Pain when exercising

lesumm3r Posts: 18 Member
Two days in a row now I've tried to do a zumba session on my wii and I get half way through the second song and I get this sharp pain in the side of my abdomen. I thought it was a stitch yesterday because it had been an hour since breakfast... but I tried it again today 4 days after eating (I had been drinking water) and it happened at the same point in the song. I really am very confused.

I am currently reducing my carb count and eating paleo and was wondering if this has happened to anyone else? It's really very annoying and is interfering with my plans!

Thank you,



  • Dragonwolf
    Dragonwolf Posts: 5,600 Member
    Are you warming up properly and making sure you're not stretching past the point that your body can actually handle?
  • lesumm3r
    lesumm3r Posts: 18 Member
    Yeah I did a full stretch body warm up. I do zumba regularly and never have any problems. It doesn't feel muscular.
  • Dragonwolf
    Dragonwolf Posts: 5,600 Member
    If it doesn't feel muscular, then you might want to take a break for a few days. Pain that isn't DOMS is likely an injury of some type and is your body telling you to slow down. If you don't, you might end up making things worse. Other than that, make sure you're getting enough protein.