Dukaners lets hear your results

Sayoh Posts: 26 Member

I noticed this forum seems to have very little activity and it got me curiously thinking, would it not be nice to regroup and share stories about how far we have gone on this journey?

I started out last month at almost 80kg but down to 73kgs now and been stuck on that for about 4days(red robot is almost here so i think its water retention). Really glad to be eating food i like and still loosing:happy:

How about you?


  • pkw58
    pkw58 Posts: 2,038 Member
    I think this is a great thread. Here's my story... I started Dukan on 12/31/11... I was miserable and just made the commitment to stay on Dukan for one year. I signed up for the on line coaching and Dukan set my TW at 139. The first 3-4 days on attack I was very full and I followed it to a T... but would have traded one of my prize Jack Russell Terriors for a slice of tomato!

    Cruise was the easiest diet ever to follow. I did cheat - I logged my calories (first on another ap,then MFP at the urging of some friends at work)

    I got to my original TW within 2 or 3 days of the date predicted just like Dukan promised. Whoop!

    Then on consolidation , I didn't want to start eating bread , pasta, rice or potatoes, not even in a celebration meal. The on line coach told me to add an extra apple, so I did. But a miraculous thing happened - the weight kept coming off. I pinged the on line coach and they reset my new TW to 129. I went to a performing arts doctor to eval for my best weight , and was given a range of 125-135.

    By the time I got to stabilization, I was at 128 and my weight does flux between 127 and 131. I still log daily and I still weigh daily and I am focused on maintaining and improving my healthy with lots of walking, and perhaps uping my Yoga/Barre3 sessions a bit.

    Most days I eat basically on the Phase II - Cruise with the addition of 2 fruits like banana, apple or avocado. yesterday I awarded my self a cone of Godia Dark Chocolate coated strawberries after walking the mall for 90 minutes. (getting those 10,000 steps in - which my Nike Fuel Band recorded)

    I am a Dukanite for life!
  • Sayoh
    Sayoh Posts: 26 Member
    Thats so nice and inspiring.
    When u said you cheated, could you please throw a little light on that?

    Planning to go to the movies this evening and not sure i can resist the popcorn:ohwell:
  • applekoko19
    applekoko19 Posts: 85 Member
    Hey, I lost around 60lbs on Dukan. I started on the 25th Nov 2011 and by March 2012 the weight was all gone. I reached my goal weight a month ahead of the online coach's prediction. I was very well behaved, almost never cheated. If you do Dukan and don't cheat then you really power through the weight-loss! If I ever cheated it made the diet so much harder to follow... one taste of chocolate and I'd want a whole bar or a slice of bread or... EVERYTHING. For me it was easier to just cut all the "bad" food out for 4 months! After I finished my attack I didn't really crave until I was almost at my target weight (because I followed all the rules MOST of the time).

    Dukan set my target weight at 71kgs which is actually around 15lbs heavier than I want to be... so instead of going into my Consolidation phase I tried to lose the rest of the weight unaided... MISTAKE. I actually contacted the online coaching team and asked could I change my goal since I got to it so fast and I wanted to get to a lower weight... they said no!! I was using the UK site though so maybe they have a different policy. I wish they had changed my target like they did for the other poster!!

    I kept the weight off and lost another 3kgs (7lbs). I began running... something I never COULD have done before Dukan. Because I was dieting without the website and I was running I kept making changes to the plan. Like on a day where I had to run 8km I would have pasta or bread "for the carbs"... ;) this quickly led to me being OFF dukan and ON a regular restriction diet. I kept all the weight off from March to November without much thought.

    In november I went travelling for a month and didn't do my daily weigh-in, I came home 10lbs heavier... oopps! Then it was Xmas and I didn't bother trying to shift it. Before I knew it I was at 81kg by the end of March 2013... Thats 22lbs up from my goal weight. So now I am back on DUkan 1 month, started from scratch and PAID to do it online again but this time they have set my goal for where I want it to be :D As of this morning I am back at the 71kg original target Dukan set and DELIGHTED. Just a few more weeks and I will get to my ULTIMATE GOAL WEIGHT!!

    Sorry for the length of this post... I'm not good at cutting a long story short! BTW... don't have the popcorn!!!!It's just not worth it have a diet coke instead or bring sugar free jelly!! Or be a real Dukan wierdo and bring shop bought sliced meat!!
  • pkw58
    pkw58 Posts: 2,038 Member
    Thats so nice and inspiring.
    When u said you cheated, could you please throw a little light on that?

