Sara's Defluffing Log



  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    hai can u tell me wot you do 2 get abs? I wuz thinkin crunchs bt im not sure wut 2 do.

  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    eating ice cream at 1500cals/day means you REALLY like your icecream :laugh:

    I don't know if I'm a "clean eater" or what but I really do prefer my proats to just about any dessert. 450cals for about 750g worth is damn good for the volume eater :tongue:

    Didn't see your DL vid before sorry. I'll take a look when I get home.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Got a bit behind with this - passed out from lack of food!

    Day 7:

    Morning's weigh in: 155.5lb :grumble: Starting to get hangry, however, happy realization that the next day was a reefed as I am timing them for the day before deadlift day, especially as SideSteel keeps sending me pancake porn pics.

    Prior day's macros: cals/p/f/cho: 1,580/165/53/109 with 21g fiber. Ice cream: Edy's Mint Choc Chip
    Todays' macros ended up and 1581/168/55/110 with 21g fiber. Ice cream: English Toffee Bar (very nice but depressingly small)

    Rest day the day prior.

    Squats this day - total grinder. 5s week with the top set at 215lb. Got the reps done but my form was not pretty. Did more squats for assists and I could tell my *kitten* was coming up early. I also realized that I think I have an imbalance between my left and right glute which I will try to keep an eye on.

    Day 8:

    Morning's weigh in: 155.0lb - total of 3lb loss since starting which is on track.

    Very happy day - loss on scale, reefed and a good bench session.

    Due to my shoulder problem I dropped my 1RM for the calculations to 130lb. I did the top set of 5 at 110lb, which was one more than I got at the same weight for 3s (I screwed up my calcs for that week), then added 10lb and managed 4 x 120lb. While off my max it is so much better and considering the fact that I could not do 5 x 80lb about 7 weeks ago just after my problem, I was really happy. Did 4 x 10 x 80 after that. As I was lifting in the morning, I intended to do assists in the evening but got too distracted by my pancakes.

    Speaking of which, after being tortured all week by some *kitten* who will remain nameless, I decided to have pancakes for my reefed. Apple and chocolate chip PB protein pancakes with WF caramel and pancake syrup for one batch and chocolate sauce for the other...hnnnnnnnnnngggggggggg.

    Plus: I managed to fit in my Ben & Jerry's - a full serving of Cinnamon Buns.

    I actually went to bed full for the first time in a week.

    Macros: cals/p/f/cho: 1,962/170/51/216 with 26g fiber. My reefed target macros were cho of 200 - 220g and p/f remaining the same.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member

    I actually went to bed full for the first time in a week.

    Good stuff Sara!

    See, my main issue is that I simply CANNOT sleep if I'm not full at bed time. And specifially, I need my carbs. I have no idea how people can sleep when hungry. My mind just drifts off 1 sheep, 2 sheep, 3 sheep, proats, 4 sheep, 5 sheep, 6 sheep, bacon etc. :laugh:
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member

    I actually went to bed full for the first time in a week.

    Good stuff Sara!

    See, my main issue is that I simply CANNOT sleep if I'm not full at bed time. And specifially, I need my carbs. I have no idea how people can sleep when hungry. My mind just drifts off 1 sheep, 2 sheep, 3 sheep, proats, 4 sheep, 5 sheep, 6 sheep, bacon etc. :laugh:

  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Day 10:

    Day after my reefed.

    Morning weigh in: no change in scale at 155.0

    Deadlift session went really well. I set a PR for reps at 5 x 270lb. I have not tried those reps at that weight before (as the Frequency Project maxes at 3 reps) so am not sure if this represents strength gains, but was really happy with it considering I was into week 2 of pretty low cals for me. I may have been able to do more reps but I got my breathing messed up. I usually do not breathe through the heavier sets and for this one my grip was wrong at the outset so I had to reset quickly, which then meant I needed to take a breath, which then got me all discombobulated. In any event, I was happy with it but it did highlight that I need to work on my breathing rhythm.

    Macros: cals/p/f/cho: 1,553/169/50/110 with 19g fiber. Ice cream – Choc Chip Cookie Dough

    Day 11:

    Morning weigh in 154.9lb

    Rest day today

    Nothing very exciting to report.

    Macros: cals/p/f/cho: 1,562/170/52/107 with 19g fiber. Ice cream – Edy’s S’mores

    Day 12:

    Morning weigh in 153.9lb – yay for the mini whoosh.

    Took today as another rest day..just coz!

    Macros: cals/p/f/cho: 1,577/170/55/107 with 24g fiber. Ice cream – Cardamom (I recommend – good macros and very refreshing flavor). Still getting hungry!

    Day 13 (Saturday):

    Weight static.

    OHP day. I was happy that I managed to get my reps on the top set and that my right side seemed at more or less the same strength level as my left now. As I noted earlier, I am using 110lb as my 1RM rather than my actual of 112lb, but am pretty happy as I had quite a bit of time off from upper body work due to my injury.

