually have to do with one of the challenges. I am going to try to be able to do 25 good push ups before the week is over.

    Middle goal is fit back in my size 14 pants comfortably by August 22.

    Long term goal is to make it to my goal weight of 160. I am 5'10 and CW is 189.

    My even longer term goal is to learn how to maintain it with a healthy life style without having to be so rigid.
  • mercurysfire
    mercurysfire Posts: 144 Member
    Awesome goals! You got the idea. :)
  • anmusselman
    anmusselman Posts: 13 Member
    My short term goal would be to bike 8 miles without stopping!

    middle goal is to get to 125lbs by the end of the summer

    long term goal is to be able to bike the 60 miles from my little town of Dunbar pa to Pittsburgh pa.. and then bike back with no problems. (i have a historical bike trail connecting the 2 cities with many stops along the way)

    Even longer term goal is to continue maintaining my riding while eating healthy without thinking about it as work!
  • GabyBaby916
    GabyBaby916 Posts: 385 Member
    Short term goal 1: Walk/run 2 miles per day (at least 5 days per week) AND weight train at least 3 days per week. I've been pretty good about the walking, but strength training is still more miss than hit.

    Short term goal 2: Be more diligent in logging my food, which means planning my meals a day or two in advance.

    Medium (1 month): I'd like to be 5lbs lighter.

    Long term (3-6 months): I'd like to be able to see a marked improvement in my upper body strength.

    Super long term (1yr +): Drop these darned 35+ lbs!
  • cbmarie
    cbmarie Posts: 5
    I had one more sentence to go on my goals and challenges and lost them all. :sad:
  • cbmarie
    cbmarie Posts: 5
    This is going to be less because I just lost a full post. Where is the redo button on this forum? I am typing in Word and will copy and paste!
    DH and I are going to a wedding in DC this weekend. We leave Thursday morning and will drive the 600+ miles there and will be back on Monday night. So this week will have small goals.
    Visualize every night before going to sleep my goal – My favorite images of myself.
    Short term 7/23-7/30
    1. Stay between 1200-1500 calories a day
    2. Work up to ten wall/counter top push ups a day increasing angle as we go
    3. Walk/swim/ move 30 minutes throughout the day. This may be in short segments adding up to 30 minutes
    Middle term 7/23 -8/23
    1. Work up to 15 bent knee push ups
    2. Walk 5 miles a week
    3. Lose 8 pounds
    Long term 7/23 – 10/23
    1. Work up to ten regular pushups
    2. Walk 10 miles a week
    3. Reach 165 or less
    This is pretty close to what I had before.
  • Oh I love this idea! My short term goal is easy because I have those already. Last week my short term goal was to give up soda--all of it, sugary or diet. Check! This week's goal is to give up fast food. So far so good . . .

    The others I need to think about a little more. I'll be back later.
  • NatashaShen
    NatashaShen Posts: 295 Member
    Short term: Start exercising 20 minutes a day 3 times a week. (I have a hard time making myself exercise)

    Med term: Fit into the size 14 shorts my mom gave me. (My 18s are starting to get loose)

    Long term: Reach goal weight of 130lbs. No time limit, just do it! (185 right now)
  • mistyboggs
    mistyboggs Posts: 78 Member
    This is going to be less because I just lost a full post. Where is the redo button on this forum? I am typing in Word and will copy and paste!
    DH and I are going to a wedding in DC this weekend. We leave Thursday morning and will drive the 600+ miles there and will be back on Monday night. So this week will have small goals.
    Visualize every night before going to sleep my goal – My favorite images of myself.
    Short term 7/23-7/30
    1. Stay between 1200-1500 calories a day
    2. Work up to ten wall/counter top push ups a day increasing angle as we go
    3. Walk/swim/ move 30 minutes throughout the day. This may be in short segments adding up to 30 minutes
    Middle term 7/23 -8/23
    1. Work up to 15 bent knee push ups
    2. Walk 5 miles a week
    3. Lose 8 pounds
    Long term 7/23 – 10/23
    1. Work up to ten regular pushups
    2. Walk 10 miles a week
    3. Reach 165 or less
    This is pretty close to what I had before.
    I did the exact the same thing! I was writing a reply to the other post about challenges. Put a lot of thought into got to the very last sentence, and then wham it was erased! So I did my post in word and copy and pasted. I like your goals. I may incorporate them into my overall plan.
  • CaeliGirl11
    CaeliGirl11 Posts: 108 Member
    Weekly Goals
    *Get my training in at least 3 more times this week and exercise another 4 times this week (out of 5).
    *Stay under calories for the rest of the week.
    *Do 30 Girly push-ups a day.