    Planning to go to the movies this evening and not sure i can resist the popcorn:ohwell:

    My cheating was counting calories - Dukan says not to . And if you picture the popcorn on your thighs under your skin, it becomes a little less enticing (sorry, got that one from an over zealous trainer blog I read)
  • pkw58
    pkw58 Posts: 2,038 Member
    Hey, I lost around 60lbs on Dukan. I started on the 25th Nov 2011 and by March 2012 the weight was all gone. I reached my goal weight a month ahead of the online coach's prediction. I was very well behaved, almost never cheated. If you do Dukan and don't cheat then you really power through the weight-loss! If I ever cheated it made the diet so much harder to follow... one taste of chocolate and I'd want a whole bar or a slice of bread or... EVERYTHING. For me it was easier to just cut all the "bad" food out for 4 months! After I finished my attack I didn't really crave until I was almost at my target weight (because I followed all the rules MOST of the time).

    Dukan set my target weight at 71kgs which is actually around 15lbs heavier than I want to be... so instead of going into my Consolidation phase I tried to lose the rest of the weight unaided... MISTAKE. I actually contacted the online coaching team and asked could I change my goal since I got to it so fast and I wanted to get to a lower weight... they said no!! I was using the UK site though so maybe they have a different policy. I wish they had changed my target like they did for the other poster!!

    I kept the weight off and lost another 3kgs (7lbs). I began running... something I never COULD have done before Dukan. Because I was dieting without the website and I was running I kept making changes to the plan. Like on a day where I had to run 8km I would have pasta or bread "for the carbs"... ;) this quickly led to me being OFF dukan and ON a regular restriction diet. I kept all the weight off from March to November without much thought.

    In november I went travelling for a month and didn't do my daily weigh-in, I came home 10lbs heavier... oopps! Then it was Xmas and I didn't bother trying to shift it. Before I knew it I was at 81kg by the end of March 2013... Thats 22lbs up from my goal weight. So now I am back on DUkan 1 month, started from scratch and PAID to do it online again but this time they have set my goal for where I want it to be :D As of this morning I am back at the 71kg original target Dukan set and DELIGHTED. Just a few more weeks and I will get to my ULTIMATE GOAL WEIGHT!!

    Sorry for the length of this post... I'm not good at cutting a long story short! BTW... don't have the popcorn!!!!It's just not worth it have a diet coke instead or bring sugar free jelly!! Or be a real Dukan wierdo and bring shop bought sliced meat!!

    I hear you on the not wanting anything off cruise... did you do the consolidation and stabilization phase? I think I will have to weigh daily the rest of my life, but it is better than the yucky feeling I had when I had all that weight on me!
  • I started the dukan diet on the 2nd of April after reading the book which I had picked up randomly at the library. I started out at 157lbs. And was 150 after a five day attack. Now I'm in the cruise phase with a one day on one day off program and I am down to 141. It's crazy how much weight I have lost and how quickly. I am very happy with this diet and it isn't that hard to follow except for the no booze and no fruit thing. I want to get to 134, but since it has been so easy, I think I might try for 130. I don't cheat... Mostly. I have occasionally snuck a piece of dark chocolate, and no I do not feel guilty about it. It's either the chocolate or prison for murdering my fiancé.
  • pkw58
    pkw58 Posts: 2,038 Member
    I started the dukan diet on the 2nd of April after reading the book which I had picked up randomly at the library. I started out at 157lbs. And was 150 after a five day attack. Now I'm in the cruise phase with a one day on one day off program and I am down to 141. It's crazy how much weight I have lost and how quickly. I am very happy with this diet and it isn't that hard to follow except for the no booze and no fruit thing. I want to get to 134, but since it has been so easy, I think I might try for 130. I don't cheat... Mostly. I have occasionally snuck a piece of dark chocolate, and no I do not feel guilty about it. It's either the chocolate or prison for murdering my fiancé.

