What do you see that inspires you to do more?

CipherZero Posts: 1,418 Member
I have this one guy I see in the afternoons along my walking route.
He's slow as hell. He's hunched over a rolling walker. He's got to be in his mid-seventies to mid-eighties.
I've no idea how far he goes or how long it takes him, but every day I see him out there, pushing anyway.


  • Interestingly enough, I didn't really have any outside inspiration other than wanting to stop being fat until last week. I play in a co-ed softball league and last Thursday we played a new team and one of the players was like a doppelganger of me except in shape. Same height, body type, etc. even down to the beard. Not completely built or anything, but he had some definition and an overall balanced look that I now believe is completely achievable for me. I kept damn near staring at him (n-no homo) thinking that I can look like that and make it. He's now basically inspired me to keep going and never stop. I never really understood the whole "mirin" thing until that night.

    I was mirin' hard.
  • Sesaza
    Sesaza Posts: 49
    fuarkin zeez bruh fuuuuuuuuuuuuuark

  • zyzz would only inspire me to roid and be a total **** to people.

    Sorry, I'm not a fan :/
  • Sesaza
    Sesaza Posts: 49
    zyzz would only inspire me to roid and be a total **** to people.

    Sorry, I'm not a fan :/

    Once you hath tasted the milk of the gods, you will feel bad for not suckling at the teet earlier.