Has anyone done this & quit ? Then what happens ?

Debbiedebbiey Posts: 824 Member
Just started today, loved the BPCoffee ! I'm just scared. "All things in moderation" comes to mind as I'm changing my macros. I'm just wondering if I do this, lose 30lbs (wouldn't that be nice) then can I add back in my daily oatmeal and Apple ? Or some grapes or blueberries ? Please share any thoughts on this , , is it like south beach at all ? Ex: phase one or phase two,three where you start to add things back in ?


  • XXElmaXX
    XXElmaXX Posts: 34
    No one should just stop/quit. A person on a lifestyle like this has to increase carbs little by little. As soon as you start putting on weight you should cut down on carbs a bit. Just as it takes time to lose weight you have to give your body time to adjust as you incrase carb intake
  • TPlenge
    TPlenge Posts: 31 Member
    This is new to me as well. I've always done the opposite high complex carbs and low fat, but my body has started developing insulin resistance. I've only been doing this a little over two weeks, but so far I absolutely love this. I had no idea it was possible to lose weight without being hungry all the time. My brain feels better on ketones and my husband says I am much more outgoing now. I feel more awake.

    Watching videos from doctors and reading books has helped me. Their hypothesis make a lot of sense. My blood sugar has stabilized and I am finally losing weight.

    As for blueberries, I eat them now on low carb, I just limit the number to about 10 berries and make sure I am eating a high fat food along with them. I like cottage cheese mixed with a little coconut oil and the blueberries mixed in.
  • AbbeyDove
    AbbeyDove Posts: 317 Member
    You can just quit, of course, like any other diet--nothing terrible will happen, unless you are eating above your maintenance. Some folks switch to a more paleo/primal type of diet when they hit maintenance.