Going is S-L-O-W. How's your weight loss? (post-meno)

stahlhaus Posts: 23 Member
Though I've tried off and on for several years to lose weight, I've been serious and consistent since for 2-3 months now. I have only lost between 2 to 4 lbs. I'm 54, 5'8" and currently 173 lbs.

I have about 25 lbs to lose and in the past (pre and peri-menopause), I have been able to lose 15-20 lbs in 4-5 months. This is crazy, but I'm thinking maybe I just have lost more muscle than I realized and it's no picnic trying to build it back at this stage. I was thin naturally until about age 40 then I really struggled with an extra 20-35 lbs. Sisters and Mom have too, so possibly a little nature AND nurture (LOL).

I'm hoping that I can hear from others that have "powered through" the tough part and let me know there is hope to get back into shape and get some weight off. So, how are you doing?


  • mrsgoodwine
    mrsgoodwine Posts: 468 Member
    It's definitely been a lot tougher. I decided to focus on my body composition rather than my weight and that seems to make all the difference. I will be 53 in September and I am 5"2' and weight about 133. Honestly, I would like to be at 120 but I feel that short of starving myself or going on an extreme clean diet - I may not get there.

    I bought a Fitbit a few months ago and this has made a huge difference. I get in between 10,000 and 15,000 steps a day which has definitely kept me at a steady weight. I wear a size 6, which isn't too shabby. Would I like to be at a 3-4? Absolutely. But with my hormones being all over the place, I don't know if that's possible right now. I started going through menopause about a year ago. I have a period about every 5 months (If you can even call it that). I am hoping once I am all the way through, I will be able to get down to that 120 that I've been chasing after.

    So all that being said. I would focus more on exercising and eating well 80% of the time. Small steps and you should reach your goal.
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    April 9th, I weighed 148. August 4th, I weighed 143. SLOW!!!

    I only have a couple of lbs left to lose. I'm wondering if I'll ever get rid of those 2 lbs!
  • QueenMother14
    QueenMother14 Posts: 438 Member
    I kept saying my weight gain and not being able to lose was hormone related and now I KNOW I was right. I finally got a Doctor who would run blood tests on hormone levels etc. She tweaked my hormones and in the last 7 weeks (Wed Aug 7th will be 7 weeks) I have lost about 13 lbs. I would love to see it come off quicker but after working out a lot and watching what I eat for a couple years and seeing NO loss, I will take this.
  • stahlhaus
    stahlhaus Posts: 23 Member
    I haven't even considered taking hormones. No doctor has ever brought up the subject. However, I have had to change ob/gyn 2-3 times as two of them quit their practices or moved in the past 5 years. Haven't found a new one yet.

    Maybe I need to at least figure out what's going on there. I was used to wearing at least a size 10 or smaller, but more than that it's just the tone overall that I don't like. Never had backfat before and these blubbery boobs are driving me crazy. Thanks.
  • mfenn1957
    mfenn1957 Posts: 3 Member
    What hormones are you checking. Had a hysterectomy in July and gained 10 pounds. I am watching every calorie. I am on a low dose estrogen patch. HRT is not a choice for me, it is quality of life issue. The night sweats and hot flashes were not bearable.
    I just turned 56, and I have had symptoms for 6 years.
  • Math_Geek
    Math_Geek Posts: 67 Member
    Painfully slow yes. Hysterectomy almost 2 years ago and I feel as though I'm barely able to tread water and maintain my weight. Something has got to give here.

    I'm interested in digging a little deeper into the hormone testing to check if there is something I can do to help this along.

    I take 1mg of estradiol a day, this helps me sleep at night otherwise I'm up every 15 minutes. My work was really suffering due to loss of sleep.

    Let us know what type of blood tests you had done, I would love to hear about it.
  • Over50ToBeFit
    Over50ToBeFit Posts: 57 Member
    I'm 51, my daughter is 21. She has lost 21 pounds and I have lost 1 to 2. Seriously. It's slow going!
  • cybersheel
    cybersheel Posts: 145 Member
    I'm 57 rapidly heading for 58 and seem to have been menopausal forever. (ask hubby he would agree - poor man)
    Weight loss is varied, have had set backs along the way. No loss for 5 weeks at one time and just about to do that again, weigh-in on Tuesday will confirm.
    Unfortunately it was my thyroid that was funtioning below parr which slows metabolism down. (just what you need - NOT!) Now on different medication but it takes weeks to built up.
    I do a lot of exercise to compensate - only way to stay at a level. Tough going. The athritis lets me know when doing too much.
    Always worth getting bloods checked.
    Can't go onto hormone replacement due to other medical probs, so have to do the 'cold turkey' on flushes, sweats etc. Working, optimistically, on the theory that it will stop at some point. (the joys of being a woman)
    Patience, I work on the theory that the weight didn't go on overnight so it will shift when it shifts.
    Can't complain really, have shifted a whole load in past 16 months.
  • Math_Geek
    Math_Geek Posts: 67 Member
    My husband keeps urging me to have thyroid tests done and since you mentioned it I think I will do that quite soon.

    Is there a medication that helps thyroid problems? I guess I'll find out.
  • Mustang_Susie
    Mustang_Susie Posts: 7,045 Member
    My husband keeps urging me to have thyroid tests done and since you mentioned it I think I will do that quite soon.

    Is there a medication that helps thyroid problems? I guess I'll find out.

    Yes, there are medications depending on your test results.
    You may also find this article/link interesting:

  • sapphyreskye
    It's definitely been a lot tougher. I decided to focus on my body composition rather than my weight and that seems to make all the difference. I will be 53 in September and I am 5"2' and weight about 133. Honestly, I would like to be at 120 but I feel that short of starving myself or going on an extreme clean diet - I may not get there.

    I bought a Fitbit a few months ago and this has made a huge difference. I get in between 10,000 and 15,000 steps a day which has definitely kept me at a steady weight. I wear a size 6, which isn't too shabby. Would I like to be at a 3-4? Absolutely. But with my hormones being all over the place, I don't know if that's possible right now. I started going through menopause about a year ago. I have a period about every 5 months (If you can even call it that). I am hoping once I am all the way through, I will be able to get down to that 120 that I've been chasing after.

    So all that being said. I would focus more on exercising and eating well 80% of the time. Small steps and you should reach your goal.

    I bought a fitbit too, recently, and it is definitely motivating me to move more. Also just keeping the food diary here is very helpful for keeping me eating well. It is too early for me to tell if all my effort is worth it, since it has only been a couple of weeks since I started trying in earnest again. The stupid "change of life" really does wreak havoc, though, and I am finding it harder to lose the weight. I am not at an unhealthy weight for my height, but it is all about how I feel in this body, and I feel better smaller, the way I was pre-babies. I lost 40 pounds only 4 years ago, and gained 20 some back largely due to emotional eating. But even so, if I can lose it at 43, I can lose it now.

    Definitely focusing on exercise and eating well is a good thing as we grow increasingly older. I am trying to just stick to that frame of thought, and know that I am just not 25 anymore, and that is ok. I can still be fit, and healthy, and look my best. It just takes a little extra effort.