Monthly Goals

Hello-- first time I've ever done a challenge so I thought I'd give it a try. What's everyone's goal for the month?

I want to lose at least 5 pounds and try to cook dinner for myself 5 out of the 7 days a week each week.


  • I would like to lose at least 12 lbs. And get to training for an OCR.
  • My goals are to lose 8lbs, and to lose 2 inches off the biggest part of my stomach. Ultimately, my goal is to be this will be a big head start to that!
  • Hey everybody! This month I want to lose 8lbs and my longer term goal is to lose 30.
  • apanda4
    apanda4 Posts: 513 Member
    Can I still join this challenge - it might be good for me

    My goal this month is to just get back into the swing of things

    will be weighing myself tomorrow morning
  • Can I still join this challenge - it might be good for me

    My goal this month is to just get back into the swing of things

    will be weighing myself tomorrow morning

    Yes!!! Please do join!!!!!
  • Hey everybody! This month I want to lose 8lbs and my longer term goal is to lose 30.

    Welcome to our group Hayley!
  • I would like to lose at least 12 lbs. And get to training for an OCR.

    That's a great goal! What is an OCR?
  • Hello-- first time I've ever done a challenge so I thought I'd give it a try. What's everyone's goal for the month?

    I want to lose at least 5 pounds and try to cook dinner for myself 5 out of the 7 days a week each week.

    Welcome Shroedersim! Your goal sounds great!! I've only done one challenge before (the squats challenge!) I'm ready for this!!!
  • otalip
    otalip Posts: 15 Member
    I would like to join this challenge although i missed day one and two. :heart:
  • I would like to join this challenge although i missed day one and two. :heart:

    You only missed day one. No biggie!!!! :) Welcome to our group!
  • Revsalsa
    Revsalsa Posts: 11 Member
    Hi:) My start weight on 1st August was 182.1 lbs, this month i would like to lose 10-15 lbs. Overall i need to lose more than 55lbs.
  • Hello I hope I can still join this group I need to lose 10 lbs by sept and really need the support.
  • kabarnes45
    kabarnes45 Posts: 89 Member
    Hi. I hope it is not too late to join. I really need to get back on track. I would like to lose 7lbs this month.
  • Hello! I'm one day late to the challenge but it will still be good motivation for me to track everyday!
    Today I weigh in at 133 pounds, and I'd like to lose at least 10 pounds of body fat and put on some muscle! It's gonna take more than a month, but let's see how far I can get! I'm tracking inches lost as well as weight, as the scales can lie!
    Good luck everyone!
  • Welcome to all of the new members!! I am SO excited for this challenge. The winner will be picked based on percentage of weight loss. It's the honor system so please let's all play fair.
  • My goal this month is to stay consistent with eating right, getting adquete, rest working out and running. I ready hope to lose anywhere from 9-15lbs. My final goals is to lose 105lbs by February 1st 2014. Good luck to everyone in this group and please feel free to add me as a friend.
  • Honestly I would be happy to make any progress but for the sake of the challenge I am setting a goal of 10 pounds. I tend not to try to reach anywhere just in the right direction. But goals might help.
  • ariel1116
    ariel1116 Posts: 555 Member
    my monthly goals are to continue to log in everything i eat. stay under my calorie count. and to loose 11lbs.
  • justdoit2322
    justdoit2322 Posts: 32 Member
    This is my first challenge too! I am also following the 3500 calorie burn a week this month. My name is Daria.
    My goal this month is to lose 5 pounds (or more). My ultimate goal is to lose 20 pounds by Christmas. :) I'd love to have a solid routine worked out by the end of this month considering I am returning to school in 2 weeks.. that will be the ultimate test to see if I can continue doing what I am doing.
  • Shellijohnson
    Shellijohnson Posts: 1 Member
    well, I'm 2 days late starting this challenge, but I'll go for it the rest of the month. My goal is to lose 5 pounds this month. I am just coming off a 10 pound weight gain after a pretty severe broken arm. So getting back into it after almost 3 months of not working out will be difficult. Any encouragement would be great!