Here goes!



  • lauraleighsm
    The Green Vibrance does sound really cool! I also purchase Rainbow Light vitamins, but I order mine from Swanson Vitamins because they cost less online.

    I have wheat grass powder that I add to my smoothies, but I did buy a manual juicer and a sprouting kit for wheat grass that I hope to get going soon. A friend of mine had amazing results with shrinking some tumors through wheat grass and a clean diet.

    I also take feverfew for exercise induced headaches (and it works), b-12, chlorella, calcium and cordyceps. I also add bentonite clay to my smoothies. A few years ago I had a ****ty immune system. I had strep and shingles. In the past two years, I have had only one cold.

    Connie-you are a lifter? I've been doing a majority of cardio with some light muscle workouts, but I'd love to get more into heavier weights.
  • lauraleighsm
    Tart cherry caps really work for cramps? I would love to be 100% med free, but I can't seem to find anything that works that well!
  • conniedj
    conniedj Posts: 470 Member
    I think the tart cherry works well for cramps. I also get mittleschmerz (ovulation pain), and the pain and bloating that goes with that...It also helps! It is my theory that the histamine reaction can lead to an inflammatory reaction--so I try to take the queceretine and tart cherry together. It also helps with sinus (allergy) isues!

    As for working out, I switch it up every chance I get. During summer I will do at least one sprint triathlon--which means I will swim and ride quite a bit. LOVING the cycling right now--but with kids home for the summer, and all the flipping rain we've had it's been hard to find the time!

    I do classes: R.I.P.P.E.D (resistance, Interval, power, plyo, Endurance, Diet), Zumba, cross training. I also lift weights. I have been lifting more since beginning of May and cannot believe how much it is shaping my body! I have great legs, defined arms, and my mid section is finally flattening out ( i have an umbilical hernia-small, combined with a 1-2 finger diastasis in the same area--which results in a protrusion of that section). I started with stronglift 5x5 program which is geared toward beginners, and just progressed from there. I am really enjoying it! I will probably hit it a lot harder in the winter when I can't play outside as much...

    But I also have more time right now--as I have a project in development--and not working full time since I am "wait" mode for said project.

    What is everyone else doing for workouts??
  • mrmagee3
    mrmagee3 Posts: 518 Member
    Thanks for starting the group. I'm not a clean-eater, per se, but I do tend to eat mostly clean, whole foods. I also take a skeptical eye to the safety of additives and chemicals. Even though I don't believe the science is necessarily there to brand them all as "dangerous", it seems reasonable to me that cutting them out of your diet decreases your risks in the chance that it turns out that they are.

    In other words, I doubt spinach by itself is going to make you grow a third arm out of your forehead. Spinach with pesticides probably won't make you grow a third arm out of your forehead, but the chances are better than with spinach by itself.

    For what it's worth, I don't like the organic food movement as it's currently marketed.
  • Mslmesq
    Mslmesq Posts: 1,001 Member
    Connie, what is RO? As far as alkaline water, idk. My husband is really into it though and comes home with it frequently. I know having the right ph is optimal. I do squeeze lemon into carbonated water a lot and i think that has an effect. I also know one of my favorite very healthy good quality restaurants touts their alkaline water (where i first heard about it), so i'm sure it can't hurt. Last, interestingly, a friend's uncle has cancer and she told me his oncologist (along with regular treatment) 'prescribed' alkaline water during treatment. I wish i did know more about it.

    Btw, it's soooooo nice to be able to talk openly here without being attacked!
  • fitobsessed
    Yay! Thanks for setting this up. I've made the mistake of posting some "clean" topics in the forums and wow...that didn't go so well!

    We eat probably 80/20, with the 20 being when we go out to eat. I try to avoid GMOs at all costs, but I do eat some processed organic snacks. I tried making my own crackers once for the kids and it was an epic fail. I'm the "mean" Mom because we don't do fast food or the typical kid snacks, but my kids don't fight me too much now.

    We are thinking of switching to raw milk too since there's a local farm nearby that supplies it and they are grassfed! Anyone else do raw? I heard it's really easy to make your own butter from raw milk?


    Thought it was just me! MFP isn't like what it used to be with positive and motivating folks.
  • conniedj
    conniedj Posts: 470 Member
    @ Mslmesq: RO=Reverse Osmosis. I have this chart of alkalizing foods.....and have read that most diseases--especially cancer exist while the body is in an acidic state. There is something to be said about keeping a neutral to alkalized ph me thinks! I'll see if I can find the e-version of the chart again!

    @Fitobsessed: glad you found us! I saw that knob dissing you on the main forum. Nothing worse than bitter know it alls who really don't know it all! So Welcome!!
  • Brige2269
    Brige2269 Posts: 354 Member
    Thank you for adding me to the group! I have been researching and eating as clean as possible, I go to resturants less and less nowadays. But, I would love to learn and read even more. I have always kept what I learn to myself cos so many don't understand it. (I get a lot of eye rolls, lol)

    Ok, beans! Yes, organic, but I get Eden brand, it's the only one without the BPA lining. But, I do make my own, in a crock pot. Add beans, water and a bit seasonings and forget about it. Ok, that's all, heehee. I'll hold back.

    Thanks so much for this group!!
  • rc2paris
    rc2paris Posts: 26 Member
    I am new to clean eating. Definitely trying to move that way, but I cook for 5 other people, and we are all on a tight budget. I'm hoping to be able to slowly get all of us onto clean eating.
  • QueenWino
    QueenWino Posts: 106
    The difficulty I have is a spouse who likes a lot of nonclean foods. I control the food maybe 75% of the time but the other 25% are 'favorite' restaurant to gos or dining w/friends. I know the food I make is delicious & varied & provides great nutrition but I don't like eating separate meals & just have to make the best choices possible. I love a group that values wholesome foods.