Anyone premenopausal here?

43932452 Posts: 7,246 Member
I think I am .. going thru fatigue, insomnia, headaches late menses and uncommon spotting.
I'm 43. Anyone else?


  • Camera_BagintheUK
    Camera_BagintheUK Posts: 707 Member
    Well, I don't know, but this year I've really struggled with mood swings - mainly the plummeting fall into utter despair and inability to deal with stress any more. Which I'm hoping is a symptom otherwise I'm going mad!

    Periods are lighter and shorter, that's all. I've always had headaches so don't notice any difference. Dryness all over.

    It's mainly the sudden swoops into negativity that concern me. I was soooooo depressed at Christmas, and I'm doing a miserable horrible job I hate and sometimes the despair is overwhelming - it feels like the bottom fell out of the world! Tearful at the drop of a hat. Irritability rockets. Never experienced feelings like this before.
  • SJandM2000
    SJandM2000 Posts: 29 Member
    Me! I'm 30 and have been suffering with perimenopause symptoms for years now. My ovarian reserves are also very low (just waiting for the next lot of testing to come back to see how much they've dropped from last year) so my nurse estimates I will be in menopause probably within the next 2-3 years...
  • Live4Him221
    Live4Him221 Posts: 3 Member
    Yes, I have not had a period since March., been.tired, headaches and hot flashes, also suddenly gained 7 pounds.
  • kathivg
    kathivg Posts: 30
    I'm just 48 and have really had the health changes since the start of the years. Oy vey!

    But I am so thankful and glad to find all you ladies here! I will be so happy to read your posts...just so I know I'm not crazy...or crazy alone! LOL!

  • kathivg
    kathivg Posts: 30
    Oh! You are my "twin"! Seriously! I, too, am having the emotion surges!

    One Monday I woke up and I was just a SHREW...for about 10 days! I knew I was being over-sensitive and was like being 15 all over again, only worse! And then it stopped, but the cramps have set in...I won't actually bleed...only about every 3 months, and the tiredness.

    I wondered for awhile if I was suffering from depression, but I do think it's peri-menopause/premenopause/...

    I stopped using Splenda and other fake sweetners. I was suffering from the most incredible headaches - the worst since I hit my 40s and started suffering with periodic migrane. For me, it has been a really good decision. I am also trying to eat as clean as possible, as I think the added salt, sugar, fat, and chemicals I cannot spell/pronounce are just making the hormones and tiredness worse. When I actually eat clean, I do feel better, but then I "fall off the wagon" and "roll around" in pre-packaged food!

    Hang in kind to yourself, or at least let others be kind to you in this journey...many have gone before us, and they have a wealth of knowledge to impart!
  • chelleyb4u
    chelleyb4u Posts: 1 Member
    Try taking Estroven Weight Management. I was suffering with mood swings, hot flashes, night sweats, depression, and gained 12 pounds. I initially took the regular Estroven and it alleviated all of the symptons except for the weight gain. I still get irritable right before my period, but the other symptons have disappeared. I've been taking Estroven Weight Management for a month and although I haven't lost any weight, I haven't gained in any either which is an improvement. My doctor said to give it 3 months and I should start seeing some weight loss.
  • I think the regular exercise I started doing again is helping a bit, as is the eating better. But nothing seems to completely work. I still get that horrible feeling of despair sometimes, and the stupid hot flashes(especially when working out, which makes the workout nearly unbearable!). I am a bit less moody, though, I think, but have started to feel slightly headachy sometimes now.... ugh. I don't even know myself some days. :(
  • I'm just 48 and have really had the health changes since the start of the years. Oy vey!

    But I am so thankful and glad to find all you ladies here! I will be so happy to read your posts...just so I know I'm not crazy...or crazy alone! LOL!


    It is nice and comforting to know what we feel is not just in our heads...that there are others who are going through similar experiences....
  • Camera_BagintheUK
    Camera_BagintheUK Posts: 707 Member

    It is nice and comforting to know what we feel is not just in our heads...that there are others who are going through similar experiences....

    Oh yes! Makes dreadful things feel normal and less dreadful :smile:
  • Camera_BagintheUK
    Camera_BagintheUK Posts: 707 Member

    It's mainly the sudden swoops into negativity that concern me. I was soooooo depressed at Christmas, and I'm doing a miserable horrible job I hate and sometimes the despair is overwhelming - it feels like the bottom fell out of the world! Tearful at the drop of a hat. Irritability rockets. Never experienced feelings like this before.

    Strike the doing a miserable job bit - I don't know if it was the mood swings or not, but the boss came back from maternity leave, and is really not very empathic or sensitive or supportive! Job was crap enough till I met her, and the prospect of it getting worse was more than I could face so I left. I wonder what I'd have done say 5 years ago?
  • Ideabaker
    Ideabaker Posts: 514 Member
    Try taking Estroven Weight Management. I was suffering with mood swings, hot flashes, night sweats, depression, and gained 12 pounds. I initially took the regular Estroven and it alleviated all of the symptons except for the weight gain. I still get irritable right before my period, but the other symptons have disappeared. I've been taking Estroven Weight Management for a month and although I haven't lost any weight, I haven't gained in any either which is an improvement. My doctor said to give it 3 months and I should start seeing some weight loss.

