Start weight....



  • Starting at 147. Need to lose these ten pounds by the end of the month and this is the perfect thing to keep me motivated!

    New to MFP, so add me as a friend!
  • aaronsgirl55
    aaronsgirl55 Posts: 1 Member
    My start weight is 133 lbs. I would love to get to 120 by the end of the month. Here we go!
  • DanaReaser
    DanaReaser Posts: 10 Member
    I'm starting at 180.0 as of this morning!! Gonna do my best, as I go for gallbladder surgery on the 16th (but won't be down and out long)!! Good luck everyone!!! I'm also new to MFP!!
  • Count me in....I just started my weightloss journey on 7/22 so I've got quite a few pounds to go. I hope to crush the 10lb goal! Starting weight 304
  • Not sure how much I weigh right now I will weigh myself first thing in the morning and go from there! Lets do this Im ready to get my high school body back or close to it, haha!!
  • Smorsb
    Smorsb Posts: 104 Member
    glad I found this group to get me motivated. I am starting at 220.6. I am hoping to lose at least 10 lbs in August!!
  • scari0
    scari0 Posts: 1 Member
    I just joined today so want to start it off right and have a little motivation!
    Starting at at 182.2 and I am short, so 10 lbs is a great goal for August. Let's do this!
  • winner57
    winner57 Posts: 2 Member
    Okay, I am ready to do this!!! Need plenty of motivation as I have gotten totally off track for some time now...heavier than I have been in years....165!!! UGH, I hate to even type that number. 10 pounds in August will make a good start to the 30+ I need to lose.
  • As of today, my start weight is 158 lbs. My total goal weight is 140 lbs. Would love to lose 10 lbs in August!!!! I really need to get my motivation back =) Good luck to all!!!!
  • ericagreb
    ericagreb Posts: 14 Member
    as of right now 204. my goal for the end of august is 194 or less! Good luck everyone push hard and you will love yourself for it!
  • ScialBttrfly
    ScialBttrfly Posts: 3 Member
    Hello people, I am new to myfitnesspal and very excited. I am going to weigh myself in the morning also and want to join in on the losing 10 pounds for the month of August. Any encouragement please send my way and the negative send that to someone who cares. Let's do the dang thang.... Good luck to ALL!!!!!
  • RegularLife
    RegularLife Posts: 8 Member
    I'm 150 today. I've been exercising super hard lately and hopefully I'll be 140 by September 1st! Good luck everyone!!
  • ScialBttrfly
    ScialBttrfly Posts: 3 Member
    Oh i forgot to share that I am at 154.5 today but will re weight in the morning and get kicked off with the group. Hope everyone reports their progress and we all are on the honor system. :wink:
  • IMarieB
    IMarieB Posts: 33 Member
    I'm 4'11 and 118 I want to be 110 not quite 10lbs but the hardest ones yet to lose!
  • dshird1
    dshird1 Posts: 2
    Right Now I am hitting the scale at 218. so 10lbs will place me 5 pounds away from my goal weight of 203...So let's put in work to get the results!

    I am in it to win it !!!!
  • yelliezx
    yelliezx Posts: 633 Member
    I weighed myself this morning and was 171lbs. Last week I was 169 but I have been eating terribly lately and only went to the gym once last week. Could also be partially water weight. I'll weigh myself again tomorrow and start from there! :)
  • JimieLou
    JimieLou Posts: 273 Member
    Weighed in this morning at 284.2. My ultimate goal is obviously a LOT less than just ten pounds, but hopefully I can be 273 by the end of August..

    I would love to be 265 by my birthday 9/10. But I want to lose it the smart healthy way so I can achieve long term success.
    KANSASGIRL69 Posts: 28 Member
    WEIGHING IN AT 209.8 IN THE RED CORNER!!! KANSASGIRL69! let's do THIS! omg! THAT would be so amazing to be at 199...i have been busting my *kitten* in the gym w a trainer to boot since mid April...started losing weight in Mid December...only a total of 26 pounds down...i so needed this group! LETS HERE IT FOR THE 40+ YEAR OLDS!!!
  • Ivymarie75
    Ivymarie75 Posts: 80 Member
    Starting weight 207.3 :( My high school reunion in in October & I would love to lose more than 10 lbs by than.
  • corby165
    corby165 Posts: 17 Member
    My starting weight for this challenge is 182lbs, losing 10lb in a month would be great but would love abit more (fingers crossed)

    Goal for challenge:172lb (or more)
    GW: 150lb

    We can all do it! :)