Question on weight increasing!

BreMurie Posts: 50 Member
I am on stage 1 and I see that my reps go down for my next workout, so I'm guessing I should up my weights... is there a rule of thumb on how much to increase? I don't see it mentioned in the book, what did everyone else feel comfortable with?


  • Kittyclaw6
    Kittyclaw6 Posts: 4 Member

    I am also in stage 1. I have upped my weight by 5kgs on the deadlift and squat at each session, so I am now doing a 30kg squat and 40kg deadlift. With the other exercises I just went up to the next dumbbell weight my gym had.
  • ptaradactyl88
    ptaradactyl88 Posts: 42 Member
    Increase as much as you feel comfortable increasing. Whenever a set doesn't challenge you anymore, increase the weight or start a harder variation. Swiss ball crunch doesn't challenge me so I started the hands overhead variation with a weight. On the other hand I can't do a decent push up to save my life! Some of the machines at my gym, like the seated row and the wide grip lat pull down, only increase by 10 lbs at a time. I started squats with just the 45lb bar and by this time next week, I'll be at double that! And several times I have increased only to find out I wasn't ready to increase yet, so I went back to the lower weight. We don't want injures! Keep up the good work. Challenge yourself but don't injure yourself.
  • BreMurie
    BreMurie Posts: 50 Member
    Thank you for your help!! :)