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    LUVMYPURSES Posts: 1 Member
    Hello 40 & Fabulous Ladies

    I love this App 50 days strong and I have lost a total of 10 lbs and counting. Who said when you get older it's harder to loose weight this group of ladies is a true testimony that it can and will be DONE. 44 yoa and loving it!:smile
  • whathaway
    whathaway Posts: 2 Member
    I'm 42, married for 16 years this May and have a 9yo and 6yo. At my highest I was 200. I joined Weight Watchers and lost 40# b4 my 1st child, gained 40# with her, lost that plus an extra 10# to reach my goal weight. Then I got pregnant with #2, gained 40# and am only down about 20# from there. So, I have about 20# left to be where I want.

    Unlike many posters here, I was not a physically active person. Never have been. I hate just sitting around, so my hands are always busy (cleaning, crafting, laundry, scrapping, etc..). But that doesn't burn calories!

    I am pretty good at controling calories (thank you, WeightW), but am trying hard to work exercise in or even find something I even like to do! This app is SO easy and really gives a good level of self-accountability.
  • melanieparker13
    melanieparker13 Posts: 110 Member
    Hello... I am 45 years old a mother of three girls and "nana" to three amazing granddaughters... Since my weight loss journey has becun I have lost 27 pounds... I still need to lose 47 and am looking for all the help I can get.
  • the1to1
    the1to1 Posts: 49
    I'm 47 yo and can't believe I let myself go for so long. I have a wonderful husband of 26 yrs, who works out daily, two active teenager, DS18 and DD16. I was just put on high blood pressure meds and am not happy about it at all. I am determined to get back in shape and feel better about myself. I've lost 9 lbs so far but have another 46 lbs to go. I weighed less this morning than I have in 3 yrs so its a start.

    Looking forward to meeting others for encouragement and support!!
  • Hi all,

    I just found this thread. I read through and see all you amazing and inspiring women. It is nice to see people taking charge of their lives at this exciting stage. I don't know about you but I am loving my 40's!!

    A quick bit about me - I'm turning 45 in June. I have two young kids - age 7 and 3.5. I've been married for 16 years. The past 6 years have been a whirlwind - I left my career and started a new job, 6-weeks into that new job I found out I was pregnant (after trying for years), I had problems with the pregnancy so I left the new job and started another, had my daughter and found out my Dad was diagnosed with terminal pancreatic cancer so I decided to stay home with my daughter and spend a lot of time with my father. That was a big time of stress eating. After my father passed away and I remained at home I began a lovely cycle of putting on a pound here and a pound there. When I realized it was piling on I would work a bit and lose it but never all of it. At this same time we made the decision to move out of state for my husband's career. You know that part where they tell you not to make major life decisions when you're grieving ... yeah, I skipped that. Uprooted from family, friends and not having a job - I felt rudderless. But happily, I got pregnant again.

    My life is wonderful - filled with new friends and my children and husband. All I was waiting for was this weight to jump off my body by itself apparently. Not going to happen so I finally committed to myself. We made the decision to be older parents and I need to get healthy for my kids and my husband.

    Feel free to add me as a friend (with a note) if we can inspire and hold each other accountable. I'm in this for the long haul.
  • sashanoir
    sashanoir Posts: 1
    Hello ... I'm happy to find like minded ladies that care about health and fitness... even if we're 40something and have gone astray here and there. I'm looking forward to feeling feisty and looking good even if I'm getting grays!! :laugh: :laugh:
    I will be 45 this June. I'm an art gallery director, a semi-active profession. I'm finding it harder to maintain my weight and fit into my waredrobe in the last year so. My goal is to lose 15 or 20 pounds. I would like to lose 10 by 4th of July vacation time.
    I'm mom to a 17 yr. old boy and married 24yrs to an athletic husband. They both can eat what ever they want -so frustrating!