    1 Month Goals
    *Get in an open-water swim at least 1 time.
    *Work up to 60 Girly push-ups a day
    *Get down to 235
    *Be mentally prepared to get through the triathlon

    Longer-Term Goals
    *Complete the Triathlon on September 7th!!
    *Get down to 225 by the end of September
    *Work up to 20 REGULAR push-ups a day by the end of September
    *Begin to Train for a half-marathon (thinking perhaps early next year??)
  • AvalonsUnicorn
    AvalonsUnicorn Posts: 425 Member
    My short term goal is to get myself excising. I have a hard time getting motivated to move. So I am going to try the 30 day challenge on my EA Sports Active for the Wii!

    My medium goal is to be less than 200 pounds. maybe around 190ish? I JUST go into my size 18 shorts so anything to have an excuse to buy smaller clothing :D

    My long term goal is to be around 135 pounds or until I feel and look healthy. Basically anything in my healthy weight range is good. Also another long term goal is to fit into my wedding dress tht's upstairs. I am getting married (eventually) lol plans have been hard to figure out due to lots of little things. but no big it gives me more time to save up and fit in the dress I bought. It's fine in the hips it's my upper body... Specially the girls! lol
  • KaraLaraLouLa
    KaraLaraLouLa Posts: 6 Member
    Short term goal - to complete 30 Day shred, currently at level 3 on day 23!

    Medium term goal - to survive school holidays with healthy food choices

    Long term goal - to start lifting - September when school goes back
  • slim4health56
    slim4health56 Posts: 439 Member
    Finish cleaning out the garage so I can GET TO all that great exercise equipment!

    Short term leading to ongoing: Establish a base line of where I am physically on each piece of exercise equipment, i.e. determine what is challenging on each for a 10 minute set without being an overkill. If I add 10 minutes on three different machines in addition to the 30 minutes I've been walking on the treadmill, I will DOUBLE my exercise time and tune up my sluggish metabolism.

    Mid range to ongoing: Every two weeks, adjust exercises so they are challenging. Work toward a 5% incline on treadmill for the full 30 minute walk by the end of August.

    Long term - still working on that - I need a new "vision" first!
  • liza8888
    liza8888 Posts: 24 Member
    Hi everyone!

    My name is Liz and I just joined the group. Not sure which board I should start with so will do this one first :laugh:

    My short term goal is to work out 4x this week. (I used to be good at exercising but have let life get in the way!)

    My medium term goal is to lose 10 pounds by the time I go to my doctor for a follow-up visit in September (I was there last week and they give you this patient plan which nicely tells you your BMI is too high and you are overweight :sad: )

    My longer term goal is to be able to climb the rock wall on my cruise in November (I have no upper arm strength!).
  • Determined518
    Determined518 Posts: 138 Member
    Hey guys! I just joined the group and this is my first post. :) Please feel free to add me as friends.

    Short term goals:
    -Do my Insanity everyday!
    -Log my food and exercise everyday!
    -Run 1 mile without stopping.

    Long term goals:
    -Be able to run 3 miles without stopping
    -Lose 35 pounds by January 1st

    Check Points:
    -Insanity fit test bi-weekly
    -Monthly weigh-ins
    -Monthly measurments
  • mistyboggs
    mistyboggs Posts: 78 Member
    Short term goal - to complete 30 Day shred, currently at level 3 on day 23!

    Medium term goal - to survive school holidays with healthy food choices

    Long term goal - to start lifting - September when school goes back

    You go girl! I felt so accomplished when I finished the 30 day shred. It took three attempts to. Then I followed it up with Ripped, but didn't finish that and started doing other things. you endured 23 days and I bet you say great results!
  • KaraLaraLouLa
    KaraLaraLouLa Posts: 6 Member
    Day 24 done and dusted - Knees are a bit sore and struggling with the push up/planks but loving that I have improved so much from day 1! Weather has been great here so have managed to complete every day in the garden, downside of that is neighbours have heard some very colourful language in the past weeks. ; )
  • Great short term goals! I may have to steal your ideas...LOL
    Best wishes, Let's Do It! :happy:
  • mercurysfire
    mercurysfire Posts: 144 Member
    hows everyone doing on the pre-challenge goals? I logged my food for the first time in...weeks i guess. a little over, but not too bad. i drank all my water,

    yesterday i was working on my upper body strength and decided meh i'll do some pull ups. (i hate them.) i decided to lower the assist to 60 pounds. (40% of my body weight.) after a few, i got curious and lowered it to 50 pounds (32% of my bodyweight.) and i could do 5. and 8 dips. i'm getting closer!!!! my goal for the end of august is to get the assist down to 25% of my body weight, at this point it's 38.25 pounds. i feel like rocky!!! getting stronger duh duh duh duh ....
  • KaraLaraLouLa
    KaraLaraLouLa Posts: 6 Member
    Day 30 tomorrow of 30 Day Shred!! I have (nearly) completed something I started - proud x 100

    Medium term goal will really kick in when I am on leave myself next week. Although I have been making wiser choices and feeling confident that it wont be a struggle.

    Research in hand for long term goal - downloaded a 12 week weights program and enlisted my wonderful husbands assistance ready to start in September.

    All looking good!!