Welcome to the challenge! Let's do this!



  • skrentz
    skrentz Posts: 55 Member
    Bad day here.... Should have fasted Mon. Thurs., but days off and dinner out had me switching to W F. So its Friday and so far I have had sugar free iced tea-Good.....and 4 sheets of graham crackers with World Market hazelnut spread-BAD. Now what do I do - already at 503 calories and still need to work out -deadlifts and some elliptical later, and get through the whole day. Its only 9:50 am. This is my 3rd week and I am seriously considering only fasting 1 time this week and starting fresh next week. I know myself well and there are just too many temptations during the weekend.:drinker: Any thoughts?
  • Chispasv
    Chispasv Posts: 31 Member
    Hello - I started 5-2 last week and have lost 3 pounds already. I'm also doing the T25 challenge (25 minutes/5 days a week) plus two RPM classes (cycling) a week and Zumba once a week. Normally I am VERY slow to lose weight so I am very happy with the 3 pound loss already.

    I'm a busy, working mom with 3 children (14, 13 and 10) and I lack the discipline to stick to something so I will need lots of encouragement!
  • Beavergong
    Beavergong Posts: 178 Member
    These things happen let me tell you after 6 months on 5:2. You can either just do 6:1 this week or choose another fast day. I went on holidays a few weeks ago, so I fasted Tues, Thurs, Sunday and then not again till the following Saturday. I didn't put on any weight in fact I lost .3 lb which was fine with me as an exceptional week. It all evens out as I've lost 24 lbs in 24 weeks. You've got to listen to your body. Sometimes I don't exercise on fast days if I don't feel up to it but I can do my gym session and weights on a nice big bowl of veg soup I make at 28 cal.
  • autumnmctaggart
    autumnmctaggart Posts: 41 Member
    These things happen let me tell you after 6 months on 5:2. You can either just do 6:1 this week or choose another fast day. I went on holidays a few weeks ago, so I fasted Tues, Thurs, Sunday and then not again till the following Saturday. I didn't put on any weight in fact I lost .3 lb which was fine with me as an exceptional week. It all evens out as I've lost 24 lbs in 24 weeks. You've got to listen to your body. Sometimes I don't exercise on fast days if I don't feel up to it but I can do my gym session and weights on a nice big bowl of veg soup I make at 28 cal.

    Skrentz, I totally agree with what Beavergong has said. It's totally fine to have a "off day" or a "not successful" day or however you want to look at it. Just shake it off and start again another day. Remember, this is for life - everyday of it, not just for now and sometimes s**t happens and we just have to eat those graham crackers!!
  • Hello all,

    Have done one fast day, and today is my second. I will weigh and post results on Monday. :smile: Also, since I cannot exercise right now due to a bad back, this will be a food only challenge for me. I hope to go back to exercise soon enough. Good Luck everyone, and here's to the three month challenge!
  • veganita
    veganita Posts: 13 Member
    I've never been a big fan of exercising. I mean, I do prefer walking to driving or taking the bus. But I've never gone to a gym or something. So this is also a food only challenge for me.

    I had my first fast day the day before yesterday. I don't know how it happened but yesterday, I wasn't very hungry and so I had another day with very few calories. It's a good start, I'd say. I will still count these days as "one day" and do my next fast days on Mon and Wed next week.

    Hope you all have a good weekend!

  • bada_bing
    bada_bing Posts: 128 Member
    Hi all:

    I decided I need the motivation so here I am joining the 3 month challenge.

    A little bit about me... I am 58, retired from work as a paralegal in April and loving it. I have been following paleo for at least 6 months (albeit not totally faithful) but mostly 80-20 time. I quit smoking 2.5 years ago and really didn`t gain, however, in the past year, I have allowed myself to gain....usually I get on the bandwagon sooner but this time I refused to get on the scale. By not getting on the scale weekly, I find that I gain weight.

    I am 5`4`tall and weighing in at 150 which is actually down a couple lbs since I started back to 5:2 in July. Most weeks, I have been faithfully following 5:2, however, I have discovered that if I don`t faithfully follow it that I do not lose at all. I definitely want to loose 10 lbs but will not stop there if I can ever get this train moving.

