
  • lmasasa
    lmasasa Posts: 10 Member
    Hi I am Lisa, 39 years old. My goal is to be at 105-110 by January. Currently am at 137.5. I work a desk job full time so don't have the ability to get the to the gym during the day. I am trying to go 3 times a week but that does not happen. I am also working with a dietitian. Any ideas on workouts would be appreciated. My weakness is that I give up too easily. This time I really want to stick with the plan !
  • jenns1964
    jenns1964 Posts: 384 Member
    Hi everyone. I am Jennifer and I live in Austin, Tx, but originally for California. I set my calorie burn goal at 3500, but don't always make it. Now, with a little help from my MFP friends I will reach that goal weekly!
  • Smorsb
    Smorsb Posts: 104 Member
    Hi everyone,
    My name is Sharon and I live outside of Buffalo, NY. Aim excited about this challenge and getting back on track!
  • watchhillgirl
    watchhillgirl Posts: 597 Member
    Hi everyone! I am Katie and live in NC. I am 50 but have a dreaded birthday and will be one year older on August 3. I can't even bring myself to type the age yet! Lol! I have been slack the last few weeks and need a kick in the tail to get back on track. Challenges always help me. Lets burn some calories!!!
  • NK102
    NK102 Posts: 21 Member
    I am Nina, I have just moved to Chicago after living in LA for about 20 years! Fun change! I am a singer and actress, 58, have gained about 30lbs over the last 2 years from surgeries and helping to take care of my mother-in-law after she had 4 strokes. I FELL OFF THE WAGON BAAAAD! So here I am!

    You all look like a fun group to do this with! So let's torch this AUGUST CHALLENGE! :happy:
  • mochahope
    mochahope Posts: 4 Member
    Hi ! I'm Lisa. I am looking forward to this challenge
  • Brown523
    Brown523 Posts: 112 Member
    HI - I'm Mindy - 32 From a tiny little town called Blackstone in Massachusetts. I def need to increase my calories burned in a week. So far I'm only at 600. I really need to step it up! I work full time and I am also a nursing student so that leaves a little less time that I would like to get in as much time as I would need but I'm going to push for it!
  • isisbryan
    isisbryan Posts: 105 Member
    My name is Demetria and I am 40 years old. I weigh 209 and would like to see "onderland" sometime soon. So my goal is to lose 25lbs by January 1st. Lately I've been coasting along and losing about .6 lbs a month. Yes, that's less than a pound a month. So, I know something is not right. I'm hoping that this challenge will help reveal where I need to do the most work either diet or exercise. Or do both need to be tweaked.
  • ronnie554
    ronnie554 Posts: 59 Member
    Ronnie from the UK, my main aim is to lose 10 stone, i started training/dieting on 1st August last year and at the moment i am 2 pound off losing 6 stone todate.

    Looking forward to this challenge.
  • lamour
    lamour Posts: 2 Member
    HI everyone, My name is Lisa and I'm from So Cal, as well. I am 49, have a sedentary job, and gained about 10 lbs while in grad school. I'd like to lose 20, but primarily want to tone up and feel healthy again. Thanks for creating this challenge and for the additional plank challenge! Looking forward to getting and providing support throughout this month :).
  • missbrie11
    missbrie11 Posts: 108 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm Brie, 23, also living in Southern California. I'm hoping this challenge will get me moving and exercising daily so I can really get my weight loss going. Looking forward to it!
  • terriejones
    terriejones Posts: 518 Member
    I made a ticker to track my calories burned.
  • kenzie0884
    kenzie0884 Posts: 66 Member
    My name is Melinda (though you wouldn't guess that from my screen name). I'm 22 and from Michigan. Looking to lose around 50 lbs, and have already lost 13 lbs. :)
  • Hi! I'm Cassie from CA. I am a SAHM to 3 kids. I currently way 159 and my goal is 130, I am 5'6. I am excited about this challenge and to finally shed the back-to-back baby weight. I had a good run losing the weight from jan to may but then slacked off completely! Can't wait to start! Is anyone doing Insanity? I'm starting it today.
  • nmidwood13
    nmidwood13 Posts: 12 Member
    Hi Everyone, I'm Nancy from PA. I'm 163 pounds, 47 on Saturday and about 5 ft 6 inches. I'm lucky I carry my weight pretty well but I am so much more comfortable and happy at 140.00 I tend to go into things "extreme" so I'm either really being good and exercising regularly or I'm eating everything in sight and not getting any exercise. Right now I'm the first. Once I feel I'm in control I tend to balance it out pretty well. I'm hoping this helps me out a bit. I've been a member for a little over a week and I really think it's helping. Logging your food is big time important.
  • LesaDave
    LesaDave Posts: 1,480 Member
    Hi, I'm Lesa from Iowa. I lost about 45 pounds on MFP, then my class dropped to 1x/wk, I started getting lazy...and family-size Doritos (entire bag eaten in just TWO SETTINGS..without sharing) and fireballs are my downfall. Gained 22 of those pounds back. I thought I would be to my goal by this summer, but with that setback...