    Will be following up on this with my doctor! Thanks :)
  • meowmmyx3
    meowmmyx3 Posts: 16 Member
    Hmm...I think I may have found the group I fit in to.
    Yes, I'm in this category. I've been skipping periods, drastic mood swings (crying at even a sentimental's embarrassing), hot flashes, night sweats, etc. The worst for me has been the weight gain.
    I just started at a local clinic because of all of this and they've instructed me to do certain exercises. I have to be honest...I often don't have time and am not a big fan of working out either, but when I do them the symptoms are less and I do feel better.

    Question - Has anyone found that the Estroven Weight Management has actually helped them with the weight issue? I don't want to shell out a whole lot of money month after month for yet another product that won't help me.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Hmm...I think I may have found the group I fit in to.
    Yes, I'm in this category. I've been skipping periods, drastic mood swings (crying at even a sentimental's embarrassing), hot flashes, night sweats, etc. The worst for me has been the weight gain.
    I just started at a local clinic because of all of this and they've instructed me to do certain exercises. I have to be honest...I often don't have time and am not a big fan of working out either, but when I do them the symptoms are less and I do feel better.

    Question - Has anyone found that the Estroven Weight Management has actually helped them with the weight issue? I don't want to shell out a whole lot of money month after month for yet another product that won't help me.
    Hi and welcome!! I haven't tried it, (I'm using bioidentical estriol and progesterone), but just wanted to say hello!
  • MonicaA2013
    MonicaA2013 Posts: 753 Member
    Hi, I'm there with the rest of you. Mood swings that could kill !! No coping /or little with stress. I started on low-estrin BC a couple yrs ago and that has helped with the night sweets and hot flashes. Just starting to notice light headaches but mainly when i do my workouts. Periods have been a bit odd the last 2 months. Thank god i already knew what to look for because i researched a lot of it knowing it was in my future...LOL other wise i would think i was going crazy.
  • I'm also in perimenopause - probably the latter stages. I'm 51 which is the average age to go into menopause. My periods have been all over the place for the past couple years. First they were shorter and sometimes lighter. Now they've become further apart - up to four months. Now I haven't had one since October . . . so here's hoping.

    I've been fortunate - only one hot flash and no night sweats.

    My co-worker just went through it and she had a terrible time. And whoa, she' could go from pleasant to a big ole B within minutes. I'd come home and tell my husband about it, and just for fun, I'd add: "Gee Honey, I sure hope I don't get like that." LOL. Poor guy.

    But so far, so good. I do cry more often.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    I'm also in perimenopause - probably the latter stages. I'm 51 which is the average age to go into menopause. My periods have been all over the place for the past couple years. First they were shorter and sometimes lighter. Now they've become further apart - up to four months. Now I haven't had one since October . . . so here's hoping.

    I've been fortunate - only one hot flash and no night sweats.

    My co-worker just went through it and she had a terrible time. And whoa, she' could go from pleasant to a big ole B within minutes. I'd come home and tell my husband about it, and just for fun, I'd add: "Gee Honey, I sure hope I don't get like that." LOL. Poor guy.

    But so far, so good. I do cry more often.
    Hi and welcome!
  • sniemana
    sniemana Posts: 9 Member
    I have a feeling this is the group for me! I started showing signs when I was 39 (four months before I turned 40). Extreme weight gain, hot flashes, mood swings, sporadic cycles, dry eyes and just knowing something was up. My regular doctor told me that I shouldn't eat bread when I have pasta and that should help me drop the weight...haven't been back to see him. At that time I was shopping for a new GYN when a friend of mine suggested he friend. This doctor really listened to what I was experiencing and decided to check my levels. She was convinced that I was too young to be peri- menopausal but the numbers proved her wrong. My estrogen levels were extremely low. So I have been on the mini- velle patch for two years, dropped some weight....

    But I am here to drop the last twenty pounds. I believe that if I surrounded by others who are experiencing the same "fun" things as me we can motivate each other.

    I look forward to joining this group!
  • Kathryn41057
    Kathryn41057 Posts: 181 Member
    HI!! I'm 56 and in the throes.... I think. the last couple of years, my periods have been right on, or right off. I'd think that they would be back on track, and then WHAM !!! It wouldn't show up for a month or so. But, not PMS... Then I went through that period of 2 mos, 5 mos, then she would appear....:sad: .. This past year, there have been hot flashed, night sweats, man I hate that.... My last period was in early May, so here's hoping... Oh, I should say unexplained weight gain. That is the most frustrating for me. I had been following a pretty straight diet, and then all of a sudden there were 8 lbs, and I'm having a helluva time getting rid of it. I've gone from losing weight fairly easy, to losing at a snail's pace.... and I mean slow... :(
  • seliinac
    seliinac Posts: 336 Member
    I suspect I'm pre-menopausal.

    I'm 46 and my last period was late, and I was terribly cranky prior to it. Also my breasts were tender and swollen for a lot longer than they usually are, even for a few days after the bleeding stopped so it took longer to lose the water weight.

    Now I've started my period again - 3 weeks after my last one! Or maybe I'm just 'spotting'. Not sure yet. I did wonder earlier this week why I was craving chocolate like I do pre-TOM.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    I suspect I'm pre-menopausal.

    I'm 46 and my last period was late, and I was terribly cranky prior to it. Also my breasts were tender and swollen for a lot longer than they usually are, even for a few days after the bleeding stopped so it took longer to lose the water weight.

    Now I've started my period again - 3 weeks after my last one! Or maybe I'm just 'spotting'. Not sure yet. I did wonder earlier this week why I was craving chocolate like I do pre-TOM.
    I was about 46 when things started going wonky. :smile: