Week 1 progress: how are you all getting on?



  • luvsunshine1
    luvsunshine1 Posts: 878 Member
    I'm finishing my second fast day as well. Had a couple of quite hungry times but seem to have seen them through.
    I lost 2.6 lbs this week! I really like this way of eating. The only thing that bothers me some is having difficulty concentrating at times. I'm off work today but will be working on my fast days next week so hope that gets better.
  • Hi Luvsunshine

    I hit a hungry time around 3 o'clock. I find that a 15-minute walk helps. And believe it or not, an aerobics class at about 7 pm helps.

    On my first two fasts, I couldn't sleep well at all. But that went away.
  • luvsunshine1
    luvsunshine1 Posts: 878 Member
    Thanks Cindy, it's good to know that the decrease in sleep gets better. I just function better when I get enough sleep.
  • lizz2013
    lizz2013 Posts: 331 Member
    I used to have trouble concentrating, but now I've been doing it for a while I find I can focus more on fast days. Maybe it is because in the beginning we're so focused on fasting and trying not to feel hungry that everything else gets forgotten.

    Please please don't think of it as Fast and Feast days. That is the wrong mentality and could lead to overeating. just try to be normal on non-fast days and if you want to then indulge in a little of something you fancy, guilt free.
  • Emmy501
    Emmy501 Posts: 33 Member
    Hi all. It sounds as if everyone is doing well with the challenge.

    I do track my calories every day and I only allow myself 1200 calories on the days I am not fasting. I know it doesn't sound like a lot but with veggies and some fruit I feel it is enough.

    I am finding that I am craving carbohydrates even more so now than ever. Potato chips, ice cream, what have you. On your days that you are not fasting do you indulge with junk food? Or do you stay on track and try to eat things that are healthy?

    I do adjust my fast days according to what I have planned for the week.
  • mfpbluefern
    mfpbluefern Posts: 3 Member
    High insulin levels = no fat burning. Interesting. Makes sense to me. Thanks for sharing.
  • Gianna44
    Gianna44 Posts: 124
    Hi all. It sounds as if everyone is doing well with the challenge.

    I do track my calories every day and I only allow myself 1200 calories on the days I am not fasting. I know it doesn't sound like a lot but with veggies and some fruit I feel it is enough.

    I am finding that I am craving carbohydrates even more so now than ever. Potato chips, ice cream, what have you. On your days that you are not fasting do you indulge with junk food? Or do you stay on track and try to eat things that are healthy?

    I do adjust my fast days according to what I have planned for the week.
    I've been working on this by trying to balance healthy eating with occasional indulgences. It's hard for me to avoid thinking "Okay, today I can eat all of the stuff that I couldn't eat on my fast day" and then overdo it. So I've been allowing myself a few extras that I couldn't normally "afford" on a regular daily calorie restriction diet.

    As for the carbs - I crave those quite a bit as well. I know that when I start the day high-carb without much protein it is a struggle for me the rest of the day. For instance, I really wanted a bowl of a cereal I like Thursday morning, the day after a fast day, and ate it with fruit and milk. I was hungry within 2 hours - for more carbs - and for much of the day as well. Try bumping the protein and fat to balance it - that seems to help a lot of people from what I've read.
  • greenbirdsings
    greenbirdsings Posts: 15 Member
    Hey Guys,
    This is my first week on the challenge and yesterday was my first fast day and somehow I managed to stay in the 500 calorie range( I really thought I was going to cave at night) anyway I found that I was not that hungry today. Has anyone else experienced that? I had a decent breakfast which kept me feeling full until dinner. I'm not sure if this is a result of the fast or just my good breakfast. I think I'll have my second fast day tomorrow and start on a regular week day fast schedule this coming week.

    I was wondering however, are you supposed to "load up" the day before a fast and do you guys usually exercise on the days you fast?
  • tracym22
    tracym22 Posts: 107 Member
    Hi, i had my first fast day on Thursday as i thought 'why put it off till next week?' I'm starting the week with a fast day tomorrow then again on Thursday. Unfortunately my holiday starts on the 31st to France for 2 weeks so red wine, bread and cheese, my downfall. Ho hum!
    Well done all and keep it up!!
  • CynthiaEvans
    CynthiaEvans Posts: 37 Member
    Completed my fast at noon today, it was easy doing the noon to noon the following day fast. I will stick to doing the fast this way, stuck to my calorie limit and was not hungry. I did Zumba yesterday and got through it ok.
  • lizz2013
    lizz2013 Posts: 331 Member
    Well done to everyone on completing the first week. I'm looking forward to week 2! I find that day after fasting I'm less hungry too. Maybe because my stomach has shrunk? Whatever the cause it really helps!
  • CynthiaEvans
    CynthiaEvans Posts: 37 Member
    Sunday I was craving sweets so I allowed myself some ice cream but then that caused the insulin spike thing that happens and I wanted more, so I had popcycles. I ended up going over my calories by about 500. However, I still lost weight. I think the Zumba on Saturday really helps speed up the metobolism :smile:
  • lizz2013
    lizz2013 Posts: 331 Member
    Sunday I was craving sweets so I allowed myself some ice cream but then that caused the insulin spike thing that happens and I wanted more, so I had popcycles. I ended up going over my calories by about 500. However, I still lost weight. I think the Zumba on Saturday really helps speed up the metobolism :smile:

