sorry to be "that guy"

chuckles9189 Posts: 343 Member
I need help. I can guarantee this question has been asked a million times. but I'm confused. I've been 160 pounds since February. So needless to say I'm doing something wrong.
I want to keep my fitbit synced up and I like to record workouts. Keeps me accountable. I use 300 calories for heavy lifting (as per NROLFW) and whatever my fitbit gives me. Should I use the MFP settings (lightly active-- NET 1550?) or use a different number to NET every day to add back my exercise calories. I've always been good about eating back my exercise calories with MFP. So maybe thinking about this is just too much. and I should follow the program as it's meant to be. But everyone seems happier and more successful around this forum.

Stats: 5'7" female 160 pounds. Not a whole ton to lose and since I've been lifting weights I just need to be sure my pants are still fitting and care less about this number. But obviously I have fat to lose, so I care a little bit.
My fitbit TDEE on workout days is ~2400 calories.
Non-workout days ~1800 calories.

I lift heavy 3 days a week for about an hour. MAYBE I'll do 20 minutes of cardio, like once a week. but usually not. I work at a desk and average ~5000 steps a day (but by November that number will read 10000 steps a day! I'm gettin there. ) Workout days I usually get more (the gym is not close to my office).

I have no idea why this is so confusing.


  • chuckles9189
    chuckles9189 Posts: 343 Member
    okay-- never mind to everyone. I found the spreadsheet with a fitbit adjustment (how cool! thanks haybales!!!)

    Based on that I should be NETTING 1655. So I can set it to that and eat back calories. Cool. SORRY!. I've got it all figured out.