Challenge for August, 2013

AllanMisner Posts: 4,140 Member
1) Reduce stomach circumference by 1/2 inch. Will measure on the morning of July 31st.

2) Log 100 miles walking and/or jogging.

3) Log at least 18 weight training sessions.

4) No beer in August.


  • kobrien65
    kobrien65 Posts: 24 Member
    OK, time to get uber serious about hitting some intermediate goals, and August seems like the time to do it...just because.

    1) - Hit 195 by...
    2) No alcohol 5 out of seven days. No beer at all like amisnercpa is doing is just crazy talk, brother. I'd die. :)
    3) Cardio 3x per week, Weights 3x per week.

    That's about all I'm going to strive for just so I don't set myself up for a complete failure. I'm stuck at 203 for the last 3 weeks and I need to do something different or I'll never get into those 36/34 jeans. This should be a start...go AUGUST!
  • AllanMisner
    AllanMisner Posts: 4,140 Member
    1) Reduce stomach circumference by 1/2 inch (currently 37 inches)

    2) Log 100 miles walking and/or jogging.

    3) Log at least 18 weight training sessions.

    4) No beer in August.
  • Ragtees
    Ragtees Posts: 33 Member
    I like this idea by Amisnercpa

    *1) Reduce stomach circumference by 1/2 inch. Will measure on the morning of July 31st

    SW: 240
    GW: now set at 185

    Exercise combo 5x per week. A mix of cardio, circuit training and yoga.
    Start mixing in free weights 1x per week
    Lose 6lbs (205)

    reduce chest and waist measurements by 1/2"

  • KevinS62
    KevinS62 Posts: 239 Member
    4) No beer in August.


    Amisnercpa - Glad you got this month started. For the whole month of July, I had us back in 2012! :huh:

    I'll be back later as I'm still trying to pin down my challenges for August. Either this evening or in the morning.
  • loulamb7
    loulamb7 Posts: 801 Member
    4) No beer in August.

    Saw this posting today from a local brewery (River Horse Brewing Co.).

    Sometimes when I reflect on all the beer I drink, I feel ashamed. Then I look into the glass and think about the workers in the brewery and all of their hopes and dreams. If I didn't drink this beer, they might be out of work and their dreams would be shattered. I think, "It is better to drink this beer and let their dreams come true than be selfish and worry about my liver."

    Babe Ruth
  • AllanMisner
    AllanMisner Posts: 4,140 Member
    4) No beer in August.

    Saw this posting today from a local brewery (River Horse Brewing Co.).

    Sometimes when I reflect on all the beer I drink, I feel ashamed. Then I look into the glass and think about the workers in the brewery and all of their hopes and dreams. If I didn't drink this beer, they might be out of work and their dreams would be shattered. I think, "It is better to drink this beer and let their dreams come true than be selfish and worry about my liver."

    Babe Ruth

    How old was Babe Ruth when he died?

    Answer: 53

    I'm 47
  • advocat86
    advocat86 Posts: 4 Member
    1. log 20 miles running
    2. log 200 miles biking
    3. lose 4.5 pounds
    4. strength workout 2x per week
  • KevinS62
    KevinS62 Posts: 239 Member
    I ended up loggin 85 miles last month. Didn't see that coming!

    For August:
    1) Continue to stay under my allotted net calories, 90%
    2) Continue the walks 4-5x weekly, for 80 miles
    3) Continue my strength training 4x weekly
    4) Add sit-ups/crunches and push-ups to my daily routine

    At this point, I'm really not too concerned about my weight. I'd like to get inside of the BMI chart's "Normal" range, but only to see the look on my doc's face and not get lectured for once. But right now, I'm much further than I thought I'd ever get and I'm more concerned with getting rid of the gut, loose skin and love handles.

    With that said, if I complete all four of my challenges, I don't see why I can't lose another 6-7 lbs. That would put me below 185 for the first time in at least 16 years and close to normal on the BMI chart.

    Good luck guys!

    SW - 247
    GW - 177 "Normal" BMI
    CW - 191
  • loulamb7
    loulamb7 Posts: 801 Member
    August goals.

    1. Lose 6 lbs. Goal weight 225.
    2. Continue strength training 3 days a week for at least 30 minutes per session.
    3. Add 5-10 minutes of warms ups, before workouts, and 5 minutes of stretching at the end.
  • EricCowperthwaite
    - Complete 4 weeks of New Rules of Lifting Break-In workouts
    - No beer for the whole month (first 5 days are a success already)
    - Get from 198 to 195 with serious rigor on my eating.
    - Increase my protein intake to at least 120g a day (which is not exactly easy, it turns out)
    - smoke at least one beautiful, not available in the US, cigar while in Australia this month :-D
  • AllanMisner
    AllanMisner Posts: 4,140 Member
    1) Reduce stomach circumference by 1/2 inch (currently 37 inches) I haven't measured, might do it tomorrow morning.

    2) Log 100 miles walking and/or jogging. I've done 28 miles so far.