    Well done for the zumba. I need to try that! I am definitely the same. just a taste of sugar and its all downhill. I'm hoping this weeks challenge will help me with that as I won't snack in the evenings (when it would go straight on as fat) hoping for a good loss at the weekend!!
  • NewLIFEstyle4ME
    NewLIFEstyle4ME Posts: 4,440 Member
    Hi Girls!

    Ya know, perhaps you/we can all HALF our cakes and eat it too :wink:

    When the sugar "demon" comes a calling...why not have some of God's Goodies/Candy? Like Berries and fruit. I NEVER used to like berries. Now I have organic (as much as possible) berries almost everyday. Now I LOVE blackberries, strawberries, raspberries and especially blueberries. I LOVE eating them by themselves, but you can also add ALL kinds of other yummy fruit to kick that craving to the place where the sun will never shine. Melons are sooooo filling and yummy. A banana--super sweet and filled with good things. Apples---grapes, mangoes--alone, in protein shakes, greek yogurt, oatmeal.

    Also check this out too:


  • CynthiaEvans
    CynthiaEvans Posts: 37 Member
    Started 2nd fast today at noon will end tomorrow at noon. I find it easier this way. So I plan on having protein drinks, yogurt, Chicken Soup, and tea which all amounts to about 500 in calories which will be split between today and tomorrow. I should not be hungry because of the protein. I CAN DO THIS! It will be a breeze:smile::happy:
  • littlegem65
    littlegem65 Posts: 108 Member
    My first couple of weeks have gone well! I had gone up 4 pounds prior to this challenge while on vacation, and I have lost that weight plus one more pound in the last two weeks.

    I fasted this week on Sunday and Monday. I ate nothing. I find that I don't struggle with hunger as much when I tell myself that I am not going to eat at all. I drink loads of water and allow myself 2 -3 three cups of plain, black coffee. On my feast days, I eat what I like…yes, even the crappy stuff like chips and ice cream. I try to keep my calories below my TDEE. I am walking Monday through Friday four miles at a very brisk pace. So far, I have had a steady 2 (or more) pound loss each week, and I have been doing 5:2 since mid June of this year.

    5:2 works!

  • tracym22
    tracym22 Posts: 107 Member
    I really don't think i could eat nothing for 2 days straight. I've done 2 fast days now with my 3rd tomorrow and i will weigh on Friday. We had a family bbq with lots of food and alcohol at the weekend so i hope i haven't blown it! The fast days are easier than i thought they would be, though not easy as i love food. The first day i felt a bit headachy and dizzy but the 2nd one i was fine and found i ate less the day after the fast than usual. :smile: I'm trying to stick to MFP guidelines of 1330 calories on non-fast days. Thanks to everyone for their comments on these pages, i find them really encouraging and motivating :flowerforyou:
  • CynthiaEvans
    CynthiaEvans Posts: 37 Member
    I lost 2.4 lbs this round. Today I complete fast day #2 at noon. If I can keep this up I will be at my goal weight by the end of the year and that is exciting to think about!
  • NewLIFEstyle4ME
    NewLIFEstyle4ME Posts: 4,440 Member
    I really don't think i could eat nothing for 2 days straight. I've done 2 fast days now with my 3rd tomorrow and i will weigh on Friday. We had a family bbq with lots of food and alcohol at the weekend so i hope i haven't blown it! The fast days are easier than i thought they would be, though not easy as i love food. The first day i felt a bit headachy and dizzy but the 2nd one i was fine and found i ate less the day after the fast than usual. :smile: I'm trying to stick to MFP guidelines of 1330 calories on non-fast days. Thanks to everyone for their comments on these pages, i find them really encouraging and motivating :flowerforyou:

    Tracy....that baby, that puppy
    soooooooooooooooo cute, brings a smile seeing him/her. :heart:
  • NewLIFEstyle4ME
    NewLIFEstyle4ME Posts: 4,440 Member
    I lost 2.4 lbs this round. Today I complete fast day #2 at noon. If I can keep this up I will be at my goal weight by the end of the year and that is exciting to think about!

    2.4 pounds is tremendous--you ROCK:drinker: