WEEK 1 (8/5-8/11)

vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
Monday 8/5
CARDIO: Nailed IT! and I LOVE IT!!! See ys tomorrow!!!!


  • KatM2014
    KatM2014 Posts: 263 Member
    Day one - DONE! Managed to squeeze in a cycle today too, start as you mean to go on!!
  • ARamirez14
    ARamirez14 Posts: 13 Member
    great workout!! Shaun T is just as great as he is in insanity.
  • tanya0324
    tanya0324 Posts: 86 Member
    Day 1 done. This is my 1st time with Shaun T. I just completed a round of Turbo Fire. So far, I like it. Also went to a stationary rowing class today.
  • codycsweet
    codycsweet Posts: 1,019 Member
    Day 1 is done and can't wait for tomorrow
  • Done with Day 1 and 2. Speed 1.0 was fun, I did better than Cardio 1.0; I liked the 1 minute stretches that he gives after a high heart rate drill. Since Iam a turbo fire addict, it was nice to see a lot of hooks, punches and upper cuts in the workout.

    Overall, very happy with Day 2. Looking forward to the circuit tommorrow.

    Happy to be a part of this group, ladies!! Keep it going.
  • Speed 1.0 was great! :) I wonder if the Full Body Circuit will be very similar to Insanity?!
  • KatM2014
    KatM2014 Posts: 263 Member
    Day two - DONE! Managed to get a cycle and horse riding in today too, I'm sure I will be feeling sore tomorrow though! I'm loving it so far!
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    Day 2-- NAILED plus a 4 mile speed walk!!! I LOVE this! (more than INSANITY)
  • heygurlheyyyy
    heygurlheyyyy Posts: 84 Member
    I really enjoyed the Speed 1.0 workout this morning. I was kickin *ss until about the 20th minute and then I pooped out quickly! I still tried to keep up with the modified version and I just kept moving! My cardio needs a lot of help, but clearly Shaun T is gonna fix that.

    Feelin good so far! :)
  • codycsweet
    codycsweet Posts: 1,019 Member
    Really like Speed 1.0 and I also got in Week 2 Day 1 of C25K :) Bring it
  • tanya0324
    tanya0324 Posts: 86 Member
    Completed day 2 Speed1.0 last night. Will check back in for day 3 later this evening.
  • ARamirez14
    ARamirez14 Posts: 13 Member
    speed 1.0 was a success last night -- definitely tired me out!
  • The total body circuit was a killer! Those Planks - I was really not able to keep up with the class; the problem I had was they weren't showing enough of Tanya when I wanted to look for modifications. This was definitely a challenging workout for me! Made through it, but room for a lot of improvement in the future.

    How did it go for you, ladies?
  • heygurlheyyyy
    heygurlheyyyy Posts: 84 Member
    Mine went exactly like yours did. Ugh.
  • tanya0324
    tanya0324 Posts: 86 Member
    Ummm yeah...today was HARD! I think I'm going to watch it again before it comes up in rotation again so I can have a better idea of how to modify when I need to instead of trying to catch a glimpse of Tanya as I'm working out.
  • codycsweet
    codycsweet Posts: 1,019 Member
    Total Body is done, there is room for LOTS of improvement
  • Ladies, I am done with D4 today. Ab Focus - Another challenging one, I think this will get a little easy as the weeks progress, except for the Planks part (Iam obese, there is no way my hands are going to support my weight that easily), I did well. Burnt 280 calories with this. The thing I liked a lot is that there are bouts of cardio thrown in along with the ab focus drills, which pumps the heart rate more and gives a better burn :)

    Looking forward to hearing from you all as to how it went!
  • heygurlheyyyy
    heygurlheyyyy Posts: 84 Member
    Again - same!

    I don't have the shoulder/ab strength to stay in plank that long! I did mostly the modified versions... I don't feel like I got as good of a workout today since I just couldn't do some of the things. If I never had to do this one again - I'd be a happy woman. hahaha Too bad I'll be doing this one again next week. Oh well... Challenges are supposed to be challenging, right?!?

    And I agree about the cardio thrown in there. I really liked that part. For some reason I really enjoy the sprint/squat move. I think it's fun. :smile:
  • codycsweet
    codycsweet Posts: 1,019 Member
    I agree heygurlheyyyy the planks r a killer and I don't feel I got quiet the workout as the other days, but I'm sure I'll feel it in my abs tomorrow. Now off to do a little Zumba with my kiddos
  • angel5561
    angel5561 Posts: 142 Member
    Some of the ab workouts were a bit too challenging for me I think I need to stretch more and I am overweight so that doesn't help but overall I definitely felt it in my core I have the same problem as some other people not being able to see Tanya so I think ill use that idea and watch it once without doing it so I know how to modify. I'm modifying a lot with these videos but I like that Shaun t doesn't make me feel bad about that I'm still dripping in sweat when I'm done so I feel like I'm getting a good workout. I will say that I did things a little different I did my stretch video yesterday because I was sore and I felt like I could use a good stretch it was a workout still I was sweatin lol but by the end I felt really amazing relaxed and my body doesn't hurt as much today :) I could do that one more than once a week good luck everyone and feel free to add me :)