Coconut oil

AmIhealthyyet Posts: 361 Member
I purchased a giant container of coconut oil on my last shopping trip but now I am just staring at it! I do very little cooking and other then throwing some shrimp on the grill with it I haven't touched it! How are all you Paleo folks including it in your day? I would love to increase my healthy fats.


  • ladyfyre13
    The first time I used coconut oil I was surprised at how easily it went from a lard like substance to melted- just by touching it with my finger. I just started Paleo but so far I used it in a paleo bread recipe and in the place of cooking with butter. I’ve also added it to a smoothie for a bit of good-fat.

    Here is a website with 101 uses –not just cooking uses.

    I hope this helps

  • AmIhealthyyet
    AmIhealthyyet Posts: 361 Member
    The first time I used coconut oil I was surprised at how easily it went from a lard like substance to melted- just by touching it with my finger. I just started Paleo but so far I used it in a paleo bread recipe and in the place of cooking with butter. I’ve also added it to a smoothie for a bit of good-fat.

    Here is a website with 101 uses –not just cooking uses.

    I hope this helps


    Wow, thanks Stacie!
  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    In my coffee everyday and I cook/saute with it. Also, I will melt it and mix in berries or nuts or seeds or coconut or cocoa or a combination for a quick snack. I use it or MCT for my child's smoothies as well. I also use red palm oil to saute with on occasion.
  • AmIhealthyyet
    AmIhealthyyet Posts: 361 Member
    In my coffee everyday and I cook/saute with it. Also, I will melt it and mix in berries or nuts or seeds or coconut or cocoa or a combination for a quick snack. I use it or MCT for my child's smoothies as well. I also use red palm oil to saute with on occasion.

    I just mixed it with a heated up left over cup of coffee, AWESOME! I also zapped it with my whey protein I had warmed up, Good, not great. I also had a spoonful, YUCK! Haha. Can't figure out how people can eat it that way! I keep plugging along, trying not to be to rigid with 'rules' as it turns on my obsessive tendencies and I binge but i am finding out more and more as time goes by that the fuel I personally need (maybe not others) tends to NOT include the process stuff. Like a child though if I think I 'can't have it that is what I want!

    My husband used coconut oil for chicken on the grill last night, doing a combo of first browning then throwing it in pan with the oil to finish up. It was out of this world!
  • ladyfyre13

    My husband used coconut oil for chicken on the grill last night, doing a combo of first browning then throwing it in pan with the oil to finish up. It was out of this world!

    This sounds awesome!
  • rotnkat
    rotnkat Posts: 393 Member
    I take a tablespoon about 20 minutes prior to eating.

    I cook just about everything with it (sometimes I use 1/2 coconut and 1/2 pasture butter).

    I use it to take off my makeup and as a all over moisturizer. Also use a it as my hair balm. Just remember a little goes a long way!!!!

    I make fat bombs and bulletproof coffee with it.

    Just to name a few.
  • Mrs_Duh
    Mrs_Duh Posts: 263
    Aside from using it for cooking and baking, I also put it in my coffee with a splash of real vanilla extract. : )
  • karmahealer
    karmahealer Posts: 38 Member
    wow! I can't wait to try some of these suggestions! So far I've just used it to saute with, and it is awesome with Paleo Coconut Chicken :) I am going to try it on my face today, as I've heard great things from others who use it for skin.
  • justaspoonfulofsugar
    justaspoonfulofsugar Posts: 587 Member
    on a non cooking note,for those of you that shave legs and the rest,it is VERY good for shaving.
    If you have skin issues(allergic reactions)it works a charm for taking away itchy skin.
    Be careful in the type of oil you are buying for eating.
    Here is a good explanation of the processing of coconut oil and the farce that is "extra virgin" (it is a marketing ploy)
    I am not a fan of tropical's a good oil but I prefer artisana as it tastes like coconut oil..
  • sarbar71
    sarbar71 Posts: 191 Member
    It is very good for sauteing vegetables in. Chicken too, if you like the taste of coconut, but if not, save it for your soups and sauces. Put 1-2 tbsp in a pot of soup, chili, or tomato based sauce and it seems to make my sauces more creamy and flavorful. I also put it in the micro for a few seconds to melt it down and then pour some of it into a separate jar for all of my skin care - It is a truly fabulous make-up remover (even with waterproof mascara), eye cream (use it in place of your wrinkle creams), and general moisturizer. I seriously LOVE how soft it makes my legs feel. I put it on right after shaving and getting out of the shower and my legs feel soft and silky all day long!! Oh - and my dog LOVES it too. I give it to her very sparingly, but have read that it can help with thyroid function, aid in digestion, and help give a shiny coat.
  • greycee67
    greycee67 Posts: 12 Member
    I use it in place of butter also... Add it when making scrambled eggs or omelets..
  • AmIhealthyyet
    AmIhealthyyet Posts: 361 Member
    Thanks! These are some great ideas! Much appreciated!
  • KBGirts
    KBGirts Posts: 882 Member
    Soeties when I am feeling slightly hungry, I just eat a tablespoon or two right out of the jar! LOL! It's kinda gross at first, but you get used to it. It makes my hunger go away.