    So now I have maybe about 40 pounds to go.

    Hello everyone!
  • cassfill30
    cassfill30 Posts: 21 Member
    Hi, I'm Cassie from NJ. I have lost 10 lbs, still need to lose about 60 more. Working at home full time, while trying to manage family and health is always a challenge. Would love to be able to keep up with my kids and hubby.

    This challenge is perfect to encourage me to step up the exercise.
  • cravune
    cravune Posts: 28 Member
    Hi i/m Steve from near Chester UK, I cycle a lot so hoping 3500 shouldn't be too difficult

    20lbs down on this time last year but time to shift another 20, so have come back after a break

    Good luck everyone x
  • RedVelvette
    RedVelvette Posts: 213 Member
    Hi Team!
    I'm Jen, 39 years old, from sunny San Diego, CA. I am 5'9" and currently weigh 208, highest weight was 229 about 10 years ago, and I was 219 when I started MFP in 2010. I recently reset my ticker for added motivation. My next goal is 205 which seems to be so hard to get to even though it's just a few pounds away! I'm pretty active, love to dance, walk a few miles almost every day, and have just started enjoying the stationary bike at the gym which allows me the ability to make time to read and workout at the same time. I also love Zumba and pilates.

    I liked someone else's post in here about wanting to go from "obese" category to "overweight", which would be at 203 for me, so that is goal #2.

    I'm really excited about this group!
  • TheRunningGuppy
    TheRunningGuppy Posts: 651 Member
    Hi, my name is Megan, and I live in Washington state, on the coast. Current small goal is to get to my drivers license weight by my birthday in October, which is when I need to renew it. That means 26 lbs between now and 10/24. Longer term goal is to lose 150 lbs, more than half of my starting weight of 279.
    My primary source of exercise is running, but I also like to do yoga, zumba, and cycling.
    I love a challenge so this is perfect for me. Been slacking on getting 3500 a week over the past few weeks, so this will be a kick in my tushie.
  • nettasue35
    nettasue35 Posts: 190 Member
    Hi! My name is Lynnetta. I live in Moscow, TX. I started my weight loss journey in Jan. 23, 2013 at 240 pounds. I am now at 191.7. I have lost 49.3 pounds my goal is 120. Had a very rough month in July. with the loss of a family member and another in the hospital I gained a little bit but have lost that and a little more. so good luck everyone.
  • kfavulous
    kfavulous Posts: 106 Member
    Hey folks!

    I'm Kelly - 29, 5'5" and 163lbs. I'm from Victoria, BC Canada (eh?)

    My goal is 25lbs by October 17th.

    I'm currently doing the ChaLEAN Extreme challenge (5 days a week) and am on two ViSalus shakes/day.

    It's been a week since I started both routines and while my muscles are killing me and I've only dropped 1.5lbs, I'm still in this to win it!

    3,500 calories... wow. That's hardcore. I'm in!

