Monday Confessions- Get rid of your weekend weight woes

bettbett87 Posts: 47 Member
Hi guys!
If you're anything like me your diet will have gone to *kitten* over the weekend as your routine gets disrupted. I also had a family crisis last week so only made it to the gym once!
Also, if you're like me, you're starting your week hating on yourself because you feel you've taken a step backwards and carrying that guilt is making you pretty miserable- SO, from now on Monday is confession day!

It works like this: we admit and share how we over indulged or failed to work out over the weekend. THEN we state what we are going to do this week to make up for it to keep us on track.

I'm hoping that speaking out about the inner remorse will be soothing and that openly declaring renewed goals will boost our motivation!!


  • bettbett87
    bettbett87 Posts: 47 Member
    I'll start it off-
    It was my cousin's birthday Saturday so we went out for a curry and drinks. I started off well by stopping eating as soon as I felt full and didn't go for a greasy take away at the end of the night. However... I was VERY hungover the next day and ended up having...wait for it.... McDonalds breakfast, KFC lunch and Pizza for dinner. Oh and a Belgian bun!!

    I'm going to turn this around by sticking to my calorie goal today and doing a killer workout at the gym every night. Plus lots of water to flush out those toxins!
  • amphotography
    amphotography Posts: 20 Member
    Yep. Did this this weekend. We hung out with another couple with kids, and it got late, so it was decided to pick up a couple of pizzas. I love pizza. I had some of the left overs for lunch on Sunday, too. I way over did it, and felt terrible afterword. I was so guilty about it.

    I tried to make up for it by riding my bike. It helped a little. I did do 32 miles or so in the last 3 days, and that is huge for me. My wife is really getting to biking, so, to keep up, and have something new to do together, I have started biking. Runkeeper is a nice app that syncs with MFP. It tracks all kinds of activities. It's free, too. I set new goals, just go a little farther every day.
  • bettbett87
    bettbett87 Posts: 47 Member
    My problem when I eat pizza is that I have an entire one to myself! I get this idea in my head that it's better to eat it all in one night so that I only have one bad day rather than too! I've also made up this fantasy fact that your body can only absorb so many calories- so once I've eaten say 3000, my body will magically stop taking in the rest!!

    Oh well!

    I kicked my own *kitten* at the gym Monday and Tuesday and have been under my calorie goal so far this week so I'm back on track...for now!

    I'm going to camping with friends at the weekend and many burgers and sausages will be consumed. So I'll be back on here on Monday making my confessions!
  • amphotography
    amphotography Posts: 20 Member
    I've done the "if I eat it all today my body starts over in the morning" thing, too. What I've been trying to do lately, and it is working, is I plan and enter all my meals and snacks for the day before I leave for work. It lets me know what I am going to have left (if any) to play around with. I think this, more than anything, has really reduced my overeating. I also started weighing and measuring again. It is surprising how much some foods are in a serving. Some I've had to have half because 1 was too much. Of course there are others where I say, "That's it? Really?".

    I'm going camping this weekend, too. Let's hope we can both stay on track. Good Luck!
  • bettbett87
    bettbett87 Posts: 47 Member
    Woohoo! I have no confessions to make today! (if we ignore my alcohol consumption!).
    In terms of food I did REALLY well this weekend. I stopped one of my meds on Monday and my appetite appears to have already shrunk to acceptable proportions.