    Next week is 5/3/1 week which is always my favorite week.

    Macros: cals/p/f/cho: 1,490/170/54/108 with 29g fiber. Ice cream – Cardamom

    I did have a result when I stumbled across a couple of shelves of WF in a nearby supermarket. No blueberry syrup unfortunately. Also, I made some low carb/high protein brownies. All I can say is, I am a terrible cook.

    I took some progress pics on the spur of the moment this morning. Most are flattering angle ones, but my current avi is a straight on so the only ‘non candid’ aspect is the lighting which is a bit flattering. However, I am really happy that the line down my top abs has shown up. I never had one to speak of before. My top thigh/hip muscles (my tensor fasciae latae and sartorius I believe) also seem to have developed during my bulk – deads and skwatz ftw!, which is what I am trying to show in the pic, but it’s hard to to so without making it X-rated. Posting pic here as I will probably change my avi in the not too distant future. And contrary to what SideSteel may say…that is a shadow above my pants!!!


    Loss ticking along nicely and lifts are going relatively well, which is making being hungry some times less of an issue.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    Big update!

    Great progress so far :smile:
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Big update!

    Great progress so far :smile:

    Thanks. I am going to be interested in tomorrow's weigh in as it will be the 2 week mark. Plan was 4- 5 lbs as it would also include some water and food weight related losses. So far my loss is 4.1lb, so in the range.

    Going forward, planned losses are 2 - 3 lbs every 2 weeks (although plans so nt always work out as we know).

    I am going to be posting my assistance plan shortly as I have been nerding out over that with the limitations of working out at home. and have finally got it finalized (I think) which is good as I have been suffering from f*ckarounditis with them the last few weeks My usual 'go-to's' for upper body, like full ROM lat pull downs and face pulls are not an option anymore.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Quick update:

    Boom - 153 this morning so a total loss of 5lb at the 2 week mark.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Unboom - back to 153.9 as of this morning. Dafuq!


    Day 14:

    Morning weigh in static again.

    Took today as a rest day so nothing much to tell

    Macros: cals/p/f/cho: 1,531/167/55/109 with 22g fiber. Ice cream – Choc Chip Cookie Dough

    Day 15:

    Official weigh in after 2 weeks, as noted, down to 153 even.

    Squat day (5/3/1 week). It was odd, warm ups felt heavy as did the 5s and 3s, but I managed the single at the scheduled 240lb (basing off 250lb 1RM rather than my actual of 260lb), then decided to try 245lb and got it. Got depth but form was a bit crappy so I stopped there.

    Carbs go up by 25g so range is now 125g - 135g and I am adding in 600 cals of saracardio a week...aka walking aimlessly.

    Macros: cals/p/f/cho: 1,553/166/55/131 with 23g fiber. Ice cream – English Toffee Crunch

    The 25g extra cho really seemed to make a difference as I was actually full and had to make sure I ate everything before I went to sleep.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    yay for being full on a cut!

    Bloody good squat too :smile:
  • SkimFlatWhite68
    SkimFlatWhite68 Posts: 1,254 Member
    Fantastic progress Sara!!
    Thanks for sharing with us, I look forward to watching your progress, you are such an inspiration, thanks again!
  • Jbartram93
    hello, I am relatively new to mfp, i join and quite here and there but I am sticking to it legitimately, from here on out. I am however not new to weights with a workout regimen consisting of 3-(sometimes)5 times a week. I'm currently on my first cut ever with close to a week and a half finished. I'm using the animal cuts supplement which consists of 3 weeks on one week off and another 3 weeks on. does anyone have any tips on how to get a better cut other than low cal high cardio? feel free to add me!
  • Rayman79
    Rayman79 Posts: 2,009 Member
    hello, I am relatively new to mfp, i join and quite here and there but I am sticking to it legitimately, from here on out. I am however not new to weights with a workout regimen consisting of 3-(sometimes)5 times a week. I'm currently on my first cut ever with close to a week and a half finished. I'm using the animal cuts supplement which consists of 3 weeks on one week off and another 3 weeks on. does anyone have any tips on how to get a better cut other than low cal high cardio? feel free to add me!

    I applaud your enthusiasm but this is not the place to post a random question - this is Sara's personal log to track her progress. I assume the group mods will remove this post so I wanted to give you a heads up. Please take some time to read through the sticky posts on the rules for participating in this group, and where to post to ask for advice such as this.

    Welcome to MFP, we hope you stick it out but taking a few minutes to understand the protocols will serve you well. :drinker:
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member

    brb I got 500 more cals of popcorn and fruit to eat
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member

    brb I got 500 more cals of popcorn and fruit to eat

    Bite me!
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member

    OMFG, I am crying...
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • Rayman79
    Rayman79 Posts: 2,009 Member