    I am relatively active, meaning I usually walk, ride the bike, golf or do an exercise class. The exercise classes are off for the summer and I am having a hard time motivating myself to do an exercise DVD. Hence here I am, I want to be accountable and I really want to lose this exercise luggage. Age is not on my side and extra weight is not good for any arthritic ailments, blood pressure or general health.

    I plan on fasting on Mondays and Wednesdays and also having a low calorie Friday. I have found this works to assist my weight loss. As mentioned here, this needs to be my way of life cause as soon as I go back to eating normally, I gain weight.

    I look forward to the motivation that will be gained from joining this group. By the way, Paleo supports intermittent fasting....yeah! Times have definitely changed since the 80`s which it was all low fat.......that`s why I am what I am!!

    P.S. Should we start a weigh in thread...
  • DebbieLyn63
    DebbieLyn63 Posts: 2,647 Member
    Hi, I am Debbie, and this is my first week on 5:2.

    I started here on my 49th birthday with the intent on reaching goal of 155 by my 50th birthday. 10 days to go and I still have 30 left to lose. But hey, I feel so much better than I did a year ago, and I am ok with it taking a bit longer.
    I did 1200 for 9 months and lost pretty steadily on that for the first 6 months, then it slowed for the next 3 months, then life got busy and I got lax on logging and sticking to my cals strictly. I ended up maintaining for over 2 months, because, basically I was eating at maintenance level.
    I took that time for my body to take a break from dieting, and let my skin hopefully firm up a bit and get used to the weight loss.
    I thought that taking that break should make it where I would start losing again when I went back to calorie restriction.

    SO I got back on track with 1200 on the first of Aug. I quickly lost the 3-4 lbs of water weight I had been fluctuating on for the last 2 months, and was back at my lowest weight. Then 2 weeks go by with NOTHING.
    I even dropped my cals down to 1000, thinking for sure that would get the scale moving, but nope.

    Let me interject here that my TDEE is only around 1600, so 1200 was not a big deficit for me. I also have cut out most processed sugars and most grains and starches, and eat higher healthy fats and proteins and lower carb. This WoE is very good for my body and has helped tremendously with my arthritis and autoimmune/inflammation issues.

    So anyway, after 2 weeks of frustration, I knew I didn't need to drop my cals even further, so I looked into calorie cycling/IF and thought the 5:2 plan looked good to me.
    I started wed with a 1300 cal day, and thurs was my first Fast day of 500. Wasn't that hard to stick to 500, and in the morning I was down half a pound. YAY!! finally.
    Yesterday was my maintenance day since hubby and I were going out for my early birthday dinner. (son was at a sleep over)
    I pigged out at Red Lobster, and ate every one of those 1600 cals for the day.
    I was expecting to have a gain this morning, but was completely surprised when the scale still said 184.5!

    I don't know exactly how this works, but it seems to be working for many people, and so far for me as well.

    Since my TDEE is so low, I don't get a full weeks deficit from the 2 days at 500, so I decided to have one day at maintenance and the other 4 days between 1200-1400. This should put me at 3/4-1 lb deficit a week, which would be perfect for me.

    Hopefully this will continue to go well and will become a way of life for me to lose the rest of the weight and keep it off.
    I really love the flexibility of the calories, and sticking to the 500 on fast days is easier, knowing I can eat more the next day.

    I'm glad I found this group to have some others who are doing this plan. I have a few on my friend list that are doing it as well and having good results.

    I am still sticking to my lower carb eating, especially cutting out gluten, because my body does so much better on it, but I am having more carbs on my maintenance day.

    So do any of you eat at a lower cal level on some of the non-fast days as well?
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member


    I eat around 1200 calories a day on non fast days :) That is about 400 below my TDEE .

    I have read that you should eat maintainance on non-fast days. The whole point is to not restrict your calories every day. I think you might not be eating enough...