    Fair warning - my last 10 pounds came off during stage 3 very slowly... but as I said in an earlier , the last 10 pounds were unexpected per the Dukan original calcs. You may not experience the same slowing down during the last 10 pounds off, but I agree, the cruise plan was the easiest diet I ever followed. And makes picking foods in restaurants easy. My key to maintaining is most "restaurant days" I stick close to cruise with two servings of fruit. It balances the Dukan plan with counting "estimated" calories at restaurants nicely.
  • applekoko19
    applekoko19 Posts: 85 Member
    PKW58, you asked did I do phase 3 and 4... Nope I "extended" my cruise phase but I adapted it to train for a 10km race. I was actually a little nervous about eating bread while training but I tried to do it in a dukan-ish way. I would only ever break Dukan by eating two slices of brown bread at the beginning. As time went by I realised that I wasn't putting on any weight and my body was still looking good because of all the running... so then I started to eat totally normal meals (once a day but with a everything else being pure protein). Then I went back to drinking on nights out! So I thought that I was going to stay on cruise but then slowly I just started to watch what I was eating by keeping calories low but not being careful about where the calories came from. That actually worked just fine until I had my big holiday.

    Now I am back on Dukan "religiously" and will be a zealot until I get to goal again. Then I will follow phase 3 and 4 just as honestly!!! I do have one problem though... I want to increase my running and I find it very difficult to run more than 8km especially on protein days... there just isn't any fuel in my system after a few kilometres!
  • applekoko19
    applekoko19 Posts: 85 Member
    How slowly did those last 10lbs come off????
  • pkw58
    pkw58 Posts: 2,038 Member
    How slowly did those last 10lbs come off????

    4 f r e a k i n g months! I think it would have come off a lot quicker if I had upped my yoga and walking... maybe added a spinning class...
  • pkw58
    pkw58 Posts: 2,038 Member
    PKW58, you asked did I do phase 3 and 4... Nope I "extended" my cruise phase but I adapted it to train for a 10km race. I was actually a little nervous about eating bread while training but I tried to do it in a dukan-ish way. I would only ever break Dukan by eating two slices of brown bread at the beginning. As time went by I realised that I wasn't putting on any weight and my body was still looking good because of all the running... so then I started to eat totally normal meals (once a day but with a everything else being pure protein). Then I went back to drinking on nights out! So I thought that I was going to stay on cruise but then slowly I just started to watch what I was eating by keeping calories low but not being careful about where the calories came from. That actually worked just fine until I had my big holiday.

    Now I am back on Dukan "religiously" and will be a zealot until I get to goal again. Then I will follow phase 3 and 4 just as honestly!!! I do have one problem though... I want to increase my running and I find it very difficult to run more than 8km especially on protein days... there just isn't any fuel in my system after a few kilometres!

    The Dukan phase 3 allows those two pieces of whole grain bread daily... you can also up the oat bran and add an apple / avocado. I just chose not to eat bread... but I do know the on line people will tell you to up the protein as well if you are running out of "fuel"... (the added carbs - except on your "PP Thursday")
  • emilymaya16
    emilymaya16 Posts: 104 Member
    I tried the Dukan a while ago, it was actually a really good diet and I stuck to it for 2 months, the problem with it is I was already a pretty healthy weight when i started (my BMI was 23.5) and generally it's designed for big losses, I only had 10-15lbs to lose! My weight did come off but I got really fed up, I eat a lot of fruit and veg normally and I just couldn't stand being stuck in cruise and being banned from them for entire days! I also found that I couldn't keep up my usual level of exercise (I normally spend an hour and a half in the gym doing cardio and strength training) I couldn't keep up my cardio for anywhere near as long as I normally could and I had to drop my dumbell weights down to 2kg which is literally nothing but my arms couldn't keep it up!
    If I had a lot to lose I know I would definately do the Dukan, but if you're only losing a bit then its tough especially if you're already accustomed to fruit and veg filled meals and high intensity exercise as both have to stop!
    I have stopped the Dukan diet now and have gone back to calorie counting on mfp and going to the gym, I now have only 7-8lbs to go till my goal weight and BMI of 21.5 so I'm absolutely thrilled!
  • Louisa1979
    Louisa1979 Posts: 46 Member

    I lost 2 stone last year through following Dukan. I did it through the book rather than the online coaching. However, I also had to watch the calories as I ended up not eating enough (down to 700-800) as felt full and then the weight loss seemed to slow down. I've put some back on so am now back on it but find the tiredness hard. Like applekoko19 said when you exercise a lot it isn't a great diet so I adapt it by having a bit more oatbran or veg.
    What I do know is that is works if you stick to it :)
  • Sayoh
    Sayoh Posts: 26 Member
    Dukan does work,m hybriding now though, got tired of all the chemicals i was consuming and my nurse kept complaining about its effect on my overall health.