    My biggest hurddle will be fitting in exercise time. I have a treadmill but rarely use it. I have made a commitment to exercise 3x a week for 40 minutes. My local community center has zumba on Wednesdays- think I'll check that out-I love to dance!! worried about overdoing it in the beginning. :blushing:
    thank you for starting this group. I look forward to some creative weekly challanges.
  • Hi everyone! Thanks for the group support. I really need more now then ever. I can't believe I'm already 42..n 20 yrs married thus month. No children. Which I regret now:-( I notice my metabolism slowed down big time. I need to loose 50 lbs. My knees n ankles r not too gd from all the exc. N running i've done in NYC when I lived. Lets keep the motivation going! We can do it. By December my birthday I want to reach my goal....:-)
  • laurie0507
    laurie0507 Posts: 92 Member
    Hi everyone! I'll be 47 in a couple of weeks and have decided to get back on track with my weight. I've been up and down over the past few years and need to get serious about a lifestyle change. I have chronic arthritis in my foot/ankle (I was born with a club foot) so I'm very limited on what exercises I can do but I'm going to stay positive and move forward!
  • kmc9515
    kmc9515 Posts: 1 Member
    Hello! I am 41 years old, just got married, and have gained about 20lbs since meeting my husband. I was on a great roll when i met him, even got into my skinny jeans for a date....but we got engaged and the pounds crept back on. Although I looked great in my wedding dress....it was a size 16 and I was not as slim as I wanted to be (thank God for my photographer who was able to make me look great!) Now the wedding and honeymoon are over, and I am trying to get pregnant (a challenge at my age). I want to be as healthy as possible, and I feel that the extra weight plus inactivity have made me feel slow, sluggish, and have affected my cycles. I want to get back on track and get back into those skinny jeans again before I have to get maternity jeans. :-) I need some serious motivation.
  • DeinaM
    DeinaM Posts: 5
    Hello! I'm new (returning) here - 43 yrs old with 3 children, ages 21, 16 & 14. I moved to the coporate office where I work, lots of stairs, and realized that I can't walk up 4 flights of stairs like i could when I was in my mid-20s. I'd like to get healthier & in shape NOW before the aches and pains get worse from an unhealthy lifestyle.

    I also hope that I'll encourage my husband to join my journey to health so we can grow old together.
  • SenseiCole
    SenseiCole Posts: 429 Member
    HI all, no sure if this group is still acive or not. I am 46yrs old with 4 kids. I live in Auckland New Zealand. I have 15 kgs to loss.
  • beverlyweaver73
    beverlyweaver73 Posts: 25 Member
    Hello! My name is Bev, and I am 46 years old. I have been married for 24 years, and we have a 20 year old son. I am a reading teacher. I am in the process of getting in the best shape of my life! I am new to MFP and so far I love it. My goal right now is to lose 23 lbs, 2 of which have already come off. As a teenager I weighed in at about 115 lbs. I was a picky eater due to several food allergies. I have outgrown most of those allergies, so I would consider myself a "foody" now. Over the years I have gained weight and lost weight, due to life situations - medications for asthma, pregnancy, hyperthyroidism, and most recently peri-menopause symptoms.

    I was glad to come across this group. I think women in their 40's are unique - we are raising children and taking care of aging parents, we have many responsibilities as workers, wives, mothers, and then on top of it all trying to find time for ourselves.

    I enjoy Irish Step dancing, biking on rail trails, yoga, and now going to them gym. I look forward to encouraging all of you as together we get fit for life!
  • Nikk2674
    Nikk2674 Posts: 11 Member
    Hi Everyone, I just turned 40 on February 6th, I am a mother of one 11 yo girl, and I am trying to lose 30 lbs. I have slacked off on the working out as it is terribly cold and snowy where I am. I want to settle into my 40's with some cool and confident people who will remind me that I need not fear my 40s, but rather embrace it. We all need a little encouragement sometimes and I like to give as well as receive. My fondess of tasty food is what has me on this weight loss journey, but what I do have on my side is a love of dance and group exercise. Hope to gain some friends here to share triuphs and struggles with :)
  • kimhenry10
    kimhenry10 Posts: 1 Member
    Hello! I am 42 and finished my first round of P90X last fall. It felt GREAT! Then, the horribly long, cold winter came, I started back to school online and now all my hard work is gone.
    I felt so strong and young when I was doing my P90X workouts, but they were 60 minute workouts and I just do not have that time today. P90X3 will help with 30 minute workouts, but I am going to try to just amp up my exercise everyday as I am now able to get outside and enjoy the weather...get myself outside more and gain that sense of energy from the sun and just being active. I want to eventually workout on rainy or cooler days in my in home gym and do either P90X3, Hip Hop Abs or Brazillian Butt Lift....anything to build my muscle tone back up and feel strong again.
    It s SO mucy harder to lose weight now that I'm in my 40's...used to be I could drop 5 pounds in a week......now it takes weeks to drop 5 pounds!
    Live and learn...I won't make the same mistakes again. On to a new adventure!