    Hi everyone! I decided to check this 5:2 thing out. My photos is essentially my thinspiration, I don't currently look like that. LOL
    Today is my first fast day. I was pretty anxious about it (I HATE being hungry) but so far so.
  • ct320
    ct320 Posts: 89 Member
    Hi how's everyone doing? my 1st weigh in since starting 5:2 today and my 2nd fast day today and I've put on 1lb :( going to stick it out another week and see how I do any advice would be great. Do you think I should try 4:3
    Start weight - 170
    Current weight - 167
    Goal - 140/145
  • autumnmctaggart
    autumnmctaggart Posts: 41 Member
    I wouldn't worry about the 1 lb gain- it most likely is water weight. Are you tracking everything you are eating? Sometimes calories hide in places that might surprise you :)
    I had a 10 day period where I didn't loose at all- and that was frustrating but I stuck it out and the scale has continued to go down.
    Although we just moved houses and I do not have a scale here - So I have not had a chance to do my Wednesday weigh in yet :(
  • DebbieLyn63
    DebbieLyn63 Posts: 2,647 Member
    Hi how's everyone doing? my 1st weigh in since starting 5:2 today and my 2nd fast day today and I've put on 1lb :( going to stick it out another week and see how I do any advice would be great. Do you think I should try 4:3
    Start weight - 170
    Current weight - 167
    Goal - 140/145

    Are you tracking on non-fast days? If not, you may be overeating on those days. I find that I need to track on off days as well, at least for the time being. Hang in there.
  • DebbieLyn63
    DebbieLyn63 Posts: 2,647 Member
    I weigh myself every day, but only record losses. I have been weighing in on tues and friday, after my mon/thurs fast days.

    SW when I began 5:2- 185
    after third fast day- 182.8!
  • mkthav
    mkthav Posts: 16 Member
    Hi everyone, Today is weight in day and I lost 2 pounds... Yay!!!

    Starting weight 164

    Currant weight 162

    Short term goal weight 159

    Good luck everyone...
  • autumnmctaggart
    autumnmctaggart Posts: 41 Member
    Great job everyone!
    I will post my weigh in when I get a scale!!!
  • skrentz
    skrentz Posts: 55 Member
    I have lost 4lbs in 4 fasts, and even on my "regular" eating days, have maintained that loss. I am over the top, this is the first thing that has worked for me in about 2 years and I am pretty serious about my workouts, so thus far my problems have been in the kitchen.
    Any thoughts....I REALLY want to drop fat while lifting heavy, has anyone seen research on eating at TDEE on non fast days?
  • mkthav
    mkthav Posts: 16 Member

    YAY for YOU !!!! Keep up the good work...
  • ct320
    ct320 Posts: 89 Member
    Hi everyone sorry not been on all week my boyfriends been off work which always spells disaster to my diets haha I haven't had a fast day so far and have eaten pretty much everything in sight plus a night out drinking so I'm quite scared for tomorrow's weigh in I am fasting tomorrow and may do 4:3 next week to get back an track.
    Thanks for the advice I will try tracking on non fast days too how many calories do you all eat for the best results maintenance or less? X
  • autumnmctaggart
    autumnmctaggart Posts: 41 Member
    Hello everyone,
    Well, I have been sticking to the 2 fasts a week and I have been feeling really great. Unfortunately I do not have a scale yet, but have decided that I don't care about the number but am paying attention to how I feel, how my clothes fit and how I look. And I can say I feel great, my clothes are getting big on me and I look (to me) fantastic!
    So everyone, keep up the good job, keep up the good fight and keep up the support for each other. I know I love to hear how everyone is doing- the good and the not so good so please keep it coming!
  • slimbettie
    slimbettie Posts: 686 Member
    I started this 5:2 plan past Monday, with 2 fast days under the belt so far. It hasn't been that hard. My fast days so far is Monday and Thursday. If anything social prevents from doing these days I will adjust it.
    I am a mommy of 2 kiddies. I have always struggled with my weight. I found MFP in May this year and already lost 13kg so far. This is the most weight I've lost in one stretch for the last few years. I feel I will actually be able to reach my goals and beyond with MFP. I feel something finally 'CLICKED" with me.
    I will weigh in on Mondays.
    I wanted to start a 90 day challenge and luckily someone told me about this group. so right up my ally. THANK YOU.