Starting today - Keep me accountable !



  • NiceSpydr
    NiceSpydr Posts: 47 Member
    I just finished W1D3!
    This thread is pretty inspiring, seeing someone go through all of the different days and challenges. Thanks for sharing your story!
  • Alwayssohungry
    Alwayssohungry Posts: 369 Member
    Ok today sucked. I usually run straight out of bed in the morning with one cup of coffee for fuel. This morning chickens were supposed to arrive at the Post Office - usually between 5am - 8am. So I ate my bowl of yogurt and banana for breakfast. Then hubby gets home from the dentist and I can go. But I just ate - alright - better than a hot afternoon run, right. NO. Partway into the warm up (on my day off, but I'm the boss so those don't really exist) I get a call from a housekeeper calling in sick on her day off. Now I'm wondering if she really had the day off or if I'm nuts. You would think that would make me run faster so I could get home and check the schedules, but no. I just couldn't get my head in the game.

    Couldn't do more than 1.5 minutes - jeez I have been doing three minutes no problem - not today. Then I turned around too soon and one nostril closed up due to my allergies.

    We'll have to try this one again Thursday...

    One bad day is NOT stopping me.
  • toni_mmh
    toni_mmh Posts: 78 Member
    Read this:

    Your blerch is always at your back... don't let it win. Find a way to stay focused and deal with your blerch when you return home.