    3) Log at least 18 weight training sessions. I've done six sessions so far.

    4) No beer in August. Have had some cravings, but none so far.
  • EricCowperthwaite
    The tough part on the beer will be my 5 days in Australia
  • AllanMisner
    AllanMisner Posts: 4,140 Member
    I'll be in London, Kuala Lumpur, Ho Chi Minh, and Jakarta. All that traveling is going to make getting miles and gym visits harder, but I'm committed.
  • loulamb7
    loulamb7 Posts: 801 Member
    August goals.

    1. Lose 6 lbs. Goal weight 225.
    2. Continue strength training 3 days a week for at least 30 minutes per session.
    3. Add 5-10 minutes of warms ups, before workouts, and 5 minutes of stretching at the end.

    8/10 Update
    1. Lost 3 Lbs. Down to 228. I can't remember the last time I was below 230, probably 2008. MFP had set my caloric intake at 1960, I'm increasing to 2060 for this week.
    2. Got 2 35 minutes sessions in this week.
    3. On target with warm-ups and stretching.
    4. Did notice my blood pressure was a little high this week, 140/90. Haven't checked it in a while, but I'm usually a steady 120/80. Turns out I have my annual cardiologist appointment on Monday, so I'm get his input.

    Keep up the good work.
  • EricCowperthwaite
    Goal update at almost the midpoint:
    - Complete 4 weeks of New Rules of Lifting Break-In workouts
    Finished week 1 on Friday, in spite of being in Pittsburg (hometown is Seattle) ... I belong to a decent sized gym, with facilities all over the US, turns out there was another facility just a couple miles from my hotel. So, took a cab over Fri AM and worked out.
    - No beer for the whole month (first 5 days are a success already)
    So far, even while traveling. Had a few vodka/sodas, bit of wine. No beer.
    - Get from 198 to 195 with serious rigor on my eating.
    Eating has been pretty solid, no real cheats. No processed foods, no refined carbs, no pastas, breads, etc. This ought to show up in my next weigh-in, which is at Labor Day weekend.
    - Increase my protein intake to at least 120g a day (which is not exactly easy, it turns out)
    Well, so far I am averaging much higher on protein than I had been in the past. Last week I averaged 150g protein a day. This is slightly better than 1g per pound of lean body mass. It's a bit expensive, though.
    - smoke at least one beautiful, not available in the US, cigar while in Australia this month :-D
    Well, I will update on that while I'm in Sydney next week!
  • AllanMisner
    AllanMisner Posts: 4,140 Member
    Good to see others reaching their goals!

    1) Reduce stomach circumference by 1/2 inch. Will measure on the morning of July 31st. I took a measure before I left on this business trip and I was down to 36.25. I'll have to check it again later in the month to see that I'm still on track.

    2) Log 100 miles walking and/or jogging. I'm at 49.1, so my average miles is right on track.

    3) Log at least 18 weight training sessions. I've done 9 so far, but struggling to get to the gym when I can't go mid-afternoon. It is just so hard to get motivated after a full day of work, especially while I'm fighting jetlag.

    4) No beer in August. No small feat being in the UK, but I've done it so far.
  • KevinS62
    KevinS62 Posts: 239 Member
    For August:
    1) Continue to stay under my allotted net calories, 90%
    2) Continue the walks 4-5x weekly, for 80 miles
    3) Continue my strength training 4x weekly
    4) Add sit-ups/crunches and push-ups to my daily routine

    * Get to 185 lbs or below

    I guess we're at the half-way point. As usual, I've done good with my eating, I've logged nine brisk walks for 38 miles, and nine 1-hr sessions with free weights. I have added a few sit-ups/push-ups, but really haven't gotten it into my routine. It's a work in progress, and just need to fit it in.

    Oh, and I've dropped 3 1/2 pounds, down to 187.2.
  • EricCowperthwaite
    Oh, and I've dropped 3 1/2 pounds, down to 187.2.

    very cool, you're within reach of that 185 goal!
  • loulamb7
    loulamb7 Posts: 801 Member
    August goals.

    1. Lose 6 lbs. Goal weight 225.
    2. Continue strength training 3 days a week for at least 30 minutes per session.
    3. Add 5-10 minutes of warm ups, before workouts, and 5 minutes of stretching at the end.

    Down to 226, 1 lbs from August goal. Maintaining calories around 2030-2100.
    Got 3 sessions in for the week, could have been 4 but slacked off.
    Sticking with warm ups and stretching, pre and post workouts.
    Tracking my sodium intake seems to have helped my blood pressure. Back down to 120s/80s.
    NSV success - Had to downsize in to my 42" pants. I have 44s and 42s in my wardrobe. 44s had gotten to large. Also had to go out today and buy a 42" belt.

    Hope everyone has a good week. Rest day tomorrow.
  • fitter_dad
    How does this work? So, I will be ready for September. Do you just set your own goals and then post on here to keep yourself accountable and for support?