    Stuck at same weight since i started eating off Dukan, hoping to get back again soon, might go to consolidation if i get pregnant along the way. I love the new fit inclothes and that i don't feel quite as bloated anymore, also that i cannot eat more than one full meal a day. Those were the eating restrictions i gained on the diet
  • Hi everyone-I started the dukan diet about 3 weeks ago and only lost about 1kg. followed the recipes in the dukan books, walked the time required I just dont know what I am doing wrong. I really believe this diet will work I just need some guidance. I will be honest I was very upset and went on binge today. am going to start the diet again tomorrow and this time I am in it to win it. I have to lose 11kgs. Here are some of the "reasons" I think may be holding back my progress, although Dr Dukan approves of this in his book I would like your take/advice:

    *I eat a lot of fat free dairy-milk,yogurt,cream cheese-use it in cooking as a substitute for oil-should I cut down on dairy?
    *I was taking a multivitamin(CENTRUM) as well as an OMEGA 3,6,9 supplement as I have been doing for many years. DR Dukan says in his book he is ok with taking a multivitamin. Perhaps the Omega supplement is not a good idea though because it contains olive oil and fish oils. I didnt realise that would hold up my progress but I am stopping this supplement from tomorrow.
    *I ate a lot of eggs with the yolks as I have no issues with my cholestrol-but perhaps the saturated fat in the yolks was a bit much-eggs are just so convenient when there is no time to cook but needless to say, from tomorrow its egg whites only for me.
    *I walked for the time stipulated 20/30 minutes. Maybe this is not enough, maybe I should gym more?

    Please advise me guys-I really need help! Im so determined!
  • globegirl08
    globegirl08 Posts: 143 Member
    Hi there,

    Great post highlighting the challenges that so many face in early stages of Dukan. Sorry to hear of your slow initial weight loss but I really do think you are absolutely doing the right thing by not giving up....it honestly works.

    A few things spring to mind from my experiences as I have tried Dukan twice with over a year apart between both attempts :

    - You mention the amount of dairy within your daily Dukan lifestyle, are you limiting this to no more than 1kg total across all products? I would most certainly reduce this amount and be careful on your choices i.e. yogurt etc. I also didn't use any cream cheese during my attack phase.

    - are you drinking enough water ? This is a must in order to kick-start the weight loss and to rid your body of excess fluid retention.

    - ensure you are eating your oatbran daily, this made a real difference to me not only in controlling my satiety levels but this also helps with expelling excess water from the body.

    - no need to do more than the recommended exercise however, in my opinion if you are able to do more then do so. More exercise can only be good for the body and get things going. I workout as normal at the gym during Dukan.....the 20/30 minute walk thing just doesn't cut it. We have to remember for whom this diet was initially designed and the reasons behind its success. Make it a lifestyle change and it will work perfectly for you.

    - you are fine on your vitamins and other supplements as the amounts of oils are really so minimal to make any big effects.

    Remember to weigh yourself at the same time roughly on your weigh in day and please please please stay away from the scales during or just after (1-2 days) a cycle.......you'd be surprised the difference it makes.

    Hope it helps, feel free to add me anytime :)
  • Hi there :) Thank you so much for your reply! So my latest binge has tipped the scales up by 3kgs but I'm getting back on the dukan wagon as of today! Ok I am not going to have cream cheese anymore(I was using it as a substitute for fromage frais). I am also going to limit the amount of dairy I have. :) I use yogurt for cooking and occasionaly have some as breakfast. I add milk to my tea and that's about it :) I use to work out a lot last year-had a sick gym program that lasted TWO HOURs-honestly it was a bit too much. Does anyone know a good site where I can get a great training program?
  • pkw58
    pkw58 Posts: 2,038 Member
    Thats so nice and inspiring.
    When u said you cheated, could you please throw a little light on that?

    Planning to go to the movies this evening and not sure i can resist the popcorn:ohwell:

    I cheated by logging my calories.. if you read the Dukan book, they tell you not to count calories.