  • ka97
    ka97 Posts: 1,984 Member
    I'm Kim, from northern MA. I'm a special ed teacher, currently teaching summer school. I'm working on losing "the last 5 pounds", again :grumble: This should be a good challenge for me as I'm in the midst of triathlon training with an Olympic Distance on Aug 25 and a sprint on Sept. 8. This is about the time that motivation can start to fade, so a little extra push will be great!
  • mmcqueen927
    mmcqueen927 Posts: 292 Member
    Hi my name is Shay and I am fom NJ. I lost 18 lbs at this year, but I have begun to gain some of it back. I have been struggling big tine the last 2 months. I still have at least 15 pounds to lose and I am really hoping this challenge is what I need to get back on track and lose this weight.
  • Hi my name is Stephanie...I am 46 years old and a mother of four children. I am currently a Nuraing student and would like to get back into shape!! I am looking to lose 14 lbs. and to get fit! I am excited for a challenge!
  • Mirage106
    Mirage106 Posts: 23 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    My name is Jena, and I'm from Texas. I'm thirty-nine. I was thin when I was young, but as a totally blind person, opportunities for physical activity and fitness can be challenging to find, learn, and even just to get to and from. So in my twenties, I gained weight.

    Then a few years ago, some amazing friends encouraged me to train with them, to walk a half marathon. I never imagined I could do it, but I did, and that changed my whole perspective about athleticism, fitness, weight, and self image.

    I had every intention to keep the weight off that I'd lost, and to keep losing. But some stressful life events occurred, culminating in a fractured skull which left me completely sedentary for a full year. I was too dizzy to be anything else, thanks to the concussion.

    So here I am in 2013, 5.4 and at my heaviest, 244 pounds. . . NOT . GOOD! But with the seizure-induced fractured skull finally explained by a diagnosis of epilepsy, I have my answers, and am ready to move forward and get fit! I am training for my second half marathon next spring!
    I'm 5.4, 232 now, and hoping to lose 95 pounds by Christmas 2014. My cardio consists of 45 minutes to two hours of treading water in a swimming pool, and/or walking on a treadmill. I would love to join a gym, if I could get to one, to add some strength training, but for now, I'm at the very beginning level of fitness. So I can't wait to take on my first MyFitnessPal challenge, and I'm looking forward to seeing all the successes everyone will have!

    Friend requests are welcome!
    Good luck everyone!
  • Hestion
    Hestion Posts: 740 Member
    Hi I'm Chelle am 33 and live in Essex UK.

    I fell off the bandwagon mostly so far this year as had lots of stress and problems, but have my mojo back now and looking foreward to doing this challenger. I'm currently 236lbs 5'4", work lots and lots and my hobby is my horse Chico :-)
  • SJLS2013
    SJLS2013 Posts: 149 Member

    My name is Sarah and I live in Reading, UK. Currently 138lbs 28.2% bf. My goal is 121lbs and to get my bf as low as I can.
  • freya33
    freya33 Posts: 149 Member
    I live in Winchester UK. I am 66, widowed with 3 grown up children; I retired last summer then started tutoring. This meant I was sitting down more and instead of losing weight I piled on the pounds. In July I wanted to wear a dress and jacket to a smart do. I could just get into the dress but the jacket would not do up.. it was a bit of a shock. I then had a couple of weeks with family visiting. When they left I stood on the scales even more of a shock. So I have started going to the gym again and bought a fitbit to help with motivation.
    My youngest is getting married next year and I am walking her down the aisle. I hate having my photo taken as I look so matronly and fat. I need to lose about 35-40 lbs and aiming for 1 lb a week. I have previously set silly weekly targets, not met them after the second week and got dispirited and gave up.
    I like spinning classes and just started doing body pump ( I am recovering from tennis elbow). Later this month I am trying aqua jog and hydro classes. I am aiming to keep giving my body a shock so it does not get used to just one type of exercise. I have a fairly quiet August to get the exercise going before tutoring takes off in September again..
    I did round the world challenge last year and loved it; near the end we were doing over 1000 cals a day to keep us near the lead
  • jmcreynolds91
    jmcreynolds91 Posts: 777 Member
    Hi everyone! My name is Julie. I started on here at 204 last October and am down to 148 as of now. I workout 6 days a week doing turbofire and adding in other things like hiking swimming. I am hoping to loose about 20 more pounds!